Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

In the aftermath of the duel,

Prince Louis succumbed to utter silence.

That is understandable. My Magic Missile had struck him, followed by the infamous Arkheim Imperial Swordsmanship he so proudly boasted about.

Absorbing such an attack must’ve been an immense challenge for him.

‘His armor lies in pieces, after all.’

In addition, the sword I’d meticulously honed since acquiring Nox had been the decisive factor.

Strength, equipment, and skills pale compared to me and my amassed enhancements.

Perhaps he should’ve thought twice before stepping up…

‘What a monumental fool.’

His flair for dramatics effectively dug his own grave.

Prince Louis’s stature in the imperial court is poised to plummet once more, whereas Princess Penelope’s standing will enjoy a modest rise, even in her silence.

Politics shares a trait with slumber – when one side sinks, the other ascends.

I’ve judged rightly.

You should avoid conflicts you can’t triumph over.

Long ago, I mastered these crucial survival elements within the game known as Inner Lunatic.

From this perspective, the prince’s decision reeks of foolishness.

I was the evident superior.

He should’ve registered that when I first repelled his magic.

But he let his superfluous emotions overrule.

His rational thinking faltered, leading to a dismal failure.

-Hurry! Get the First Prince to the infirmary! No after-effects should linger!

-Move it, everyone! And maintain silence regarding today’s events. Is that clear?

Countless vassals hustled to manage the chaos. Unlike their master, they refrained from provoking me, showing a bit more intellect.

They must’ve reasoned there was a cause behind the despicable prince’s defeat.

“I’ll retire to my quarters; I need rest.”

Rotating my shoulder, I delivered the message, leaving the knight who had overseen the duel in disbelief.

“Oh well, proceed. You are the guest of honor of the crown prince, after all.”

“Guest of honor? I’m not on the menu?”

I smirked at the irony.

Then, without requiring an escort, I navigated the castle’s labyrinthine corridors to reach my room.

With the day’s excitement behind me, I should be safe for a while.

I could use some downtime…



I might’ve miscalculated.

“Echidna. Princess Penelope seeks a private audience with you.”

Echidna appears out of the blue. I’ve just set foot in my room – what now?

I asked, feigning indifference as I removed my coat and hung it up.

“Do you mean Princess Penelope?”

“…Yes. If you please.”

My eyes widen in surprise, triggering my instinctive sense of danger.

Has Echidna ever requested a favor from me before?

Clearly, there’s a reason why this usually prideful being is acting so unassumingly. It likely relates to… my recent duel with the prince.

I can see your game.

No doubt she plans to coax me into aligning with Penelope’s faction.

The prospect of securing a Nox von Reinhafer would prove irresistible to them. A strategic asset that could position me as a kingmaker.

That’s the predicament I’m currently facing.

…The issue is, I’ve got no interest in any of that crap.

Regrettably, my position prevents me from turning a blind eye to it.

Having defeated Prince Louis presents enough complications on its own. If I were to snub Penelope’s overtures now, I could be looking at a series of assassination attempts for some time.

Unlike Louis, Penelope will continue to cross paths with me at the Academy.

If Noah’s protection were also extended to her, the story might be different. But no matter how I look at it, that’s simply not plausible.

‘Additionally, Noah agreed to protect only me, not those around me. There’s a limit to how far one can push it.’

What I own, I must either protect or risk losing.

Right now, my priority lies in consolidating my strength, but avoiding making enemies is equally vital, especially not with Penelope, the future Empress.

I pretended to ponder the matter before offering an appropriate response.

“Alright, alright. I’ll return shortly.”

“No, come with me. I’ll wait outside.”

Echidna was demonstrating an uncommon persistence.

She appeared slightly edgy, a hint of urgency coloring her demeanor.

As for me, cultivating a friendly rapport with her might not be a terrible idea. Her constant disagreement with my views has been a continuous thorn in my side.

I, on the other hand, am Nox, a cool-headed noble.

Adopting a casual tone, I responded while donning my attire with an air of sarcasm.

“…If that’s your wish, then by all means.”

I could hear Echidna’s teeth grinding from outside the room.

