The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 458

Chapter 458 - You're Wrong to Scold People

Su Ming didn't hesitate. He took the seeds straight to the field, ready to plant them.

The planting density for sweet luffas needed to be a bit higher.

Still, there was a limit.

On an acre of land, Su Ming could plant a maximum of five sweet luffas.

“Ding! Sweet luffa successfully planted! Harvest time: 48 hours!”

The notification in his mind took Su Ming by surprise, especially since the sweet luffas matured sooner than the crystal onions. Perhaps it was due to the higher planting density of the sweet luffas.

Su Ming didn't dwell on it.

He grabbed a bucket of water, moistened the newly planted seeds, and sprinkled some fertilizer around them.

“Hmm, do sweet luffas even use fertilizer? Oh well, it doesn't matter. If I'm happy, that's all that counts,” Su Ming mused.

With the Prophetical Radio in hand, Su Ming leisurely made his way back to the villa.

Glancing at the clock, he noted it was 10:35 a.m. on Wednesday—not Monday. Any news today? Su Ming wondered. Realizing a quick listen would give him his answer, he turned on the Prophetical Radio without hesitation.

“Breaking news: At noon this Wednesday, Grandma Wang from Apartment 503 in Garden District will misplace her dentures. She will locate them five minutes later.”

Hearing the broadcast, Su Ming was at a loss for words.

“System, are you messing with me on purpose? What is this nonsense?” he thought.

The first time he used the Prophetical Radio, and this was the news he got? He was far from pleased.

Su Ming promptly shut off the radio.

“So she loses her dentures, and then she finds them? Why are you telling me this? Is this even news?” Su Ming complained to himself, feeling utterly exasperated with the System.

After switching off the radio, Su Ming headed to the breeding zone.

He discovered that the breeding zone had indeed been upgraded.

With a chuckle, Su Ming eagerly entered.

The previous breeding zone was a brick building.

The red bricks were solid, but the structure was rudimentary at best.

The room had undergone a transformation, now coated in white paint that gave it a fresh, clean appearance. The original cement walls had been upgraded with ceramic tiles, and the corridor had been elegantly paved with marble slabs. Even the animals' feeding troughs had been replaced with automated versions connected to a control panel, which itself had evolved from an old bulky computer to a sleek tablet. The display resolution and functionality had seen significant enhancements. Above the breeding zone, the system could now not only feed the animals automatically but also open windows and ventilate the space on its own.

Impressed, Su Ming wasted no time in accessing the warehouse option. With a few swift clicks, he redeemed the item he had coveted for so long: the Three-legged Golden Toad. As the room filled with blinding flashes of blue light, the Three-legged Golden Toad materialized before him. The facility boasted 24 individual rooms, each housing two of these mystical creatures. Su Ming rushed over to admire the golden toads, each one sporting three legs and adorned with multiple golden coins and ingots on their backs. They swayed rhythmically with every leap.

After a moment of contemplation, Su Ming realized he could remove the coins and ingots. Without a second thought, he lifted one of the toads and successfully detached a golden coin. He appraised its heft, confirming it was genuine gold. His triumph was short-lived, however, as he noticed the toad's vitality diminish, its lustrous glow fading. With haste, he returned the coin to its rightful place, restoring the toad's energy.

“My apologies, truly,” Su Ming said, offering a quick apology. He then replenished the feed and water in the breeding zone's equipment before departing.

The morning's fieldwork was nearly complete. Checking the time, Su Ming realized it was already midday. Just then, his phone rang. It was a call from his father, Su Tao. He answered promptly, “What's up, Dad?”

Su Ming pondered for a moment.

“You've been in the city for quite a while, and we haven't come to visit you yet.”

“Your mom's birthday is in two days. Why don't you drive over and pick us up, and we can celebrate her birthday in the city? It'll be a nice surprise for her,” Su Tao suggested cheerfully.

Su Ming felt this was a great idea. He had previously called home several times, hoping his parents would come and stay with him, but they always declined.

This time, he had managed to get Boss Fong to reserve ten houses. He could offer these to his parents to stay for a while and get a taste of city life.

“Dad, I'm free today. I can come and get you both right now. What do you think?” Su Ming offered, phone in hand.

After a brief pause, Su Tao replied, “That works. Let me talk it over with your mom. We'll get our things ready. Head on back now.”

“Okay,” Su Ming agreed. He hung up and quickly went to the garage, selecting a spacious seven-seater van. He removed the middle row of seats to create even more room.

The rear seats of the van could recline, ensuring his parents would be comfortable during the ride.

Su Ming grabbed a quick bite to eat at a local spot.

Then, he set off for his hometown, enjoying the breeze through the open window.

The day was pleasant, with the sun casting a warm glow over him. As Su Ming drove, listening to music, a sudden blast of deafening music from a nearby car interrupted his tranquility.

He frowned slightly and glanced in the rearview mirror. The music was blaring from a red convertible sports car.

Inside were two brash young men, wildly grooving to the heavy metal blaring from their speakers. Their speed was increasing rapidly; the car was clearly modified.

“How do you like it? I did a good job with the modifications, huh?”

“Yeah, it's awesome!”

The two, dressed in alternative fashion with spiked hair, boasted loudly.

“I'll have you know, this car now has a V8 engine. No other car on the freeway can outpace it,” one bragged.

The driver laughed maniacally, then floored the accelerator, and the sports car's speed surged forward.

The individual in the passenger seat, despite his arrogance, possessed a sense of rationality and harbored fears of potential accidents.

“Bro, we're pushing 150 kilometers per hour. Push it any harder and this car's going to fall to pieces.”

“Alright,” the red-haired man acquiesced with a nod.

He refrained from accelerating further and instead swiftly overtook Su Ming's vehicle. Flaunting a defiant middle finger, he taunted Su Ming, “Your car is a piece of junk.”

Su Ming's brow furrowed slightly upon hearing the insult.

He resolved that the red-haired man's mockery of his car warranted a proper lesson.

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