Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Dawn was breaking.

By the time the Black Sword Knights, led by Rodwell de Ernarok, arrived in the Kingdom of Tahalin, the scene had already been cleaned up.

Blood stained the streets and the ground. And the sight of the new king, Kushan Adrian.

They were dismayed.

Rodwell thought to himself.

‘Kushan Adrian is alive. That means… No way, Young Master Nox!’

His eyes narrowed, and his facial muscles crinkled uncontrollably.

It was a natural reaction.

For as much as the Kingdom of Tahalin despises Reinhafer, the House of Reinhafer does not like the Kingdom of Tahalin.

It’s not hard to see why.

The war between them two years ago. That is the cause.

It is not easy to be intimate with one another when the wounds are still healing.

Rodwell turns to Kushan, a fierce look on his face as he steps closer to his master.

He draws his sword and speaks.

“Prince Kushan Adrian.”

“Rodwell… de Ernarok.”

“Where is Young Master Knox, if… if you have harmed him.”



At the sound of Rodwell’s voice, the swords of the Knights of the Black Sword in unison swung forward, pointing at Kushan and the others.

“You will never survive our Black Sword Knights.”

“Rodwell, withdraw your sword.”

It was then.

Familiar, cold. But more than ever, Rodwell recognized the voice.

His master, of course, was Nox von Reinhafer.

The youngest, the so-called disgrace of the family.

“……Young Master Nox. The family has been worried about you.”

“Yes. I can see that, seeing as how you’ve brought such a large number of Black Sword Knights, and they’re all elite level.”

“It would be strange if they didn’t bring such a large force to defend the bloodline of House Reinhafer.”

“The Lord is a cold man. This action must be your own. go back and tell the family head that I called you and that you had no choice but to come here.”

Nox von Reinhafer.

He said that he would take responsibility for what had happened, as if it were a given that he would be Theo’s chosen vessel.

In that moment, Rodwell felt all the layers of prejudice against Nox von Reinhafer that had shrouded him slip away.


It wasn’t much of a change at all.

A monarch is a monarch because he is responsible for those beneath him. The Nox before him, he thought, was finally beginning to show signs of being a true monarch.

As a loyalist of Reinhafer, this was something he could not help but be impressed by.

Rodwell immediately bowed his head and spoke.

“This is something that the Patriarch has allowed me to do.”

“The Lord…?”

Nox’s voice sounded slightly panicked. As the scion of the family, he felt that this treatment was undeserved.

The Blackblade Knights were the elite knights of Reinhafer, and it was not often in their history that they were honored.

Rodwell continued calmly.

“One thing, Young Master. May I ask you one question?”


“Why is it that Kushan Adrian and you are together?”

There was no doubt in his question.

Just a deep question.

He was simply asking why he and the Master were together.

As Nox pondered for a moment, Kushan Adrian approached and bowed to Rodwell.

“Lord Nox, you have saved our kingdom of Tahalin, and protected it from evil. I have chosen to pledge my allegiance to Nox von Reinhafer, and if there has been any misunderstanding, I implore you to accept my apology and let go of your anger.”


For the first time in the years since Rodwell had served as the family’s butler, he looked puzzled.

Reinhafer and the Kingdom of Tahalin were enemies.

And Young Master Knox had saved them?

And that serious expression on Kushan’s face?

When Rodwell forgot his manners and looked at Nox, he merely shook his head mildly in annoyance.

“……Something like that.”

* * *

A few days later again.

Having just managed to get Rodwell and a large group of Black Sword Knights sent back, I’m walking through the desert, lost in thought.

‘I can finally see the end of my days in the hot, hot, hot desert…….’

[The player’s remaining life is 9 days].

I sigh a little as I check my remaining lifespan.

This is… well, as much as I’ve slaughtered Rebels, it’s still nothing.

Even with the Negative trait still attached to my body.

I sighed and continued to read the message.

[Short-term negative trait in effect].

[Talent ‘Dead Count’ is in effect].{1}

[Player’s physical abilities will be further reduced by 5%].

[When your health is restored to 30 days or more, the trait will be removed].

[Dead Count].

In many ways, this talent was meant to constrain the player’s behavior.

It reduces stats by a percentage, adds penalties, etc.

On top of that, you need to have at least 30 days of life to remove the talent…….

In many ways, it’s a mess.

‘No, the negative trait exploded when it was less than 10 days left, so why does it only heal when it’s 30 days old or more? If they’re going to do it, they should just do one.’

I was frustrated, but I had nowhere to point, so I just kept my mouth shut.

Yeah, this is all my fault.

Out of all the many Inner Lunatic traits, I chose [Time Limit]… …….

It’s a self-inflicted disaster.


“Hmph? Master, are you uncomfortable somewhere, and if so, I, Christopher, will pitch a tent and keep watch over you for your safety…….”

