Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

“Taking measurements for tailoring is a serious affair!”

The voice trills with an unexpectedly high pitch.

A faint blow to Shutzen’s pride.

But Zitri stands firm, unyielding.

“I’m a quick study, no worries.”

‘…What’s the fuss about?’

Zitri’s sudden obstinacy is puzzling.

Nonetheless, I decided to observe the situation, when suddenly Puller intervened.

“The…maid? This profession can be challenging. I mean no harm. If you could spare a moment, Young Master, please follow me.”

He implies that he wants my intervention, so I give a resigned nod. I don’t want to exacerbate the tension.

“Relax, Zitri. I’ll be right back. There’s no one in this academy who’d harm me. After all, it’s Noah von Trinity’s academy, and I’m part of the Reinhafer Family.”


Zitri remains silent, but her disapproval is evident on her face.

The change is negligible to an outsider, but I’ve been around her long enough to recognize her pouting.

A touch more indifference would be preferable.

‘I’m overly observant, not a typical gamer trait.’


I follow Shutzen into the dressing room, specially arranged for fittings.

Removing my shirt, I observe with mild amusement as he meticulously measures my chest, shoulders, and waist.

While brief, it’s irksome.

Necessary, though, as the precision of measurements affects the synergy between the magical material and my physique.

This is a setting mirrored from the game.

Artifact crafting is yet to gain mass adoption.

Until then, I need to optimize the resources at hand.

‘Connection is key. These uniforms are almost akin to magical armor, enveloped in special fabrics. Woven from thread, yet still capable of harboring various spells.’

It’s a well-known fact that Eldain’s uniforms usually possess instant return spells.

Even though it still depletes the user’s magic, the ability to cast spells without prior action is a powerful asset.

Having preloaded formulas is a massive bonus.

And just like that, I’m reviewing the settings. Time flies.

I glance at Schutzen and inquire.

“Finished yet?”

“…Oh, indeed!”

Schutzen’s head pops up in surprise at my query.

Her face displays evident anxiety.

Oddly enough, her cheeks are also slightly flushed… Disregarding that, I dress and return outside to meet Zitri.

“…So, how did it go? Was the tailor competent?”

“I’m unsure.”

I confess candidly.

Despite diligent note-taking, I can only hope she did a good job.

I already have my plate full and am not keen on adding to it.

“So, how about you, Zitri? Have all your measurements been taken?”

“Yes, another staff member did it earlier.”

“I see.”

Zitri will be sporting a red tie, but the uniform design remains essentially unchanged.

There shouldn’t be much cause for concern, given the minimal difference.

“Give me a moment, and I’ll have your shirts and other materials prepared,”

Mr. Puller, the proprietor, and tailor of the establishment, announced.

I responded with a rigid nod, to which he added with an ostentatious flourish,

“Ah…! Young Master Knox, you’re as handsome as the rumors suggest. The same goes for Miss Maid. I’m almost tempted to propose you both as our uniform models. I assume you’d decline, but….”

“I see.”

Since assuming Nox’s form, flattery of my appearance has been commonplace.

It’s not entirely unexpected, considering no one else rivals Nox’s level of charm.

In the original game, boosting one’s attractiveness required significant effort, and oddly enough, increasing combat-related stats did not proportionately raise attractiveness beyond a certain threshold.

Consequently, I found playing the game with a less attractive (low-charm) character more efficient.

Throughout my 27 game completions, I never designed an attractive character. In various online communities, I was virtually a running joke.

Regardless of the customization, they always ended up looking attractive. The surrounding units, however, responded with indifference.

A wave of melancholy washed over me.

I thought, ‘Once again, I confront the harsh realities of appearance-based judgments.’

But now, I was reaping the benefits.

Thus, there was no cause for distress.

“Ah, there’s Schutzen,” I announced, “let’s proceed with the fitting.”

Before I realized it, they had adjusted the garment to my size, and Schutzen had returned with the clothes.

I received the outfit with a hint of exhilaration.

Given its medieval style and layers, it’s going to be a hassle…

After all, it’s clothing from a game I’ve only ever viewed on screen. It felt akin to cosplay, which was quite enjoyable.

“Do you need assistance with putting on your uniform?”

“Uh, no. That’s my responsibility.”

Zitri swiftly declined Schutzen’s offer.

