Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Arya Adrian.

For about two years now, the princess of the Kingdom of Tahalin has been having nightmares and moaning in pain.

The backs of fathers and mothers bleeding to death every day. And when the knights come to mind, no matter how strong we try to be, we are weak.

Neither did she.

Even more so for Arya, who is two years younger than Kushan.

I was young, and my heart was weak.

This is why it was the first target of Kramer.

Kramsar said.

-Kushan Adrian, it was your brother’s incompetence that caused the death of the King and Queen. Your brother’s incompetence is to blame. Do not cover your eyes.

-Do you still believe in him? He must be nothing but a coward and a weakling, afraid to even ascend the throne. Why don’t you just give up now?

-Letting go makes everything easier…….

-Wait, wait, wait. Think back to your happy childhood. The days when the good king and queen hugged you…….

At first, I didn’t believe him.

He couldn’t quite explain it, but he was filled with a lowly desire.

That’s why Arya kept him away.

But her brother, Kushan Adrian, sadly trusted him, so Arya had no choice but to stay close to him and listen to his stories.

And so, from some point in time.

Gradually, she began to believe that Kramsar was telling the truth.

My brother’s incompetence. It is what has ravaged the country, and led him to believe that Tahalin is only held together by Kramsar.

Gradually, she grew distant from her brother.

Little by little, I was being brainwashed by him, and then Kramsar spoke out of nowhere.

Think back to a happy childhood. My brain instinctively signaled me to reject it, but the offer was too sweet.

The dreams of her parents, who were not yet dead, and the people who used to think she was beautiful, soothed her fragile heart.

And just like that, Arya Adrian became a puppet.

You have no choice but to do what Kramsar says, when he says it.

It was then that she realized.

That both she and her brother had been played by a fallen man, a supposed court wizard. That he would never give them their kingdom back.

Already brainwashed, she was trapped in a mental fence.

No matter how hard she screamed, her words would not escape her, and she would only continue to move as Kramsar instructed.

‘I wonder if that’s it…….’

It was time for her mind, her weak mind, to slowly take over her body.

“Arya Adrian. Are you there?”

Suddenly, I heard a clear, bass voice.

She couldn’t see straight, but it was the first time in years that a question had been addressed directly to her.

[Who, who, who, can you get me out of here, please… please!]

Arya cried out in frustration.

If I lose his voice, I don’t think I’ll ever get it back. I don’t think I’ll ever get my self back.

However, thankfully, the man’s voice remained calm.

“I’ll do that if you want. I say that because that’s what I was thinking anyway, of course.”

The voice said it as if it were a given.

It was then.

“My strength is starting to come back a little bit… What the hell is going on……?

She still had no idea what was going on outside.

But one thing was certain.

A voice from outside his own weakness, telling him that it would save him, that it would get him out of this place.

* * *

Leaving Arya in Liese’s care, I returned to the court with Elena and Christopher. The temperature had dropped noticeably. The desert air had become stifling.

I took a calming breath and looked around.

‘It’s still a while before I can fully break the spell. I’ve tried, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

Do it.

In other words, despite his confidence in breaking the curse, there was a reason he went to see Liese, the desert elf.

That’s because it’s hard to do it all on your own.

It takes a long time to break this curse, even when a group of distinguished professors get together and put their heads together.

However, elves have this instinctive process ingrained in them from an early age.

I have the talent [Mana Sensitive Genius], which is quite useful, but it also has its own racial limitations. I wanted her to join me, as a group of Zagoro would allow us to lift the curse more quickly.

Additionally, the resistance she leads.

I needed a reason to contact them somehow, as I needed to borrow their power as well, and I thought it was just in time.

“Why don’t you join us for dinner?”

I was politely greeted in the lobby of the palace by an old man.

I know the identity of the old man. Kramsar.

Scum of the earth, devil’s follower, here in Tahalin.

I made a sickening sneer.

