The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 69 69 Savage Shaman

Allen praised Taylor and asked them to share weapons.

"Anyway, I still follow what I said. I promise you will be safe under my command!"

When he said this again, Natalie and the other three girls had no hesitation at all. They looked like experienced soldiers who had gone to the battlefield.

Although they were still worried, there was nothing wrong on the surface.

Affected by such confidence, Emily and others also nodded at Allen, indicating that they were fine.

"Well, in that case, let's go on talking while walking!"

Feeling that the girls were in high spirits, Allen expressed his thoughts and took them into action.

"Anyway, that's the plan. You stay here and wait for me to lure the remaining savages. Listen to my orders and ambush them! You don't need to worry about other things!"

As Allen spoke, he led the girls to walk through the jungle. Due to a large number of people, their speed was slow.

But it didn't matter. Allen had observed the situation of the savages before. There would still be unrest among the savages in a short time. Allen still had time to teach the girls more.

"Here we are!"

After a long time of traveling, Allen finally arrived at a high slope with the girls.

Looking from below, if these slender girls squatted down or were lying, they could not be seen if the savages didn't look carefully.

With the advantage of the terrain, there was only one narrow road on the slope.

As long as they stuck to this position, it didn't matter even if their firepower was not enough!

They could just shoot at the slope without thinking too much!

At that time, the savages that were hit would slide down.

"As long as these girls have a good mentality and don't worry!"

Allen didn't worry about Natalie and the other girls, but Allen was still worried about Emily and the others!

Especially Jessica, whose two eyes had been wandering.

Allen always felt that she wanted to do something, but Allen was not sure.

"Well. As long as we get through this, I will have a lot of chances to deal with Jessica in the future!"

"Lesbian? You like women, don't you? You want to compete with me?"

A cruel smile flashed on Allen's face. Many interesting and thrilling scenes had flashed through his mind!

"But it's not the time to think about it!"

Allen restrained his thoughts in silence and said to the girls, "Well, you'd better stand in the same formation as before. As for the rest of the things, Natalie can teach them!"

Allen asked Natalie to be the teacher. Although Natalie was stunned for a while, she accepted it gladly.

"Okay, don't worry!"

​ After getting Natalie's answer, Allen nodded, turned around, and went into the jungle. All the girls looked at his back with their ideas.

Allen came to the hut first. He had to make a trip here.

After working hard for a while, as long as someone pushed open the closed wooden door, the wooden thorns behind the door would be triggered in an instant, and the person who pushed the door would be pierced through his body.

Then the previous wooden door will also be closed under the treatment of wood cane rope made by Allen after a minute closed!

At that time, Allen would shoot a fire arrow to set this hut on fire! He would burn these cannibals who had entered the hut to death.

After setting up this trap, Allen kept rushing to the tribe of the cannibals.

From a distance, Allen could see from the tree that the corpses of the cannibals had been cleaned up.

Only some traces of blood remained on the ground, which proved that a tragic battle had happened here.

Allen silently slowed down his pace. At this time, the tribe of the cannibals seemed to be led by a savage who was also wearing leather clothes and trousers towards the gate.

Allen saw the strange black tattoo on the leader's face at once.

"Ugly but mysterious. This guy must be Shaman, right?"

"It's like an animal or a cannibal flower tattoo."

Allen couldn't tell what was on his face, but Allen knew that he was the leader of the savages.

"Savage cleanup plan has begun!"

Allen looked at Shaman with a ferocious smile. His crossbow has been waiting for a long time!

Now Allen just stayed quietly in the tree, waiting for Shaman to get close. He would shoot him with a wooden arrow and kill him.


After adjusting the crossbow to its best performance, Allen waited for the noisy cannibals to come to his shooting range under the tree.

Allen saw the tears in the Shaman's eyes, which made Allen surer that he was the father of the strange savage he had killed before.

"I'm sorry. I'll send you to reunite with our son!"

After a silent countdown in his heart, Allen pulled out his crossbow and shot a wooden arrow towards Shaman.

However, just as Allen was waiting to kill Shaman successfully, and he continued to kill several savage leaders and then went back safe and sound, an accident happened.

The shaman was capable enough to be the leader of the savages.

When Allen was shooting, he seemed to feel something and suddenly raised his left hand to hold out a long knife in front of him.

Although Allen's wooden arrow was indeed shot out, it was directly resisted by Shaman's long knife.

With a crisp sound, Allen's face changed. Without any hesitation, he kept shooting.

However, Allen still underestimated the cannibal tribe.

When his first attack failed, Shaman put down the knife and accurately found the spot where Allen shot the arrow.


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