“No, nope. Please, be quiet.”

I managed to get the word please out.

Ha… What a bunch of crazy units.


Every single one of them, young and old, has no flavor.

I’d rather have the Leon guy, even if he’s oblivious.

Now that I think about it, I’m pissed again.

Damn it.


“Seobang-nim, are you sick…?”

I shake my head at Elena’s question.

I’m not the kind of person who can easily say I’m sick anyway.

I’m supposed to be an asshole, a cold person in front of others. I can see why it’s harder to play a bad guy than a good guy… I can see why actors who specialize in villainy are highly valued in real life.

‘Phew. Let’s put these thoughts aside and think ahead.’


It’s true that there are a lot of annoyances, but it’s not necessarily a negative situation.

I’m not going to die right away, and the negative traits will be unlocked if I hang in there.

Why? It was simple.

‘Because I’m about to get a bunch of lifespan.’

Of course, there’s a reason for my confidence.

Our current destination is one of the 72 demons, the Demon of Honesty and Heartbreak. The place where [Gremory] was sealed.

It’s one of the “ancient ruins” in the game.

Also, I will reap many benefits from subduing Gremory there.

Life is only one of the rewards I will receive. It’s not just longevity I want, it’s the power I can use when I need it.

‘Of course, many gamers probably didn’t even know that a demon called [Gremory] existed in Inner Lunatic. She likes to stay in the corner, and it’s damn hard to find her in the first place, especially with all the crystals and stuff in the desert.’

Gremory is the only one of the 72 demons who doesn’t intervene in the main story.

She also had the potential to do me a lot of good.

Having a unit that doesn’t affect the flow of events would mean the difference between being able to utilize it properly or not.

“Wow…… it’s finally here, I had no idea there were ruins like this in the northern part of Tahalin, even I, Christopher, had no idea…! You are indeed a learned man, and you are indeed a descendant of the Reinhafer family. I am truly impressed, I Christopher…!”

“I’ll say again, please be quiet. Christopher.”

This time I left out the “because it’s hot” part.

Only after a grunt did Christopher shut up.

Finally, he sighed and stretched his stiff body.



Suddenly, the wind whirled and came to a stop.

There was nothing but a harsh desert with a relentless sandy wind. At the end of it, however, he could see an unfamiliar blur.

I was sure of it.

If memory serves me correctly, this is where the ancient ruins are hidden.

I stifled my excitement and called the group to attention.

“Kushan, Elena, Christopher. From here on out, do exactly as I say. I will not forgive you if you go forward unnecessarily.”


“Yes, sir, my loyal body. I will do as you say.”

“If that’s what you say… I’ll do it… ……!”

After hearing the different answers.

The four of us cautiously made our way to the area where the haze had risen.

I released my magic power and dangled it lightly over my fingertips. As I gingerly touched it, I felt the space distort.

As if to hide something.

“[Higher Realm]… As expected, this is where that filthy demon is hiding. Elena, can you use it?”

“Mu, of course!”

Elena said, and cautiously reached out into the thin air.

Soon she begins to chant in a small voice.

“An earth spirit, a fairy… a gnome. Answer your master’s call here…….”

With a full-blown incantation. A mysterious pure white glow began to emanate from her fingertips. My eyes, no, my insight, were not wrong.

I watch her actions, feeling a strange sense of satisfaction rise in me.

One might ask.

What is it she’s doing now?

‘Borrowing the power of a Higher Elemental to break this Higher Barrier.’

I open Elena’s newly updated status window with glee.


[Basic Info]

Name: Elena

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Race: Half-Elf

Primary Element: Wood

Achievements: -.


Positives: [Cheerful] / [Potion-making genius] / [Dexterous] / [Open-minded] / [Master of Elementalism – Blooming (NEW)]

Neutral: [Natural] / [Ditsy] / [Gold Digger]

Negative: [Ignorant] / [Drunkard]


Physique: 6

MP: 4

Luck: 5

Willpower: 8

Charm: 22


Passive Skills: [Crafting Blessing].

Active Skills: -.

*This unit receives an additional modifier when contracting with a Wood Elemental.

*Pact Elemental: Gnome


From the start, Elina’s [Mastery of Elementalism] trait made her a unit that would be useful in this regard later on.

I didn’t bring her in just to make potions.

‘However, her talent for Elementalism had not yet blossomed, and needed to be nurtured.’

It’s similar to how Kushan’s trait of loyalty has allowed him to rely on me to fully utilize his abilities.

Also, Elena’s condition for opening up to Elementalism is….

was to be taught by someone with greater elemental talent than herself. Liese fit the bill.

As I watched Elena release the barrier, I recalled a conversation I’d had with Liese not too long ago.

{1} : [dead count] ([데드 카운트]/[dedeu kaunteu]) additional debuff when [time limit] is too low, might’ve messed that up earlier.

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