The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter 329 Her Appearance

For Tania everything was... dark. She felt like she was swimming in an ocean of blackness. She was struggling hard to come up, to gulp air, to reach the love of her life, the only man who believed in her. To Eltanin.

She struggled harder towards the bright, golden light of sun, towards that face that stared at her. "Save me..." she murmured and felt long fingers down her hair and cheeks. Sometimes those fingers caressed her shoulders and arms. She would feel comforted and try harder to break the surface. A drop dropped on her cheek and--

She gasped as she sucked in sharp air. Her whole body felt like it was on fire and yet she felt like she was lying on a slab of ice. Her eyes flared wide open. Strange scents hit her nostrils. Faintest sounds were caught by her ears. Her ears twitched on their own. The room was filled with a soft buttery glow, but she could see every kernel that floated in the air. She tried to get up but her head reeled so fast that she winced.

"Tania!" Eltanin called her and his voice was like a balm to her restlessness. He picked her up in his lap and it was then that Tania realized that she wasn't wearing anything. She looked down at her body, and was stunned.

Her body appeared more curvaceous. Her skin glowed like never before, like her mother's and that of Princess Anastasia's. Her hands appeared longer and so did her fingers. She didn't know how the change happened but when she noticed that there was no more soul stone in her neck, she realized what had happened. The piece of soul that Menkar had stolen from her was back inside her. She was now a complete fae.

She looked up at Eltanin who was watching her, his breath lodged in his throat, his eyes red with tears. "Elty..." she mumbled.

Eltanin's lips quivered and he pulled her in his tight embrace. "Oh gods! I was waiting for you!" He buried his face in her head and he wept uncontrollably, his whole body shaking. When he stopped crying, he looked at her and kissed her forehead. "I was about to go and kill Ileus if you wouldn't have woken up!" he chuckled through his tears.

Tania's lips curled in a soft smile as her hands reached her beautiful husband. She whispered, "Thanks for bearing with me..." She couldn't find more words of gratitude. He had helped her get her soul back. She was now free. They were all free from the clutches of all the evil that surrounded them, that made their life miserable.

"Your parents are here in Draka. They can't wait to see you. Annnnd...."

She furrowed her eyebrows at the long 'and' he spoke.

"And we can't wait to see what you shift into," he said with a smile.

She laughed. He looked so happy that his joy was infectious. He brushed aside her hair and Tania leaned into the caress.

"You are so lovely, so breathtaking that I think I have to keep you in a veil because if anyone sees you, I am going to get so jealous."

Tania swatted him playfully against his arm as he gathered her against his chest once again. He showered her with kisses. "I am so happy that I have invited every nobility and sent invitations to several kingdoms to attend the royal dinner for my new queen. Once again!"

"And I thought you wanted to keep me in a veil."

"Oh yes! You will be wearing one when you meet them all!" he laughed and laughed.

After a moment of unbridled happiness, he covered her with warm blankets. "Your body is still getting used to your soul, so the healers have advised you not to wear anything for a day more."

She nodded and he made her lay on the bed gently. "Where is Menkar now?" she asked.

"Rotting in the dungeon," Eltanin said in a sharp voice. "Along with his gang of bastards!"

Ileus had visited Nerio the day he woke up from the last experience. Nerio was in a state of shock and now crawling around the prison like vermin. His mother Taiyi had gone to visit him and when she came back, she gave orders that he would remain in the prison and no water would be given to him, however much he demanded. She wanted to take her revenge the way she said -- slowly and painfully.

When Tania finally got up a day later from the bed, she was taken for a nice long bath by Flora. And it was the first time she saw her reflection in the mirror. She was taller and her ears-- her hands went to her ears. They had elongated a little at the tip, just like her fae family. "Oh my god! My ears."

Flora laughed softly. "They are what they should be." A blush came to her cheeks when Flora said that she looked stunning. "The dinner for you will be in a few days, and everyone will be looking up to you, m'lady. I am going to ensure that you look so beautiful that no one would dare to be your competition!"

Tania couldn't help giggling at Flora.

When she was ready, she went out to meet her family along with Eltanin. Kinshra and her fae family greeted her with a lot of happiness. They all hugged her, including her grandfather, who promptly said, "I can't wait to see how my grandchildren would look!"

It was in the end that she saw her father standing. Biham opened his arms for his daughter and she ran into them. He kissed the crown of her head and in a hoarse voice said, "My beautiful baby. Stay blessed and--" he removed himself. Gazing in her eyes he continued, "--give me beautiful grandchildren!"

She walked to Taiyi and Alrakis who embraced her with a warm smile. Alrakis too said, "We can't wait to see our grandchildren!"

Tania blushed heavily. What was it with fathers and grandfathers and grandchildren?

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