The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 267: Another Thwarted Plan

Chapter 267: Another Thwarted Plan

Goddess’ Planet, around 6 in the morning.

“What’s the matter with you Fang Yu?” Genie asked when she saw Fang Yu’s face as she left the room.

Fang Yu had a sage-like expression on her face, as if she had reached a state of enlightenment like no other.

Her mouth was shut, her eyes peaceful looking and her breathing was even.

Upon hearing her question, Fang Yu just gave Genie a spare look as she said,

“I was just celebrating a milestone that I had last night.”

“A milestone?” As far as Genie knew, Fang Yu went to sleep last night after she rejected Orias’ offer.

It was fairly impossible for her to do something while sleeping right?

“You do not need to know about it.” Fang Yu waved her hands dismissively. “It’s private stuff.”

Of course, the private stuff that she was talking about was Fang Lin’s relationship milestone with Xue’er.

“Congratulation, Yang Body.” Fang Yu solemnly thought.

Of course, she was also worried about the threat by Princess Lilliana, but she had already some plans prepared to make Fang Lin avoid the princess.

“Ok.....” Genie did not ask anything else for fear that she might ruin Fang Yu’s good mood.

But if Fang Yu was in a great mood, there was a group of people that did not look happy at all.

5 humanoid-shaped figures were all outside Fang Yu’s house, waiting for Fang Yu to come out. It was obvious that they were unhappy with Fang Yu rejecting their offer.

They all stared at her, as if they were imploring her to accept their request already.

Fang Yu sighed audibly at this as she said,

“Just like what I told you yesterday, I am rejecting your offer! I just told you the reasons why I rejected your offer last night! So why are you still here?”

Fang Yu was sure that the reasons she gave for her rejection were already clear. Her reasons were all simple to understand!

First, why would she help? Just because she looked like a goddess? That’s already a fallacy in there!

Second, even if they were telling the truth, does Fang Yu really need to help them? In fact, except for her similar appearance with the Goddess, there’s nothing else that can force Fang Yu to help them.

Third, why would she risk her life to fight Solomon? She will just be in more danger, and she might not even gain anything from it!

The only reason she was not yet leaving was because she was waiting for Andromeda to come back. Once Andromeda meets up with her, Fang Yu will not waste anymore time and she will start leaving this planet already.

As for Mithra and Genie, Fang Yu decided to bring them with her. They can make those boring trips with Andromeda highly enjoyable.

“Sigh.” Orias and the other Djinns sighed, realizing that Fang Yu seems to be obstinate on her decision. They could only give her a wry smile as Orias said,

“If that is your decision, fine, we accept it. But if you changed you mind, you know you can still contact us.” They then disappeared as they went back to their dwelling.

Fang Yu suppressed a slight tinge of guilt inside her as she saw the sad faces of those departing Djinns.

She patted her cheeks as she thought to herself,

“You owe them nothing, and you do not really need to help them. You still have your own problems to deal with!”

Fang Yu then used her suit’s AI to determine where Andromeda was. To Fang Yu’s delight, she found Andromeda’s signal not too far away from her. What made her more delighted was the fact that the signal was approaching Fang Yu’s location quickly.

Minutes later, and Fang Yu was able to use her divine sense to sense Andromeda’s arrival. She smiled as the spacefarer stopped in front of them.

Fang Yu looked at Andromeda, and she could not help but raise her eyebrows slightly.

Andromeda looked like she had been through a lot.

Her face looked tired, with sweat permeating through her skin.

Her eyes were slightly bloodshot while her breathing was deep and harried.

Her whole body was slightly trembling, with her arms and legs as the parts with most tremblings.

All in all, Andromeda seems to be not in her best state right now.

“Are you ok Anthromeda?” Fang Yu asked with concern as Andromeda sat on a chair with a sigh. She then slumped forward as she closed her eyes in exhaustion.

Minutes passed by, and Andromeda was fast asleep.

“....” Fang Yu scratched her head while looking at the sleeping Andromeda.

“Seems like whatever she met at the Underground must be extremely dangerous.” Fang Yu shivered as she reaffirmed her decision to leave this planet as fast as possible.

Fang Yu then sat beside Andromeda and waited for her to wake up.

During this waiting, Fang Yu had to suppress her urge to shout angrily after Fang Lin was baited by the Royal Decree. She then sighed as Fang Lin was brought away to the Golden Tree Kingdom.

“Oh my, Fang Lin’s really getting married later? That cannot be! Princess Lilliana must not be close to my male body! It will be dangerous!” Fang Yu thought with a panic as she thought of ways to escape the predicament.

In the end, she could only shout in frustration as she felt Fang Lin being knocked out cold by the King.

Because they can now cut off the sensation-sharing between the two bodies, Fang Yu was not affected with Fang Lin passing out.

But this made her frustrated since with Fang Lin knocked out, Fang Yu will not be able to observe where Fang Lin will be brought at.

She tried making her male body regain consciousness, but to her chagrin, there was something preventing Fang Lin from waking up!

“Is this a powerful drug or a powerful spell?” Fang Yu thought worriedly. She then paled as she realized something.

“Don’t tell me my male body will stay knocked out until the wedding? That is really bad!”

Fang Yu knew that if the King does not want to Fang Lin to escape, letting him stay asleep until before the marriage was the best thing to do.

“If that happens, my male body will find it hard to escape...”

Fang Yu then gritted her teeth as she said,

“How about him fusing with me?”

If Fang Yu did the fusion, Fang Lin will surely disappear from the venue. That grants Fang Lin the escape that he needs.

But if he does that, his bloodline might be discovered.

Fang Yu shook her head as she tried to think of other solutions to help Fang Lin.

Then her thoughts were cut short when she felt Andromeda stirring awake.

Andromeda stretched her lithe body as she let out a cute yawn. Her body had regained its healthy vibe as she stood up quickly.

Seeing Andromeda like this made Fang Yu relieved. Now, it was time for her to know what happened to Andromeda during those times.

Fang Yu gave Andromeda a flat stare as she asked her,

“Ammomeda, can you tell me what happened to you yesterday that made you like that earlier?”

Andromeda ignored the blatant name-calling to her as she said,

“I don’t want to say anything.”

“....” Fang Yu knew that if Andromeda does not want to say something, she will really not say it. So she just shrugged her shoulders as she decided to forget about that matter.

“Ok. I will not ask anymore.” Fang Yu then rubbed her hands excitedly as she said,

“Since we have nothing else to do here, why don’t we just leave already? It’s way better to leave now! Oh, and I will be bringing two women with us. That’s fine with you right? They do not need to wear your suits when we visit other planets. They will be of great help to us, so please accept them. As for the time of our departure, can we just do it now?”

Fang Yu then continued droning on about leaving the planet. But then Andromeda looked at Fang Yu as she said,

“We cannot leave yet.”

“Why? Did you leave something here? Tell that to me, and I will get it for you.” Fang Yu resisted the urge to get angry as she tried to be amicable. “You did not leave many objects right?”

“I did not leave any objects here.”

Andromeda said while shaking her head, which made Fang Yu dismayed.

Fang Yu’s dismay was then amplified when Andromeda said,

“We will only leave once we kill Solomon.”

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