Terminally Ill Female Lead Of An Angst Novel Went Rampant After Her Awakening

Chapter 375 - 375: Creating a Sense of Existence

Chapter 375 - 375: Creating a Sense of Existence

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Shanchu happened to be taking the crew to the gym to pump iron on the day Yun Yi and Yun Wu came to visit her at work.

The entire gym was filled with Lin Shanchu’s crew from the actors to the staff.

Almost the entire gym was booked by them.

Yun Wu saw Lin Shanchu doing weighted squats at a glance.

Lin Shanchu had obviously been practicing for a long time. She looked a little weak and her waist was a little wobbly.

Seeing this, Yun Wu walked up and held her waist to lend her some strength.

Lin Shanchu looked up and called out in surprise, “Yun Wu?” “Is this the last set?” Yun Wu asked her, “How many more?” “Five more.” Lin Shanchu nodded.

Yun Wu assisted her in the remaining few weighted squats.

Yun Yi stood quietly at the side as the crew greeted him.

After chatting for a while, the crew looked at Lin Shanchu and said emotionally, “Sister Lin is an overachiever. She comes to the gym whenever she has time. I didn’t want to come at first, but since everyone is here, I followed them…

There was a hint of complaint in his tone.

Yun Yi said casually, “I heard from Xunzhou that Shanshan was in poor health previously, so she probably wanted to work out and improve her stamina.”

The man nodded. “I see.”

The man chatted with Yun Yi for a while before continuing to work out.

Seeing that Lin Shanchu was almost done with her five squats, Yun Yi suddenly remembered something and sent a photo to Huo Xunzhou.

Yun Yi: [I heard that Shanshan would come to the gym to pump iron whenever she’s free at the film set. Her muscle lines are almost visible. After another few months of training, it should hurt badly when she hits people, right? [photo]]

Huo Xunzhou replied instantly: [Shanshan is very gentle.]

Yun Yi: [How long has it been since you last contacted her?]

Huo Xunzhou:

Seeing that Huo Xunzhou had nothing to say, Yun Yi triumphantly exited WeChat and pressed the lock screen button.

On the other side, Lin Shanchu had already finished her training. Yun Wu walked over to help Lin Shanchu relax her muscles.

Yun Wu was a professional dancer and excelled at massage.

As she slowly massaged upward along the base of Lin Shanchu’s calf. Lin Shanchu, who was lying on the cushion, gasped in pain.

“Yun Wu, am I not your beloved sister? Why are you massaging me so hard?”

“Relax a little more thoroughly. Only then will you be able to relieve the soreness in your muscles tomorrow.”

Yun Wu was unequivocal when it came to serious matters and did not show any mercy because of Lin Shanchu’s words. He Xiang was taking pictures crazily at the side.

‘LinYun’ ship was the best!

At night, Lin Shanchu ate three bowls of rice.

Her appetite shocked Yun Wu.

She had not seen Lin Shanchu for a month or two, but she already had such a big appetite?

He Xiang explained, “Sister Lin consumes a lot of energy every day.”

The energy consumption was great, so she had to eat more.

Yun Wu nodded understandingly.

After dinner, Lin Shanchu accompanied Yun Wu out for a stroll.

There was not much to shop in Film City and the things for sale were mediocre, but still Lin Shanchu bought a lot of gadgets for Yun Wu.

After returning to the hotel, Lin Shanchu went to take a shower while Yun Wu was lying on the sofa and playing on her phone.

She sent Huo Xunzhou WeChat messages to report Lin Shanchu’s condition.

Yun Wu: [Third Brother, Shanshan is in a good condition now. She feels much better. She can even do a few sets of weighted squats.] Yun Wu: [Oh right, she ate three bowls of rice tonight.]

Yun Wu: [She doesn’t seem to miss you at all.]

After a while, Huo Xunzhou replied to her messages.

Huo Xunzhou: [Just send the last message next time. Don’t beat around the bush.]

Yun Wu, whose intentions had been seen through, panicked for a second before calming down.

Anyway, while the cat’s away the mice would play. Huo Xunzhou could not deal with her now.

Yun Wu: [Okay.]

Huo Xunzhou ignored Yun Wu.

After a short while, Lin Shanchu’s phone rang.

Lin Shanchu happened to walk out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

Lin Shanchu’s phone was placed on the table. Yun Wu leaned over to take a look, but then she immediately shrank away and said vigilantly to Lin Shanchu, “It’s a call from Third Brother!”

Judging from Yun Wu’s expression, Lin Shanchu could tell at a glance that she must have provoked Huo Xunzhou again.

Yun Wu was clearly afraid of Huo Xunzhou, yet she still wanted to provoke him.

This was probably what people meant by being a playful noob.

Lin Shanchu held the phone in front of her and answered the call right before it automatically hung up.

When Yun Wu saw that Lin Shanchu had picked up the call, she quickly ran into the bathroom with a guilty conscience.


There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone before a familiar voice sounded.

“Did Big Brother and Yun Wu come to visit you at work today?”

“Yeah, Big Brother left after dinner. Yun Wu’s going to stay here for two days.”

“I’ll rush back to attend your wrap party.”


Lin Shanchu yawned sleepily. Huo Xunzhou heard it. “Rest early.”

“Alright, I’ll hang up then.”

Huo Xunzhou was a little upset.

Just as Yun Wu said, she did not miss him at all.

Fortunately, he had thought of this in advance and had people send jewelry to ner every aay so tnat ne could create a sense or existence wnen ne was not DY her side.

Huo Xunzhou sighed silently. “Good night.”

“Good night.” Lin Shanchu hung up the phone after saying that.

In the following days, Lin Shanchu still received jewelry from Huo Xunzhou’s men every day.

It was the same courier every time.

Not to mention Lin Shanchu, even the courier felt numb from delivering the parcels. Every time he came to deliver a parcel, he wondered if this was what a rich person looked like.

Lin Shanchu made space in the hotel room to store the parcels.

While helping her organize the parcels, He Xiang exclaimed, “Sister Lin,

Teacher Huo is too generous.”

Lin Shanchu said calmly, “He bought them with a loan.”

He Xiang was speechless.

In tha case, Mr. Huo was the first person to pursue his girlfriend until he went bankrupt?

Four months passed in the blink of an eye.

Many of the supporting roles in the production team had finished filming. Lin Shanchu only had three scenes left, and the wrap party would be held right after the filming.

The last scene could only be filmed on rainy days. It was an important scene and artificial rain would affect the effect.

Therefore, the production team decided to wait for the rain.

The weather forecast was inaccurate. It was not until the morning of the fourth day that Lin Shanchu woke up and opened the window to see the gloomy sky.

Everyone in the crew was overjoyed.

[It’s going to rain!]

[It feels like it’s going to be heavy rain!] [Hurry up and get up! It’s time to start work!]

Lin Shanchu sent a message: [I’m coming.]

Everyone was excited.

Everyone brought their breakfast to the filming location. As soon as it rained, they would start filming.

This rain fell at the right time. It only started to rain after everyone had breakfast.

This rain scene was about the collapse of the protagonist’s faith.

When the director shouted “cut”, Lin Shanchu sat on the ground motionless.

He Xiang ran over with an umbrella and a towel.

The drama was filmed from early autumn to late winter. He Xiang was worried that Lin Shanchu would catch a cold as she was soaked to the bone out in the cold rain.

“Sister Lin, get up quickly. We have to hurry back and take a shower..”

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