My spirits lifted. Ah, the essence of Inner Lunatic.

Always be ready to train your characters. Even if a unit might later become an ally, if it challenges you, you must reciprocate.

That’s my gaming principle.

Eventually, I got dressed. Before venturing to meet Penelope, I took another moment to reassess my circumstances.

‘Neither at my peak nor in a rut right now. And Penelope’s interest in me is glaringly apparent.’

I’ve already upset the prince, and Penelope is a fellow freshman at Eldain like me. Plus, her relationship with my family, the House Reinhafer, is far from friendly.

What’s more, the Princess remains oblivious to my association with the criminal group, Lunatic. For numerous reasons, she might’ve deemed Nox a valuable ally to have on her side.

Whether for personal gain, the greater good, or the imperial throne.

Our desires often reveal themselves most clearly at certain moments—an adage I recall from a book.

“The Princess.”

In consideration of my impending visit to the Princess, I put on my jacket. Echidna was fortunate enough to be present.

She carried on undeterred.

“Reluctantly, I must admit that the power within the imperial castle is currently weak, from what I observe. There are few individuals you can rely upon, and no matter your capabilities, it remains a precarious situation.”

“I see.”

This knowledge wasn’t new to me.

The Princess’s power within Inner Lunatic is still in its infancy. Candidly, they’re not a formidable force yet.

Even as the second in the current power hierarchy, she lacks sufficient allies to rival the first prince’s entourage.

But why mention this now?

This narrative serves only the Princess’s interests.

Naturally, in the pursuit of talent, it’s typical to boast about your organization’s brilliance and your leader’s merits.

However, Echidna resumed in a rough tone.

“As you’re aware, the Princess has been living under the perpetual threat of assassination. Her difficulties in trusting people, coupled with the various Houses turning their backs on my young charge, persist to this day.”

“…Why share this with me?”

I asked, motivated purely by curiosity.

The reason for Echidna’s allegiance to the Princess remains one of the unsolved mysteries of Inner Lunatic.

Gathering as much information as possible could be advantageous for future references.

“Would you pledge your support to Princess Penelope if I did?”

Echidna posed the question, her tone hinting at a surge of excitement.

I immediately shook my head.



Where on earth is this drug dealing occurring?

I should have laughed in Lars’s face.

Even though he’s one of my favored characters in the game…

I have a tendency to clash with those in positions of authority.

Also, Echidna von Xenos.

You need a taste of the world’s bitter chill.


…Well, because our first encounter left much to be desired.


With that thought in mind, I opened the door and addressed Echidna, who was waiting for me.

“Let’s go.”

* * *

Beneath a crimson moon-draped altar sat the Lunatic’s subterranean headquarters.

Several key members convened there, engaging in brief exchanges.

“……So. Our audacious newcomer is heading to the capital this time?”

The leader of Lunatic, the triad of swordsmen who had previously devised Nox’s trials, spoke up.

Luna’s tranquil voice filled the room.

A girl, standing behind them, bowed slightly.

A girl with azure hair and a white uniform. Her name was Marin.

“It appears so. He’s reportedly seeking a reward for preserving the Imperial family’s bloodline. Given that rumors have spread within Eldain, it’s likely true.”

“Has… the… newcomer… betrayed… us?”

Duff chimed in this time, his words punctuated by a stutter.

Luna shook her head in response.

“No. That’s not the case. I kept the portal active on our end before I left. I suspect he journeyed there of his own volition.”

“Yeah… I suppose…….”

Duff nodded, easily swayed. Luna’s explanation must hold the truth.

Luna paused, crossing her arms before regaining her composure.

This was about Nox von Reinhafer, the audacious newcomer who instantly became a pivotal figure at the Academy upon joining Lunatic.

As Theo’s son, his status is indisputable. I had initially intended to bide my time, observing his actions, but I soon recognized there was no need.

To venture into the imperial castle – essentially the enemy’s lair – and still keep his wits about him?

Anyone with such nerve is capable of anything.

It’s a level of audacity that has drawn the attention of Dean Noah, aside from his own merits. Noah is indifferent to the relationship between the Imperial family and Elidane.

