The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 281: .

Chapter 281: .

Wang Hao’s eyes narrowed, as he felt the killing intent focused on Fang Lin.

The communication book that Wang Hao left to Fang Lin allowed Wang Hao not only to talk to Fang Lin, but also allowed Wang Hao to know if Fang Lin was the target of an intense killing intent.

Alarm bells rang on Wang Hao’s forehead as he realized that Fang Lin was about to die.

Wang Hao tried to save him, but it was too late.

The enraged Fajardo waved his hands, unleashing a light-speed attack. Xue’er was not even able to use her bloodline spell as Fajardo’s attacks were too quick.

Even the other disciples, including Fang Lin, were not able to activate even their talismans, as Fajardo’s attack was too fast for them.

Even their defensive mechanisms only activated after the disciples were hit by the attack.

Those poor disciples were not able to do anything, as they all died with Fajardo’s attack.

As for Xiao Ya, she was supposed to save them the moment Fajardo appeared.

But Scarlet, who was with her in her room, used her power to stop Xiao Ya from moving.

They were both at the Sixth Stage, which meant that Scarlet was able to slow Xiao Ya down for 10 seconds.

That 10 seconds was enough for Fajardo to kill them all.

“Hahaha!” Fajardo’s maniacal laughter echoed out as he flew away. As for where he will go next, nobody knew.


Wang Hao used his ability to teleport right where Fang Lin and his fellow disciples died.

With his authority as an Underworld Prince, Wang Hao was able to see all the souls of everyone who died, including Fang Lin’s.

They were just about to be sucked right towards the Underworld Realm

“Hm?” Wang Hao, who saw this, grimaced as a look of determination appeared on his face. He stretched out his hand, activating the authority of an Underworld Prince.

The suction force of the Underworld on Fang Lin and the others stopped, as Wang Hao willed it to disappear.

Wang Hao clapped his hands, as all the souls in the field was sucked on his token. Only Fang Lin’s soul was left floating in front of him.

Wang Hao then activated his teleportation, bringing him and Fang Lin’s souls away from here and to a secluded place.

Silence then reigned as Wang Hao stared at Fang Lin with guilt.

Right now, Wang Hao’s heart felt like it was being pricked by millions of small needles. The emotional guilt and grief that he was feeling right now overwhelmed him. Wang Hao could only stop himself from trembling as he tried to make himself feel better.

“Am I dead?” Fang Lin said as he looked at his body. He shivered, as he realized ½ of him just died.

Fang Yu was still alive, but she got shaken up by what happened to Fang Lin. She took deep breaths to try to calm herself down. Her eyes were wide as she processed what happened to Fang Lin.

Since Fang Yu and Fang Lin were two separate bodies, their souls were also split into two. The male body had its own soul, the same with the female body.

Fang Lin’s death did not really affect Fang Yu that much. The only problem with it was that Fang Yu will not be able to use fusion anymore, since Fang Lin was already dead.

“Yes, you are dead.” Fang Lin heard someone saying behind him. He looked at the source of the voice, and he saw his master Wang Hao looking at him.

But instead of the usual jovial expression, what Fang Lin saw was his Master Wang Hao trying to hold back tears.

“If I just moved faster... I could have saved you all!” Wang Hao bellowed in anger. “It’s all because of me, stupid ingrate! Ah!!!” Wang Hao shouted in agony. He gripped his head as he crouched down. “This really sucks!!!”

“..... Master, I do not blame you, I just got the short end of it.” Fang Lin replied serenely. “There’s nothing that can be done now. I’m already dead. Just take care of Fang Yu ok?”

“Hey! Don’t just think like that!” Wang Hao shouted as a token appeared on his hands. This was the token with the symbol ‘Yama’ engraved on it.

Wang Hao pointed it to Fang Lin as he said,

“As the Prince of the Underworld, I use this token of mine to perform a temporary resurrection!”

Light flashed as Fang Lin’s soul was covered by a golden glow.

Minutes passed by, and Fang Lin’s soul disappeared. After minutes of agonizing wait, Wang Hao saw the effects of the token.


What Wang Hao saw in front of him was Fang Lin with his body back!

Fang Lin’s eyes widened in surprise as he inspected his body. To his delight, he found that the body he had now was no different from the body that he had before he died!

It was as if his death earlier was revoked and that he did not die at all! Fang Lin could feel that his body right now just functioned as well as the body he had before died.

