The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 64: BFF’s boyfriend(09)

Chapter 64: BFF's boyfriend(09)

World Three. BFF's boyfriend(09)

This time, Ji Mujing woke up earlier than Xue Xue.

He leaned against the window and was smoking a cigarette.

The smoke blurred the man's face.

He had a pair of deep black eyes that was unable to see the bottom.

It wasn't until the woman on the bed moved that he extinguished the cigarette butt that was still burning.

When Xue Xue woke up, she found that although her limbs were sore and painful, and her bones seemed to be breaking apart, her body was fresh and not sticky which showed that it was obviously cleaned.

Her brows loosened, and when she raised her eyes, she happened to meet Ji Mujing who was walking over.

Just like what happened to Xue You in the previous life, Xue Xue got the sentence "I will be responsible". Ji Mujing's eyes showed his pain and apology when he blurted out this sentence.

But Xue Xue didn't take it to heart.

In her opinion, only she can be responsible for her own life. If she entrusts her life to others, it will not be very good.

Therefore, she did not plan to revolve her life around Ji Mujing like Xue You in the previous life who in the end resolutely resigning from the large company that she managed to enter because of her parents' relationship, just to accompany Ji Mujing to start a business.

Xue You not only gave Ji Mujing all her savings, but also awkwardly borrowed money from her parents. When the company was at its worst, when the company's operations were once in difficulty, she even had multiple jobs at one time, just to earn a little more money but also to provide for Ji Mujing's dream.

Xue Xue couldn't do such a thing.

Although according to the images she received, Ji Mujing indeed fell in love with Xue You, but this kind of love was mixed with emotions such as gratitude, guilt, and so on. Ji Mujing was slow to see through his own feelings. This gave Wang Yuqi an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Even if the child of Wang Yuqi and Ji Mujing had to be born according to Xue You's request, she did not intend to wrong herself.

What was too easy to obtain was often taken for granted and people doesn't learn to cherish it.

After thinking about it, Xue Xue first turned off her mobile phone, slept for a whole day, and after she had recovered enough energy, she went to a quiet coffee shop nearby with a laptop early the next morning, sat down, and began to submit resumes.

It took a lot of time just to do that.

After she had completed sending her resume to all the companies she was interested in, Xue Xue rubbed her sore eyes and was about to order another dessert to reward herself when the phone on the table suddenly rang.

Xue Xue picked it up and took a look. The upper screen displayed the big characters "Zhang Fang".

Zhang Fang was Zhang Ming's younger brother. The two brothers were named after the idiom "Da fang Guang Ming", which was simple and smooth with good meaning.

At the same time, Zhang Fang was also Xue You's university club junior.

The tall young man would always blush every time he faced Xue You.

This time was also no exception.

"Sister seems to look better."

The two sat facing each other for a full ten minutes just staring at each other. Xue Xue thought that it was the other's prank and was about to stand up and leave. Unexpectedly, Zhang Fang would suddenly say such a sentence.

She was stunned then pursed her lips.

"What do you mean?"

"Ah It's like, sister seems to be more confident That kind of mature woman's charm that radiates from the inside out"

Zhang Fang was obviously racking his brains on how to describe his views, but was quickly interrupted by Xue Xue.

"Are you saying I'm old?"

Xue Xue's expressionless words made Zhang Fang froze for a while.

He waved his hands almost in a panic and explained. "No, I definitely don't mean it Senior Sister is young and beautiful"

Finally, Xue Xue, who had a sullen face, couldn't help but let out a loud laugh.

"Do you usually stutter like this when you talk?"

Zhang Fang was taken aback.

He was naturally not like this. Only when facing Xue You, somehow, he was always so nervous that a sentence has to be divided into two or three paragraphs.

Especially the Xue You in front of him and the Xue You in the past seemed to be different.

She was more dazzling, but at the same time, also more difficult to look at.

Xue Xue saw that the younger brother was nervous and uneasy, and his fingers were wrapped into twists on the table, so she couldn't bear to tease him any more.

"Well, I know you are usually not like this." Xue Xue held her chin with one hand and looked at Zhang Fang. The beautiful eyes curved a bit when she smiled. "Your speech last semester was very good. I heard that you wrote the manuscript yourself? It's really amazing."

Zhang Fang was not only the department grass (T/N: it means he's the best looking guy in the department) voted last year, but also a well-known scholar.

Xue Xue also didn't expect Xue You to know such a powerful person, but after rummaging through the memory, she couldn't find titles other than "Zhang Ming's younger brother" and "Club Junior Brother". It can be said that the relationship with Zhang Fang was just a little more familiar than passers-by.

Originally, it was just a casual comfort, but Zhang Fang's eyes lit up when he heard what she said.

"You, did you come to see my speech?"

Xue Xue was stunned.

In fact, Xue You was indeed under the stage at that time, but not for Zhang Fang, but for Ji Mujing. However, Zhang Fang's eyes were full of anticipation, and Xue Xue nodded.

In an instant, the face of the young man on the other side burst into a smile like a brilliant firework, and even the dazzling golden light outside the window seemed to pale in comparison.

Such a performance Xue Xue's mind flashed and she had a clue, but before she could think deeply, she was interrupted by the other party's next move.

"This is a graduation gift for my Senior Sister. Because of some things before although it is a bit late, I still hope Senior Sister will accept it."

Hearing this, Xue Xue lowered her head and looked at the pair of earrings in the wooden grain box.

The left ear side was a dolphin, and the right ear was a four-leaf clover. The lifelike dolphin holds a sapphire in its mouth, and a green tourmaline is embedded in the center of the four-leaf clover.

Xue Xue almost immediately fell in love with the delicate and beautiful shape of the earrings at first sight, but

"This is too precious, I can't accept it."

Zhang Fang shook his head.

"Whether it is expensive or not depends on the heart of the giver and the love of the recipient."

"The price of an item can be expressed in numbers, but the value is stored in people's hearts and given by emotions."

Zhang Fang spoke very slowly one by one and he didn't stutter.

"So I sincerely hope that my sister can accept this gift, which symbolizes my blessing to my sister, because only in this way can its existence be meaningful and worthy of being cherished."

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