The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 23: The Lord God Can’t Sleep

Chapter 23: The Lord God Can’t Sleep

Um Sui Lier stared at the bed in the room, lost in thought.

This bed wasnt as tidy as the other one. Because Chen Ling had just laid on it, the sheets were a bit wrinkled. There was a faint fragrance lingering in the air of the room. It seemed to be the same scent as Chen Lings clothes.

She lightly sniffed it twice with her little nose and muttered under her breath: It smells so nice

Then she pursed her lips and sneakily turned her head to take a quick glance, wanting to see if Chen Ling was behind her.

He wasnt there!


With a mischievous smile, she took a quick few steps and landed on Chen Lings bed with a bang.

However, the bed didnt bounce her back. Sui Lier felt like her bones were about to fall apart.

It hurts, wuwuwu (_)

Now she had learned something else: the Lord Gods bed was so damn hard to sleep on!

She couldnt understand why anyone would like to sleep on a hard bed in this world But it didnt matter. Even though it was hard, Sui Lier liked it a lot!

Happily, she climbed off the bed and ran to the bathroom, wanting to take a shower and then go to bed.

However, the bathing facilities in Chen Lings stone house were completely different from what Sui Lier was familiar with.

In this world, all the machines were based on curse energy and operated through magic.

But the equipment in Chen Lings stone house ran on electricity, and the house had its own generator. Besides, with the system present, there would be no power outage.

How how do I use this thing Sui Lier took off her clothes and stood under the showerhead, looking up and murmuring to herself: This should be the water spray, right?

And this should be a switch.

She had a strong ability to adapt to new things. In fact, her aptitude and talent were quite good, but she had been hindered by the curse.

As she gently flicked the switch, water immediately started spraying out.

Splash! The icy cold water directly splashed onto her body.

Ah! (>< )

Sui Lier let out a sudden cry and quickly jumped away. Ah, so cold! She couldnt help but shiver, and with her hand, she gently adjusted the temperature.

Finally, the water became hot.

Just as she was about to step forward, Chen Lings voice suddenly sounded beside her:

Whats wrong with you again Pfft~ Two streams of nosebleed directly sprayed onto Sui Liers body.

Ah! Sui Lier was startled and slipped backward. Her hand instinctively reached out to Chen Ling.

Save me


Dont look!

Chen Ling also froze for a moment, but he didnt have time to hesitate. He immediately reached out his hand.

Whoosh! He grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

Pfft Two more streams of nosebleed couldnt be stopped.

He had never had a nosebleed from seeing a woman It was always from getting beaten up by his old man. Whats wrong with me

While Sui Lier was still in a state of shock, Chen Ling turned around.

Uh Im sorry. I heard you scream, so I came over to see what happened. It wasnt intentional. When he heard Sui Liers cry earlier, he panicked and immediately located her position.

Its its okay I you, you, you please leave quickly Sui Liers voice was trembling as she crouched on the ground, holding onto her body. Her little brain was almost unable to think anymore.

Alright! Chen Ling immediately left the place.

Damn Its so embarrassing He lay speechless on the bed in the next room, blaming her for being so jumpy. Not blaming himself!

Yes, its not my fault.

After Chen Ling left, Sui Lier remained crouched on the ground, unable to stand up for a long time.

With a flushed face, she looked at the blood that gradually flowed into the drain, the nosebleed that Chen Ling had sprayed earlier.

Chen Ling made a mess of me again

Its over Sui Lier covered her face in embarrassment. Even though Chen Ling was no longer there, she couldnt recover from the shock.

After a while, she finally let out a slow breath: It was all a misunderstanding He was just worried about me!

We are pure, huh

Yeah! Thats right

Then she slowly stood up and blushing, took a bath.

After finishing the shower and standing in front of the mirror, she couldnt help but take a glance at her reflection.

Unfortunately, there was nothing, nothing to see. She couldnt see herself in the mirror.

Sigh What do I really look like After sighing, she lowered her head and looked at her chest.

In her world, she was like two floating eyeballs in the air. She couldnt see her physical body. But even though she couldnt see it, she could feel it!

So she reached out her hand and explored.

Hmm Why is it so flat? Ah Its all because I didnt have enough nutrition when I was young.

So, what does mine look like? Is it attractive to the Lord God

No, forget it! Why am I even thinking about this?

Then she looked at the mirror that showed nothing.

Talking to herself, she said: What are you thinking! Lord God would never be interested in you! Give up on that thought, Sui Lier! Stop being delusional Ugh! She scolded herself fiercely.

As she left the bathroom, she couldnt help but look towards the spot where Chen Ling had been standing earlier. He must like me, right? He even had a nosebleed

No, I shouldnt think about it Sleep! Just sleep well and forget everything!

However, she soon found herself in a dilemma. How should she sleep, naked or dressed? It was a serious question.

If she slept dressed in her dirty clothes, the shower would have been in vain. She only had one set of clothes. Moreover, it was Chen Lings bed, and she didnt want to dirty it.

But if she slept naked

That was the bed Chen Ling had slept in! Just the thought of it made her feel a bit restless. If sharing the same straw is considered an indirect kiss

Then, if she slept naked in Chen Lings bed, would it be like.sleeping together?!


So she stood there, feeling conflicted.

She had never considered this question before. As a wanderer, her clothes were never really clean. Can you stay clean while sleeping on the streets?

But deep down, she was a girl who loved cleanliness. Even in cold weather, she would go to the lake to bathe. If it was too cold and she couldnt bear it anymore, she would go to a public bathhouse to enjoy some hot water.

But now things were different. This was her home, or rather, Chen Lings room. She had to protect this environment no matter what.

In simple terms, she felt dirty and was afraid of tainting her cozy new home. It was like buying a new pair of shoes and being reluctant to wear them outside.

What should I do Sigh Ill just sleep naked.

In the end, she decided not to wear anything. After all, were pure and innocent!

Hehe~ Lying on Chen Lings bed, Sui Lier felt so happy that she almost passed out.

It feels so cozy and warm! Then she turned over and looked towards the door.

In a small voice, she said: Thank you, Lord God! Thank you for giving me this home I really like it! With a grateful heart, she fell into a deep sleep.

Meanwhile, in Chen Lings room

He was lying on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. Damn it, he couldnt sleep. Sui Lier was all he could think about.

This girl she was downright lethal.

She was just a girl, but Chen Ling couldnt forget about her at all. Damn it, cant sleep, my mind is filled with Sui Lier.

At this moment, little Chen Ling has also lifted his head.

Chen Ling wordlessly looked down and couldnt help but mutter quietly: Are you kidding me? Youre already up? Get down! Who knows if he was scolding himself or his beloved little treasure.

Either way, something was definitely wrong with him.

Ugh so annoying! Chen Ling simply couldnt fall asleep. Its been a solid six hours of tossing and turning.

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