The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 290: The Inshtwuctow

Chapter 290: The Inshtwuctow

After talking to more passengers on the ship, Fang Lin realized that the only people with status high enough to be assassinated was Ling’er and Fang Xiushang with his lovers. The others were just merchants like his disguise now.

“Hey Fang Lin, it seems like you were getting awfully chummy with that Lin Xiang guy.” Wang Hao muttered to Fang Lin after he came back from the comfort room.

“Tsk. Were you watching me with your energy sense?” Fang Lin shot back in irritation.

“Ah sorry about that.” Wang Hao apologized without looking apologetic. “Do you want my help?”

“No. Let me do this on my own.” Fang Lin replied quickly. “Why don’t you just sleep so that your seasickness could be relieved?”

“Ugh, if you say so.” Wang Hao did not even look disappointed from Fang Lin’s harsh rejection. He headed straight to his room, as he tried to suppress another round of seasickness.

“Why did Feng Ling’er and Fang Xiushang ride this ship without even hiding their identities? What compelled them to do that?” Fang Lin might know the answer once he accepted Fang Xiushang’s invitation to talk.

So Fang Lin went to where Fang Xiushang was right now.

“Hey there Ricardo.” Fang Xiushang said nonchalantly from the chair that he was lazily lounging in. “You must have known who I really am now right?”

“Yes, you are the esteemed Fang Xiushang.” Fang Lin said with a bow. “It’s an honor for someone like me to see someone like you.”

“Pfft. Honor?” Fang Xiushang seemed to look melancholic as he heard that word. “Do you think I deserved honor after all that I did?”

“Hmph. Serves you right!” Fang Lin thought to himself as he remembered his not-so-good interactions with Fang Xiushang before. “But just because you feel guilty does not mean that you can act sad now!”

“Maybe its just preposterous of me to ask, but what is brother Fang Xiushang doing here, and why are you treating me like this?” Fang Lin asked as he discreetly circulated his power.

“Ah, you can just say that there was a seal in me that was unlocked just a month ago...” Fang Xiushang slowly said.

“After that seal was removed, I tried asking an oracle in our clan to locate Fang Lin. There, she said that I must seek someone named Ricardo in the merchant ship that will leave today. That Ricardo will be the one to lead me to Fang Lin.”

“Holy ****! My identity was almost revealed!” Fang Lin thought with a panic as he grudgingly praised that damn oracle.

“Are you sure that I am that Ricardo your oracle was talking about? I know one more Ricardo on this ship.” Fang Lin replied hastily.

“The oracle also provided me with the appearance description of that Ricardo. Middle-aged man with a scruffy beard. So I am sure that you are the Ricardo that she was talking about.”

“........” Fang Lin sighed, realizing he had no way to get off Fang Xiushang now.

“By the way you were talking about a seal. What kind of seal are you talking about?” Fang Lin asked as he tried to fish out more information from Fang Xiushang.

“Since you will somewhat lead me to Fang Lin, I guess I can tell some little bits of info to you.” Fang Xiushang looked around him cautiously before saying,

“You can say that it was something like a memory seal.....” Fang Xiushang hesitatingly said.

“That memory seal made me forget a certain event before. But now that it was unlocked. I managed to remember everything, including the truth.”

“Truth? What truth?” Even in his disguise, Fang Lin could not help but want to know what Fang Xiushang was talking about.

“I think I cannot tell you that, since it was a clan matter.” Fang Xiushang apologetically said.

Fang Lin marveled on how Fang Xiushang’s attitude changed with just the unlocking of the memory seal.

“Is that memory related to me?” Fang Lin mused to himself.

“Just like what I said earlier, I want to find Fang Lin and say something to him. I know he might be hurt by it, but I think he needs to know everything before it’s too late.”

Fang Xiushang then stared at Fang Lin solemnly as he asked,

“Will you help me on finding Fang Lin?”

“Yes, yes I will.” Fang Lin replied with resolution. As for how he can make Fang Lin meet Fang Xiushang without blowing the infiltration mission was still unknown to him.

But Fang Lin’s interest was piqued by what Fang Xiushang wanted to tell him.

“Great, great.” Fang Xiushang muttered as he clasped Fang Lin’s right hand.

