The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter 341 Off The Market

When the fathers of Petra and Eri heard Eltanin's orders of capturing their daughters, they didn't know what to do. They had suddenly become the eye of the storm. Everyone was either looking at them or their daughters.

Tarazed rushed out of the throne hall to go to her sister along with the guards. She knew about the tantrums of her younger sister, but she was ready for this embarrassment.

Eltanin rose to his feet and wrapped one arm around his wife's shoulders as he placed one on the hilt of his sword. The two bitches were accusing his wife in front of entire royals. The gall! He was so furious that he wanted to kill both like yesterday.

When Lusitania heard Petra accusing her of turning her into a frog, she craned her neck to look at her husband. "Elty…" With owlish eyes, she gazed at him. Her lips downturned and she fluttered her eyelashes at him.

Eltanin's heart started beating faster. She looked like such a lamb that he wanted to wrap her in his arms and hide her from the world. Poor girl was always being tested. "Yes, love…"

Very meekly she said, "Are they accusing me of black magic?"

"The fuck they can. I will pull their tongues out now!" he growled.

"I didn't do any black magic," she added. She was partially right. She didn't do black magic, but she did fae magic. She didn't know how to do black magic.

"I know, love," he said and pressed a kiss on her temple. "I am going to hang them from the nearest tree!"

She rested her head on his chest and quietly waited for the commotion to end. Everyone was already disturbed by what the two princesses did. Apart from that they were both naked. This in itself was such a scandal that every person in Araniea would talk about for a long time. Tania's purpose was solved. No girl or woman would dare to jump in Eltanin's bed now that he had made a vow to the Lore.

Flora, who was standing in the room with the jar in her hand, was planning on releasing the two girls from their spell after the vows were over, but it seemed that the magic's effect was wearing off. She didn't suppress the effect because Eltanin was already taking the vows. When she saw sparks of green light filling the jar, she opened the lid and placed the jar on the floor and after that she turned to leave. Soon the jar would break and the girls would come out.

If she stayed back, she knew that people would point at Lusitania and her for doing magic on them if the girls cried about it. It was best not to be present there when the girls converted back.

As she was rushing down, she heard Eri and Petra's loud voices that Tania made them frogs. She couldn't help but laugh. Such a foolish mistake. Flora rushed back to Tania's bedchamber. Later she heard heavy footsteps rushing upstairs and assumed that something had gone wrong. She chuckled and hurried her pace.

In the throne hall, Eltanin was watching the guards running to Eri and Petra. Hot gossip broke out amongst the guests as to how shameless the two princesses were. All of them were also dissing them for accusing the innocent fae queen of black magic.

Biham was extremely agitated when he heard the gossip. He couldn't bear that after what Sirrah did to his mate by accusing her of using black magic, these two women would do the same. A ferocious growl left him and his hand went to his sword. He withdrew the sword from its sheath and then rushed upstairs after the guards.

"Biham!" Kinshra shouted after him to stop him.

"How dare they accuse my innocent daughter?" he growled as he moved. "She has just been released from the clutches of dark magic on Menkar. She is a half fae. She cannot use black magic. It is not in her system. I am going to butcher these girls!"

"Stop, Biham!" Kinshra called him.

As if snapping back into sense, Kings of Eridanus and Aquila also ran up.

Eri and Petra didn't know that their little revelation would cause so much trouble. Standing naked in the room, both were frozen to the spot. The guards were coming up to capture them. They had insulted the Queen of Draka in her own kingdom and that too in the throne hall. There would be no sparing. Both of them tried to cover themselves with gauzy curtains to hide their nakedness.

When they were coming back to their original form, they heard Eltanin taking vows. Without realizing that they were in a throne hall, they blurted out their concerns because they wanted to save Eltanin from the clutches of the fae queen and also make their way inside the Draka Palace. They thought that by doing so, they would gain praise. But the opposite happened. Now they would never be able to marry the Draka King. He was off the market for life!

The guards came to stand in the room first. Tarazed made her way through them and gave Petra a cloak to cover herself. When the fathers entered, Eridanus saw his daughter wrapped in gauzy curtains. He was fuming with rage. He walked to her and slapped her so hard that she fell on the floor, shrieking, with curtains bundled up around her.

The guards didn't hear Tarazed's plea and they captured the two princesses. Both of them were too mortified to utter a word.

When Biham arrived with his sword, the guards had to stop him because the girls were now the prisoners of the Draka Kingdom. Once Eri and Petra were taken away, their fathers and their families couldn't attend the rest of the ceremony.

After merely about fifteen minutes of commotion, everything became normal. The ceremony concluded and then the king and queen came down from the dais to mingle with the guests.

Suddenly, Tania found that every woman started showing her excessive respect. But why?

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