The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 136 - First Day At Work [Bonus ]

Talia stirred from sleep and refused to open her eyes because she didn't want to end a marvelous dream.

In that dream, Damon carried her to his bed, and then he held her, and they kissed, and then they got ready for the night with Damon giving her his t-shirt to sleep in. She went to change clothes in the bathroom, and she noticed a minor problem: her panties were wet from arousal.

"I need to get another pair…", Talia said bashfully while tugging the hem of Damon's t-shirt lower to cover herself up as much as possible.

Even in her dream, she knew that her panties were drenched because Damon touched her down there. Did that really happen, or was it part of the dream?

But Damon had no intention of letting her leave his room. "Just remove them."

"I can't sleep like that.", Talia protested. Yes, it's a dream, but she can't go to bed butt naked!

"Why not? I would give you mine, but as you know, I don't wear those.", he said with a grin, and she remembered the scare he gave her in the hotel room when he wanted to remove his pants and demonstrate.

"Don't tell me you are shy, kitten. I was already down there…", he said while licking his lips.

Did he drool a little?

Damon pulled Talia down on the bed and he chuckled while crawling above her. He was wearing only sweatpants and it was difficult not to stare at his toned torso. And his scent... intoxicating!

"Why are you so eager to cover up, kitten? Is there something else you are hiding in those panties? I'm curious…"

He moved lower and pulled her panties down and Talia hated that her butt went up, making it easier for Damon to undress her. Why was her body acting on its own?

Damon put the tiny fabric under his nose, shamelessly inhaling deeply with a grin on his handsome face.

"I'm keeping these, kitten."

With her naked under Damon's t-shirt, Talia thought that he will do something outrageous, but he didn't.

Damon laid next to her and cradled her in his arms, and then he kissed her and caressed her hair, and it was the best thing ever.

Who would want to wake up from such a dream?

But no matter how much she tried to avoid it, she was awake.

Talia's eyes fluttered open, and she inhaled the intoxicating scent of the forest and the dark chocolate that was all around her.

She was in Damon's bed.

Talia's breath hitched when she realized that she was wearing only Damon's t-shirt. She was panty-less.

Is it possible that was not a dream?

She swallowed a mouthful of air as more detailed images flashed in her mind.

Last night, they came up to watch a movie, but there was no movie-watching because they were kissing, and she remembered him unbuttoning her pants, and… Oh, God! That was NOT a dream!

But, where is Damon?

She touched the bedsheets on her right, where Damon should be sleeping, and they were cold. He was gone for some time.

She lifted her head and spotted a note on his pillow.

"I had to start my day early.

When you are ready for work, join me in the study.

~ Damon"

Talia remembered that this is her first day as Damon's assistant.

Oh, no! She is late for work!

Talia swiftly scooted out of the bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Her steps halted when she saw attached to the door of the bathroom a hanger with a light blue pencil skirt and a blazer, and there was a white shirt and blue underwear also.

She recognized clothes, they were from her closet, and she bought all of that when Damon took her shopping.

A note was attached to the left breast pocket of the blazer: "I look forward to seeing you in this".

It was not signed, but Talia knew it was from Damon. She smiled when she saw blue shoes on the floor. He thought of everything. And it's matching.

She hurried to get ready.

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Talia entered the study and saw that Damon was talking to Maya and Caden.

They were seated on chairs around the coffee table that was full of scattered documents.

Talia didn't want to interrupt, so she stood on the side and waited for them to acknowledge her presence.

Damon was neat in dark gray pants and a light gray shirt that fit him perfectly. Talia confirmed that he looks good in anything.

He didn't wear a necktie, and the unfastened top button of his shirt gave him a less official vibe.

The tight swell of the shirt over Damon's chest reminded Talia of the perfect landscape his body forms and she could feel her cheeks heating. Last night was not a dream!

Damon's eyes moved over Talia in approval. She was wearing the outfit he prepared for her, and her hair was pulled up into a messy bun. Talia wanted to style it, but her knowledge of hairstyling was limited to a ponytail, a braid, and a messy bun. Since the first two seemed childish, and this is her first day at work, Talia opted for the bun.

After exchanging morning greetings, Damon beckoned Talia to come closer.

"We are nearly done with this. Until then…", he gave her a laptop. "This one is yours. The password is the date you came here. You can sit at my desk. Go through my email and sort it based on urgency. If there is anything important, I want to check it before breakfast."

Normally, Damon starts his workday super-early with a cup of coffee, and he has breakfast later. Since Talia arrived at the Dark Howlers pack, Damon was starting his work later (if he worked at all), and the piled-up work showed it.

Talia accepted the laptop apprehensively. "How do I know which ones are urgent?"

"You will know. I trust your judgment." He ended with a wink.

Talia liked that he said he trusts her, but at the same time, it was a lot of responsibility.

She wondered if she will be able to do a good job. What if she messes up?

Which one will be worse? If she gives him something non-important as urgent and he wastes time, or if he doesn't see a serious issue in time because of her ignorance?

"You will do fine."

Damon's words pulled Talia out of her thoughts, and she wondered, how did he know she was doubting herself?

Talia was surprised to see that the laptop was set up to sync Damon's emails, and there was an account created for her also.

Talia perked up. With her personal email address, she can contact Axel, Mindy, Maddox, and also Axel's Beta and Gamma, Kai and Tyler. Those five people gave her their contact information, yet she had nothing to give in return. Now is different.

Talia's mood dropped when she saw that Damon's email alias is DamonBlake, while the one she got is TaliaBlake.

How on Earth is she supposed to contact anyone with this email?

It's one thing when Damon calls her Mrs. Blake in private, but this is ridiculous!

Talia felt like crying. Why would he give her an email that she can't use?

She swallowed her grievances and told herself to focus on the task Damon gave her. Later, she can ask him to change this email nonsense.

Talia noticed that she can mark every email with flags. She would put red flags on the urgent ones, orange flags on the ones that are so-so, and green and blue on the ones that are just information sharing related to the Dark Howlers pack or outsiders.

"What's your progress?", Talia jumped when Damon's voice sounded close to her ear.

When did he get there? And why was he so close?

"Almost done.", she said while looking sheepishly in the direction where Maya and Caden were.

"Does anything stand out?", he asked.

Talia told herself not to overthink it. He is so close so that he can read from her screen. That's all.

"There are these few marked in red, I think are important… and this one requires your response by end of the day…", she said while opening the last email for him to see.

Damon cocked an eyebrow while reading, "Future Alpha of the Lightclaw pack is having a party to introduce his Luna."

Damon's words got Maya's and Caden's attention.

"Anthony's Luna?", Maya asked. "Is it…?" Her words trailed when she saw Damon shaking his head.

"It says that her name is Kalina.", Damon said. "I'm sure that Stephanie will know more about it."

Maya and Caden exchanged concerned glances.

Stephanie didn't talk much about her daughter's love life, but they all know that Lisa is (or is it better to say, Lisa WAS) dating Anthony for several years. If he is announcing someone else as his Luna, that girl is probably his fated mate, and he broke up with Lisa.

"When is the party?", Caden asked.

"In two days.", Talia responded.

Caden looked at Damon questionably. "Are you going? Should I postpone my traveling plans?"

"We are on good terms with Lightclaws and it would be rude not to go. But there is no need for you to postpone your schedule. This is not business, it's just a party. We will go on the day of the party and return one day later."

Caden glanced at Maya. If Damon rejected Caden, and spoke as 'we', then... "Will you take Maya with you?"

"No. Maya has a lot of work here.", Damon said and looked at the oblivious girl next to him.

"I will go with Talia."


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