“What are you?”

“I am a lowly wizard of the court. I have been instructed by Kushan Adrian to escort you to your seat, and I hope you don’t mind me asking where the two ladies who accompanied you went?”

“There was an inn I could use, so I rented it. It is there. I’m hungry, then, so let’s go. I’ll lead the way.”

I said, playing the douchebag, annoyed.

Our next stop was the dining room of the Tahalin Royal Palace.

To be honest, it wasn’t all that different from the luncheons I’d enjoyed. It was small, even compared to the Reinhafers.

However, there were quite a few ingredients that were rarely seen.

‘Most of them are rejuvenating, and in the meantime… [Silver Scorpion’s Tail]. That’s a given.

I laughed inwardly, trying not to show it.

Their intentions were too clear.

‘Poisoning. That doesn’t work for me.’

Smiling, I began to eat in earnest.

I also made sure to chat with Christopher and my units as much as possible.

“Anyway, parrots are the best creatures. It’s so shocking to see them repeating my words…! I’d love to have one if I ever get the chance.”

Zitri is telling a story about a parrot.

For some reason, I really liked them. I thought about taking one home with me.

She’s been through a lot, too.

“There were quite a few usable herbs, some of which only grow in the desert, and there were quite a few tastings available, so it was quite fun to watch.”

Mei seems to like it, too.

Even Rona, who was the only one who didn’t speak, had something to say.

“Master, how are you feeling?”

“Of course.”

I replied nonchalantly, shoving food into my mouth.

You’ve been worrying about me a lot lately, and it’s been a little painful. Rona is best when she is Rona.

In many ways, I feel more uncomfortable now than I did when I wasn’t listening.


Just then, Christopher put down his utensils and broke the silence.

“Thank you for the offer of 300 soldiers’ rations, may it bring honor to the kingdom of Tahalin. In that spirit, I would like to recount the first time I received rations from you…….”

Two-faced talker.

As he began to talk, I listened with one ear and began to spill the words. What I hear is sound, and I spill it…….

The process was repeated.

However, there was one thing I never forgot to do.

That is, being wary of the old man sitting next to Kushan.

Why not…….

The day was coming when I would have to take his head off.

“Not bad.”

I emptied my plate of [Silver Screen Scorpion’s Tail] and said meaningfully.

Prince Kushan’s face was dark, and Kramsar asked with a wicked smile.

“Here’s another plate, a special treat I only serve to my honored guests. I hope you enjoy it.”

* * *

Similarly, a dark night has fallen, and it’s pouring.

The mansion on House Reinhafer is inexplicably silent.

The clatter of rain against the window echoes down the empty hallway.

Noise that could be considered jarring.

But no one cares.

The only thing that broke the silence was a knock at the door.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


“Yes. My lord. I’ve come to see you about one thing.”

“Come in.”

The heavy conversation of two middle-aged men echoes inside the Reinhafer.

There was not the slightest tremor in Theo’s already awe-inspiring voice. No matter what the report, he would not be swayed.

Rodwell, however, was different; he had a certain urgency about him.

“I’m sorry, but it doesn’t look good.”

“What’s going on?”

“The Kingdom of Tahalin… It is said that the Knights of the Black Sword, whom you have set aside, have begun to make their move. It also seems that you were already aware that they were accompanying him, but you did not give them any instructions…….”

“I see.”

Dare I say it, Theo’s face crumples a bit.

There’s no emotion in his voice, but it’s something he can’t help but think about.

Knights of the Black Sword.

Isn’t that what the Knights order are, a group of only the best of the best?

Uniting for Patriarch, living for Patriarch.

Like shadows, those who serve them are the Knights of the Black Sword. But have they been forced into action?

This was not good news to say the least.

“The youngest might be in danger.”

Rodwell asked, as if reading my mind.

“It looks like Young Master Nox is in danger. Shall we call for reinforcements?”