Her refusal was expected. After all, it’s part of her job.


-I can’t believe he’s got a maid tagging along.

-He’s probably going to take her to his study. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing to be seen like that…

-I’d definitely feel awkward in his shoes.

– Hahaha, indeed.

-So, the rumors about him being fond of maids are true!

Everyone, from the seniors getting their uniforms altered to some students I’ve had the displeasure of crossing paths with, started whispering about Zitri and me. They kept their voices low.

Yet, I could hear them all.


Who designed this system?

Why are only my curses audible so distinctly?

A sigh slips out involuntarily as I glance back at Zitri.

“I have sufficient attire. …As for their comments, don’t bother trying to comprehend the mindset of the petty….”

“No, I won’t. That’s fine, Young Master. Truly.”

Zitri’s words sounded genuinely earnest.

This girl…

An air of tension lingers.

I feel a pang of guilt but keep it hidden.

I am choosing to go to the dressing room and change alone.

“Eeeeet! Wow! What’s going on…? Nox.”

Unexpectedly, the Grim Reaper appears—a palpable surprise.

I strive to maintain optimism, thinking, “At least it’s Talia. If it were Eleanor…

“What? You have a full view from here?”

I abandon my presumptions and positive thinking.

Another voice. Two more reapers.

Eleanor and Talia are not the only ones that have arrived.

Behind them, Paracelsus and Leon are awaiting their turn.


This is becoming troublesome again.

* * *

Approximately ten minutes ago, Talia and Emma had visited Tailor Puller’s shop for their school uniform fittings.

The shop’s unfortunate popularity stems from its renowned reputation and Eleanor’s endorsement.

On a related note, the quality of Inner Lunatic’s uniforms fluctuates from one tailor to another, as do the options attached to them.

For instance, this particular shop provides options like emergency teleportation, making it the preferred choice for students.

Nothing takes precedence over one’s life.

Therefore, most students gravitate towards this shop, leading to their paths frequently intersecting.

That’s why Eleanor, Paracelsus, and Leon are present together.


“…Huh? Nox, did you mutter something?”


I dismiss it nonchalantly, and face Talia’s puzzled expression.

After all, Inner Lunatic follows a storyline where student life, battles, and romance are paramount. Everyday feels like a dramatic event scene.

It’s surprising how time and place coincide perfectly for a single attire fitting. Such a small world indeed.

“Hello! I realize I didn’t introduce myself earlier. I’m Zitri, Young Master Nox’s personal maid!”

To top it off, even Zitri dons a facade, masking her true feelings with an ebullient smile. It’s convincing enough to deceive most.

…except for Eleanor, possessing the [Acting Genius] trait.

“Oh, I’m Talia….”

Talia gazes at Zitri for a prolonged moment, her expression perplexed, then her brows furrow slightly. It seems she’s still acclimating to social interactions.

Higiya, usually known for her usual enigmatic demeanor, Zitri’s new radiant appearance might just be a hurdle for her now.

However, Eleanor extends a hand nonchalantly and speaks.

“Eleanor de Rivalin.”

“I’ve heard a lot about both of you. My master is very grateful to you…!”

“I would expect so.”

Paracelsus interjects from the back.


Zitri offers a timid laugh, slightly on guard.

Her experience with District 4. The incidents in the commercial district had left her with a less-than-favorable view of Paracelsus.

On the flip side, Leon presents a different persona.

“Let’s maintain a friendly atmosphere, everyone.”

Leon greets and introduces himself with an undeniable air of chivalry.

Quite unlike the antagonistic Paracelsus.

“If you’re here for uniform fittings, I’ll step aside. I should be on my way.”

“You should first try it on. Ensuring the uniform fits perfectly is the final and most vital step!”


“Young Master, many eyes are upon you.”

At Tailor Puller’s words, I let out a sigh, and Zitri immediately sharpens her focus. But I dismiss it, given my current state under the Rascal buff.

I don’t need this hassle.

“Um, so you’re Zitri…? Can I stay here while you try on your uniforms? I’m still in the process of adjusting them, so that it might take a while…….”

“Oh, ……, sure.”

As I retreated to change, their conversation echoed in my ears. I didn’t bother contemplating the reasons behind their exchange.

To be honest, a certain excitement is brewing in me right now.