Even all the essence cores and the abilities he had were still retained on his body!

“Master, what happened to me? How were you able to do that?” Fang Lin asked as he looked at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao wiped his eyes as he sighed in relief. He waved the Yama Token in front of Fang Lin as he said,

“This token right here gave me the right to bestow temporary resurrection to any person just once. Right now, I used that to you.”

“Temporary resurrection?” Fang Lin’s eyes narrowed as she said,

“Does that mean that my current alive state is temporary?”

“Yes, it will last only for a week.” Wang Hao meekly replied. He seemed to act extremely guilty right now. Well he should, since he was somewhat related to Fang Lin’s death.

“The body you have right now was just the body you had before you died. But after a week, you will go back to being a soul.”

“Then won’t I be dead again after a week? So what’s the use of the temporary resurrection?” Fang Lin said angrily. “Now that I remember it, I actually should be pissed at you!”

Wang Hao grimaced after hearing Fang Lin’s complaints. He looked at Fang Lin apologetically as he said,

“You know, permanent resurrection was not allowed in the Underworld. That was the reason I can only bestow a temporary resurrection on you. But do not worry, I still have a way to make you permanently resurrected!”

Wang Hao then rubbed his hands as he continued talking.

“Not only will you be permanently resurrected, even your fellow disciples will be permanently resurrected too!”

“Quick, tell me what it is!” Fang Lin said desperately. Wang Hao saying that he can also revive his fellow disciples attracted his attention.

The death of his fellow disciples made Fang Lin extremely angry to himself. After all, if he was just about a minute quicker, they could all have been alive and safe in the Immortal Continent.

But his slow actions led them to this situation!

His wife and friends were all dead now! That was the worst!

Fang Lin felt extreme anger and grief as he tried to process what just happened to him.

But Fang Lin had no time to grieve for them as he listened to what Wang Hao said.

“As long as I become the Yama Successor, I will have the right to ask the Yama itself with one wish! And as for what that wish will be, it will be the wish to permanently resurrect you and your fellow disciples!”

“!!!” Fang Lin’s eyes widened as he continued to listen to Wang Hao.

According to Wang Hao, there was one more trial left that will determine the Yama Successor.

Luckily for Fang Lin, the trial will happen 4 days from now. That means Wang Hao might be able to finish the trial while Fang Lin was still on his alive state!

What Fang Lin then heard next made his heart pound.

Wang Hao said that for this trial, Wang Hao needed to have one practitioner joining him. Aside from that, he also had to collect souls that died in anguish.

“Master don’t tell me...”

“Yes Fang Lin.” Wang Hao replied morosely. “I intended this war to happen so that I can collect souls that died in anguish. As for the practitioner joining me, I am still deciding whether it should be Fang Xingwei or you.”

“!!!” Fang Lin suddenly felt anger inside him as he realized that it was his master’s fault that this war had erupted!

“You....” Fang Lin was speechless as he stared at his master. Wang Hao could only give Fang Lin a sad smile as he waited for what he will say next.

“Master.” Fang Lin said after 5 minutes of silence. “Let me be the practitioner that will join you on the trial. As for the anguished souls, we will collect that on the following days.”

Wang Hao smiled as he heaved a sigh of relief. He thought that he was forgiven by Fang Lin already. But out of nowhere, Fang Lin said,

“But after we finish your trial, whether you win or not, we shall cut our ties after that.”

Silence reigned as Wang Hao tried to process what Fang Lin said. His mouth trembled as he tried to articulate some words.

But in the end, he did not say anything as he knew that Fang Lin was right.

Almost all this time, Wang Hao did some selfish things that indirectly harmed Fang Lin. Fang Lin was able to bear some of the earlier ones, since they were minor.

But what Wang Hao did right now was way over the line.

Wang Hao deliberately created a chain of events to create a war just so that he can gather some souls! This might sound cool if Wang Hao was an anti-hero or a villainous novel protagonist, but he ain’t one of them.

He was just a selfish master who was not able to take care of his disciple properly.

“But since we are still tied by the Ten Stage Flower Seal, you can say that we will never be that separate to each other.” Fang Lin replied quietly. “But like what I said earlier, after we finish your trial, I don’t want to see your face anymore!”

“Fine. I agree.” In the end, Wang Hao had no choice but to agree to his disciple.


The wind howled behind them, as if it was also lamenting the miserable outcome between Fang Lin and Wang Hao’s dysfunctional relationship.

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