The Frost Witch only concerns herself with matters of her interest.

Whether it involves people, magic, or something else entirely.

Luna had an intimate understanding of Noah’s eccentric nature.

Their interactions were limited due to the age difference, but Luna had encountered the Frost Witch on numerous occasions.

She was, without doubt, a force of nature.

‘Nox von Reinhafer. He’s worthy. Backed by Noah and Theo… He appears to be a pampered brat, but perhaps that’s not entirely true.’

Of course, given Theo’s volatility, if he concluded that Nox no longer served the family’s interests, he would promptly cast him aside and retrieve the First Patriarch’s Sword.

But for the moment, Nox is a valuable asset.

Luna nodded, having made her decision.

“I believe it’s time to assign the new recruit his first task.”

“Eh? I’m concerned that might be too soon for a… newcomer. It took me over two years to receive my first mission, too… and if something goes awry…….”

Marin interjected, but Luna dismissed her concerns.

“Do not worry, Marin. I have the perfect assignment suited for a novice.”

Luna drew on her cigar and spread out a map.

It was a map of Eldain Academy’s subterranean level.

She gestured to a specific location. With a gentle infusion of magic, a holographic figure gradually materialized.

A nondescript black stone rose from the map, transforming into a recognizable shape. It was a spirit stone – an enormous one, which even Nox had seldom encountered.

At the very least, it was an object that could only be procured after slaying a formidable demon known as the 72nd Demon.

“A hidden staircase in the Academy’s basement allegedly leads to the Pyramid of Paimon, stolen covertly by Eldain. While the newcomer distracts attention at the Academy, our objective is to steal it.

Marin, I want you to accompany the new recruit. You’ll serve as the gunman.”

Internally, Marin was in shock.

The Spirit Stone of Paimon that Luna referred to was presumed destroyed by the world.

The power of a Great Demon’s Spirit Stone is unfathomable, and its destruction could trigger a slew of problems, such as awakening another demon or setting loose other demons in the vicinity. It could provoke a multitude of issues.

But what if Eldain hadn’t actually destroyed the spirit stone?

“There’s only one plausible reason: research. They hid it to engineer more potent magic or martial techniques to vanquish demons or to amplify their own power.

What if it’s true that Paimon’s Gemstone still exists?

That would significantly tarnish Eldain’s reputation.

Luna concocted this plan to avert such a demon outbreak. Marin completed her line of thought and nodded in agreement.

“I will obey your commands.”

“The new… recruit… received his first assignment… I’ll relay the message…….”

Two more voices offered their approval. Luna was the last one to speak.

“Duff, Marine. Keep in mind our objective is to topple the Imperial Family and shatter the Arkheim Empire. To achieve this, we must create divisions among them and ensure they do not consolidate their power.”

“Yes, Luna.”

“Alright… I understand…….”

Marin and Duff responded. Before they realized this, their leader Luna had vanished, utilizing her [Hide Shadow] ability.

‘The first mission and the difficulty level are already ludicrous… The objective is to steal Paimon’s spirit stone… Of course, we’re merely a distraction in the grand scheme of things…….’

The plan borders on the absurd.

A direct assault on Eldain is madness in itself.

And then there’s the spirit stone, a relic housing the soul of Paimon, the ninth-ranked demon they managed to defeat only during the Night of Slaughter.

I had a hunch this won’t be an easy feat.

Marin ran her fingers through her blue hair, deep in thought.

‘By the way, is this newcomer really worth the trouble? I hope we’re not overvaluing him.’

Marin looked troubled.

She wasn’t alone. Given the number of active crew members, many within Lunatic questioned Nox’s worthiness.

“Marine… take caution……. A mission involving the Academy… isn’t a simple task…….”

“Yeah, Duff-ahjussi. Don’t worry. I’ve become quite capable.”

She was just about Nox’s age. But this girl, Marin, possessed innate talent.

She held no doubts.

That she was superior to this Nox.

‘I’ll evaluate the newcomer, and prove that I’m more deserving of Luna-nim’s reliance.’

With that, Marin steeled herself.

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