I had only seen Eldain’s uniform in the game… and now I was about to don it! As a gamer, I couldn’t help but feel thrilled.

First, I completed undressing and slipped on a light t-shirt.


[You have equipped an equipment item].

[The always-applied magic ‘Basic Defense Correction’ is calibrating you].

[Your body’s strength will increase slightly].

The moment I put on the form-fitting shirt, the magic activated.

While it was nothing more than basic defense magic, it still was better than nothing.

This must be a renowned academy, after all?

Next, I put on my pants and tried to fasten them lightly.

I attempted to fasten them, but there was one issue.

“I don’t know how to tie a tie…?

Moreover, this is a medieval string tie, and there’s no way I’d know how to do it.

I can’t even summon someone in this dressing room.

I typically have Zitri handle it for me…….

A barrage of ideas raced through my mind.

I was stuck.

‘But if I call out to Zitri outside, they’ll undoubtedly grow suspicious.’

Frankly, this was an unexpected predicament. Appearing in just my shirt wouldn’t align with the proud and sophisticated image of Nox.

My performance would collapse…!

Then, a saving voice reached me.

“Hey… Nox? You’ve been in there for quite a while. I was wondering if something was amiss…….”

It was Talia.

Her voice tinged with subtle concern.

She was my only hope now.

I gathered my composure and spoke as casually as I could.

This opportunity must not slip through my fingers.

“Oh, it’s nothing major. Just…….”

Pulling back the dressing room curtain, I glanced her way, my left hand slightly trembling. My right hand gripped my untied tie tightly.

[Talent ‘Master of Acting’ is activating].

I told a white lie, leveraging my trait.

“Seems like I’m a bit injured from the last battle, making it difficult to tie a tie with my wounds.

“Hmph…! That’s a considerable concern…!”


Remembering to mix sighs with my cold sweat, I heard a sympathetic voice from the front, unmistakably Talia’s.

“Uh… would you like some help with that?”

“Do you know how to tie a tie?”

“Oh, I’ve tied my father’s tie a few times, so I do!”

“Then could I possibly ask for your assistance?”

“…Uh, sure?”

I can’t believe how easily she agreed to lend a hand…!

She was too kind for a reaper.

To the extent that I felt a tinge of guilt for exploiting her.

Forgive me, Haha.

I’m in a rush, and this isn’t the time to be considerate.

I apologize, but I cannot afford to hesitate now.

An aristocrat of my standing who can’t wear a tie raises suspicions, and if I call for Zitri, that will stir up more rumors.

Why do I consistently find myself in such predicaments?

Brushing aside my questions, I prayed fervently.

Please lend me a hand…….

Did my prayer resonate?

Ultimately, Talia entered the dressing room, her face set with determination.

It was a place where many nobles procured their school uniforms, so it was common for servants to accompany them for dressing assistance.

The space itself was quite generous.

However, when two students enter like this, it’s challenging to maintain discretion, so carefulness is of the essence.

“Well… shall we begin?”

Talia proposed, accepting the tie from my hand. My left hand was still noticeably shaking.

Instantaneously, Talia’s face flushed a bright shade of red.

I notice her hands slightly tremble as she grips the tie.

She carefully straightens my shirt collar and drapes the tie around my neck. Then, leaning in close, she fashions the tie with a method I haven’t seen before.


I marvel silently.

After a moment’s hesitation, Talia completes the tie, glances at my face, then shakes her head.

“It’s done, all sorted…!”

“Ah. Thank you.”

I mumble, my gaze darting toward the dressing room’s exit.

Alright, just one more step.

Why now, of all times?

Is it my imagination, or has the crowd outside suddenly multiplied?

“…What should I do now?”

“What do we do now?”

I echo Talia’s words, taking a moment to contemplate.

What would the real Nox do in this situation?

Surely, even a reckless character wouldn’t just stride out with the curtains wide open.


I’m stumped.

It was at that moment.



The curtain swings open to reveal a familiar face.

The green-haired maid. It was Zitri.

“Master, I noticed you were taking an unusually long time, so I came to check….”

Zitri’s eyes narrow, her gaze seeming to spit daggers at me.

I draw in a sharp breath.

Zitri continues, her voice laced with icy sarcasm.

“Perhaps I should close the curtain for you?”

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