“As a thanks for your help, I will personally assist you in pursuing that woman you gave the flowers to earlier!”

“Ok?” Fang Lin wryly smiled as he shook Fang Xiushang’s hand. He was still jarred by Fang Xiushang’s drastic attitude change.

“Now I want to know what that memory is!”


“Boom!” The whole Rock Heights Prison shuddered, as all of the soul fighter who became inmates were freed by Fang Yu. She used her soul avatars to destroy the prison cells and to remove the soul shackles on the soul fighter prisoners.

Under her lead, all the prison guards were tied up and piled in one room. Fang Yu stopped the prisoners from killing them, as she said that they were just unwilling pawns of the greater evil.

“Soul King! Soul King! Soul King!” The prisoners chanted as they praised Fang Yu. Even the most evil of the soul fighter prisoners were looking at Fang Yu with reverence right now.

Fang Yu saying that she was here for the sake of them made the prisoners realized that Fang Yu must really be their savior.

Of course they will still have some doubt in their hearts, but they were keeping it suppressed after they saw the sheer power that Fang Yu had.

“Oh Soul King, where will we go after this?” A thin-skinned prisoner stepped out as he bowed in front of Fang Yu. “I, Erik, will follow you everywhere!”

“So you are Erik.” Fang Yu replied in a booming voice. “I guess all of you are worthy to hear my plans.”

Fang Yu then spread her arms as she said,

“As you can see, us soul fighters may have the power, but how does the society treat us? They treat us as a commodity, a way of entertainment. Do you want to always be treated like that?”

“No!” The prisoners shouted as they felt their bloods boiling.

“Do you want to stay oppressed forever?”


“Do you want to defeat the real enemy, the cause of our sufferings?”


“Then you are all lucky to see me!” Fang Yu said authoratively. “With our might and power, we will create the greatest soul army ever! And once we did that, we shall cut down the disease that is infecting this colony!”

“Ha!!!!” The prisoners cheered as they felt vitalized by Fang Yu’s rousing speech.

“Now do not resist.” Fang Yu said in a soothing voice. “I will bring you to a place where you shall be reborn as my knights!”

The prisoners then felt a sucking force which brought them into a new place.

They looked around them, realizing that they were not in a prison anymore.

Just before they could rejoice, they heard some presences approaching them.

They looked at the source, and there they saw two bodies slowly going towards them.

When they saw who they were, the prisoners do not know whether they should laugh or feel horrified.

One of the bodies was the ugliest creature ever. The only reason they did not attack it was because of the flying baby beside it.

The baby was so cute that it managed to cancel the ugliness of the creature.(Is that even possible?)

The baby then let out a snort when she saw the dumbfounded prisoners.

“You awe now my twaineesh!” The baby can actually talk! “Sis entwushted all of you to me and Sis Genie!”

The ugly creature waved one of its tentacles, indicating that she was that Genie.

“You will twain to become powerful shoul fightewsh!” The baby said as she gripped her tiny fists.

“Sho Sis Genie will make you undewgo deadwy twaining!”

“Ash fow me, I will watch and tell Sis youw shtatush!”

The prisoners shivered as they saw the baby looking at them like they were some toys to be played with.

“If I shee shomeone who failsh or quitsh, I will tell Sis to punish! Do you undewshtand?” The baby asked as the ugly creature reared its head all over the prisoners.

“If you undewshtand, shay ‘Yesh, Mashtew Tang Li’!”

“Yes Master Tang Li!” The prisoners replied in panic.

“Hey thatsh wong!” Tang Li said as she looked offended. “Make it wight!”

Good thing the prisoners were quick-minded as they realized what Tang Li meant.

“Yesh Mashtew Tang Li!”

“Yay!” Tang Li clapped her hands happily as she got what she wanted. “Then fiwsht twaining shtawtsh now! Twy to shuwvive!”

Countless soul avatars appeared behind Tang Li, who all rushed towards the prisoners. The prisoners tried to activate their soul avatars but to their panic, they found out that they could not summon them!

“Ahh!!” All of them shouted as the soul avatars approached them.

“Fight fight!” Tang Li shouted in the background while she and Genie ate some popcorn.


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