“Permission granted.”

Theo was quick to answer.

Rodwell was a little surprised by his response.

‘Lord Theo, you are not the kind of lord who commands troops by emotion.’

Even if you’re a child, if you haven’t proven your worth, you’re out.

Because he was Theo, he didn’t expect him to make an immediate decision on Nox’s job, so Rodwell internally considered alternatives.

‘If you hadn’t given me permission, I would have tried to move the Black Sword Knights first, even if it meant being scolded a bit…….’

He didn’t have to.

Theo is already starting to worry about the safety of his youngest son, Nox.

The reason for this was immediately evident in the conversation that followed.


“Yes. My Lord.”

“Tell everybody, if Nox doesn’t make it back to House Reinhafer.”

The throne of Lord Patriarch, where Theo was sitting, shook violently once, cracking slightly.

Even though the chair was made of one of the strongest materials available, it could not withstand his strength.

Theo said, showing a rare expression.

“Wipe the Kingdom of Tahalin off the map. …Mobilize supplies and prepare for all-out war if necessary.”

Rodwell felt goosebumps break out all over his body at Patriarch’s instructions.

Theo, who is even more of a patriarch, values Nox even more highly, and there’s evidence that he’s right.

‘We have to bring Young Master Nox back alive somehow.’

Late at night.

About a fifth of the Blackblade Knights stationed at House Reinhafer have begun to move in secret.

The reason is Nox.

This was because of his youngest son, who was called Unparalleled.

* * *

A fog-like darkness that descends with a thick blanket of silence.

It’s a tranquil silence in Nox von Reinhafer’s room.

Kushan Adrian.

I clutch the sword I inherited from my father, the Sun King, in my hand and inch forward.

‘Yeah, stab him with this and it’s all over. I can get revenge on him… on Theo. It’s for the best.’

In the midst of the thoughts that fill my head, I begin to move slightly. Then I hear his regular breathing as he sleeps on the bed.

I gasp even more.

I know.

That the current Nox von Reinhafer is immovable.

You probably don’t know it, but you’re wandering around in a paralyzing poison.

This was done by Cramer himself.

The chances of survival would be extremely slim.

One kill and it’s all over. There’s never been a better time to dispose of the family scum that killed your only family member.

When the wind blows through an open window and rattles the curtains dizzily.

I climbed grimly onto the bed.

Then, hold the dagger in reverse.

Kukri that specializes in stabbing.

Moonlight streams in, revealing the off-white face of Nox von Reinhafer.

Bleached gray hair. It’s not like you’ve been switched with someone else.

When I’d finished my checks, I took a deep breath and drew my sword.

And then.

“Blame your father.”

Chanting quietly, he plunged the dagger he held in both hands into his heart.


It didn’t feel like a sword digging into flesh and stabbing.

As I open your tightly closed eyes. A question arises.


It was that moment.

My pupils narrow, and goosebumps creep up my spine with panic.

What the hell is this? What’s going on…….

“What are you doing?”


His heart sinks, and he sees a man in Kushan’s eyes.

Body parts, to be precise.

‘It’s an eye.’


Lavender-colored eyes.

The one who slashed himself in the face because he was wrong, the one who left a deep wound in his stomach.

A pair of eyes that remind me of Theo’s, with their smug, [loser’s intimidation], turn to me.

He held my dagger lightly in his hand.

Without spilling a drop of blood.

The question came later.


“How can you…….”

“How can you eat poison and still move?”

My hands are shaking. Your eyes are bloodshot.

Nox von Reinhafer slowly begins to rise to his feet.

My body is slowly pushed backward.

Strength that defies belief at fifteen.

But it was happening, and I couldn’t handle it.

By the time I realized it, it was too late.

Nox in an incomprehensible situation.

The voice of the youngest son of the Reinhafer family rings out clearly, almost demonic.

“There’s no reason to tell the guy who tried to kill me, is there?”

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