Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan

Chapter 257: Tamazuki is going to move

Chapter 257: Tamazuki is going to move


With the appearance of this Servant, Tamazuki didn't hesitate anymore since soon all the Servants were going to appear. While it was better to face taking down all the Servants as soon as possible, so he could get the grail, killing all of them instantly, he hesitated since he knew this world was protected by a will.

The will of the planet, Gaia.

The will of humankind, Alaya.

The two of them worked in tandem to protect the planet and humankind.

His previous experience against that being in the world of One Punch Man before greatly enhanced his "Blindspot Talent" to the point where his existence could be ignored and not noticed by that omnipotent being, but if he attacked all of those Servants in one go, he was afraid that whether Gaia and Alaya along with all the dangerous beings on this world group might up to attack him, especially when he was an alien. He was an existence that shouldn't exist in this world, so whether they were good, evil, or neutral, all of them wouldn't hesitate to take him down.

After all, wasn't it common sense for everyone to work together to take down a common enemy?

Even if he believed that he could defeat them, he was afraid that he might destroy this "very" planet and ruin everything, including his chance to get his hands on the things he sought in this world.

So his answer was obvious.

One by one.

He was going to solve each other one by one quietly, without letting them notice like a seasoned hunter waiting to take down his prey.

Then, he controlled a flying creature in the shape of a mosquito with a bulging lower body toward the port where all the Servants of this Holy Grail War gathered.


At that moment, Kirei was at the distant Fukuki church, and Kirei had told him, everyone he saw and heard Tohsaka Tokiomi through the jewel communicator beside him.

"This is bad."

From a distance from Tohsaka's residence, such an irate sentence was heard.

Although Kirei knew the spear couldn't see him, he furrowed his brows and nodded.

"Indeed it is."

Tokiomi and Kire did not disregard Rider's nonsense talk like the others did. The reason was that they both thought of one particular Heroic Spirit who would never ignore something like Rider's challenging words.


"Haha, hahahahaha..."

In the darkness, an old hatred burning in his one bloodshot eye, Matou Kariya let out a laugh escape.

Now was the time he had anxiously waited for. He had endured a year of living hell, looking forward to that instant.

Tohsaka Tokimi...

Husband of Aoi, Father of Sakura, yet the man who had trampled over the happiness of the mother and child.

The hated, cursed sword enemy who took everything Kariya wished for, who degraded it all.

Now, the old resentment is cleared away. This was the time to face that man, changing into a sword, the hatred boiling in his heart.

"Kill him..."

There was an unimaginable pleasure in filling his voice with hate. Now, Kariya understood the meaning of the saying, "Revenge is a dish best-served cold."

Tokiomi himself can wait. His Servant must first be demolished to make him lose the Holy Grail War. He was in maddening excitement just thinking of Tokiomi's face smeared in frustrating humiliation.

"Kill him, Berserker!! Pulverize that Archer!"


The light was still filtered out, and there already was no surprise left in the hearts of the spectators. It wasn't just a wild guess anymore that this was the fourth Servant who had made an appearance responding to Rider's provocation. The dreadful point was that the beginning of the hostilities was a gathering of four Servants already. Nobody could possibly conjecture what the turn of events would be.

"This guy is..."

The one standing calmly atop the street light was none other than the enigmatic Servant who had sent into oblivious with an overwhelming destructive power the Assassin who was invading the Tohsaka mansion the previous night.

It can't be Caster; it's an entire body covered in armor. If he had materialized in response to Rider's call, it meant he had the sense to recognize the provocation as such; thus, he couldn't be Berserker.

By elimination, the only Class was the last of the three Knight classes, Archer.

"I didn't expect there would be two fools in one night to have the insolence of calling themselves "kings" and ignoring me."

Archer's words sounded displeased, scorning at the three Servants with a glare. His arrogance and tone were comparable to Rider's haughtiness but differed from the very root. There was never cruelty and mercilessness in the voice and eyes of the King of the Conquerors.

"You are mistaken... I, Alexander, am the one who is well known throughout the world as the King of Conquerors."

"Fool. The only hero in Heaven and Earth who is a real king is me. The rest are a collection of mongrels."

Archer threw him aside with a declaration that was more than an insult. Of course, color was already drained from Saber's face, but the tolerant Rider drew an amazed sigh, ignoring it altogether.

"If you want to say that much, could you first announce yourself? If you are such a king, you couldn't be ashamed of your fame?"

In Rider's banter, Archer's crimson eyes grew even more proud of anger as he glared at the giant under him.

"Are you questioning me? A lowly mongrel questioning a king like me?"

Frankly speaking, Rider's point was reasonable, but apparently, Archer took it as an incorrigible disrespect from his point of view. This wasn't a matter of gaining interest from concealing one's true name but rather from personal irritability; the golden Heroic Spirit was emitting a very clear murderous intent.

"I grant you the honor of my presence, yet you can't recognize me; such ignorance isn't even worth living."

At Archer's conclusion, the space around him distorted in a haze; the next instant, the glow of beautiful blades started coming out of the empty space.


At that time, somewhere else, an unexpected torrent of Prana swept in a roar.

As everyone was watching, the flowing Prana gathered and solidified, materializing into the shadow of a robust man.

That shadow stood up near the four-lane road that had become the battlefield of Saber and Lancer, two blocks further toward the sea. Truly, it was a fantastic apparition that could be described as nothing other than a "shadow."

From the width of the tall's shoulders, this was the body of a man, completely covered in full armor without any opening. But it was different from the silver armor wrapping Saber or the luxurious golden one of Archer. This man's armor was black. Without a delicate ornament, with no polished luster. Like darkness, like hell, it was just bottomless black. The fact was also invisible, covered with a rustic helmet. In the depths of a thinly carved slit, there was the ghastly glow of a pair of eyes with a glare burning like a flame.

A Servant. It was plain. Yet just what Heroic Spirit was this sinister appearance?

This black knight definitely didn't have any of the "radiance" that bore the other Servants who were already there. Arturia, Diarmuid, and the King of the Conquerors Alexander, as well as the yet unannounced golden Archer, all have that "shine." This is an expression of pride in a Heroic Spirit. The honor of the legends everyone praises and longs for. This is an essential element of their "noble phantasm."

But the newly appeared black knight had none of it. You could say he was closer to an Assassin. The darkness around the black armor definitely held a "negative surge."

Thus, more than a Heroic Spirit, he might be labeled a vengeful spirit instead.

While others discussed the identity of this Servant, Archer's crimson eyes filled with absolute anger and murderous intent, he held on for a while, looking down at Berserker.

The disgusting stare of the black knight was turned only at him standing on top of the street pole; the golden Heroic Spirit could undoubtedly see that.

"You mad dog, do you expect pity from?"

The lowlife gaze was equally low and filthy. Being poured by this gaze was an intolerable disgrace for a nobleman. For Archer, who claimed the title of King even more than Rider, Berserseker's ill manners made him a complete criminal.

The treasure swords and spears all around changed direction. Their tip was now fully aimed at the new target: that is, Berserker.

"You shall at least entertain me when you scatter away, mongrel."




Everyone felt a warm liquid dripping into their faces.

While the Masters and some Servants didn't feel anything, Saber felt livid for some reason.

"Irisviel, don't get your body into this drizzle!"

"What? What do you mean?"

Irisviel was confused, and the rest was even more so.

Why did Saber become so angry at this drizzle for some reason?

Even Saber wasn't sure, but her intuition told her that this drizzle should be something that shouldn't touch her body.

However, Scheherazade, who was by Tamazuki's side, was speechless.

"Ma-Master... Th-That is..."

"My urine."


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