The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 80 80 Shaman Was Dead!

He picked up Shaman's stone knife. When the Shaman's consciousness had some problems, he held his head and twisted his body there. Allen raised the weapon in his hand and lunged at Shaman!

"Son of a bitch! Take this!"

Accompanied by the weird scream of Shaman, Allen returned the stone knife of Shaman to its original owner. Allen stuck it in the Shaman's chest!

Allen didn't feel sorry for Shaman, who was rolling on the ground but didn't dare to touch the knife in his chest.

After all, in Allen's eyes, these cannibals were no different from animals.

So he didn't feel guilty at all. He was just on guard against Shaman. Was he pretending to be dead?

Shaman had lied to Allen once.

He didn't want this guy to retaliate and hurt him, or make even bigger mistakes. That's not very wonderful!

"Try to ask for help, but no one will come to save you even if you shout yourself hoarse!"

Allen even calmly found a tree to lean against and enjoy the miserable situation of Shaman.

But Allen forgot that Shaman could understand him.

Although Shaman didn't understand what Allen meant, he still took Allen's words as a lifeline and shouted loudly.

"Help! Help!"

When Allen heard Shaman's words, he almost choked on his saliva!

"Ha ha! That's so funny! I can't believe that there is such a ridiculous man!"

Allen kept mocking Shaman. It seemed that Shaman also knew that he had said something wrong. Finally, feeling that his body was getting colder and colder, Shaman finally stopped shouting and looked at Allen.

"Who the hell are you?"

He asked Allen.

"I'm your father!"

Allen answered! Shaman was so angry that he couldn't help but spit out the blood in his chest.

"Damn it! Go to hell!"

"You'd better worry about yourself first!"

Allen didn't feel threatened at all.

However, what Shaman said before he died made Allen flustered.

Because Shaman said, "Even if I die, someone will take revenge on you! You! I'll wait for you in hell!"

After saying that, Shaman began to laugh because he saw the astonishment on Allen's face.

Knowing that Allen would also have something worrying and unpredictable, Shaman finally felt that he had won one back.

"Make it clear. Who else will come to take revenge on me?"

"Are they other cannibals?"

Allen shouted at Shaman.

After seeing Allen's timidity, Shaman stopped expecting miracles.

"My brothers will help me! They will avenge me!"

"They will mourn me with your skull! They will make crutches with your bones! They will use your teeth as souvenirs to remember me!"

Shaman even said something frightening.

Allen had a headache.

"How many savages are there? Tell me, I'll kill you immediately!"

Allen walked slowly to Shaman and said.

But Shaman just looked at Allen and smiled silently with his bloody teeth. His eyes began to lose focus.

In the end, Allen heard the prompt of the system. He had killed another savage and gained more experience.

But Allen couldn't be happy.

Shaman didn't give Allen any chance to breathe even after his death.

He stood there silently for a while. Allen pulled out the stone knife on Shaman's chest as his trophy.

Allen silently looked around and found no savages around. He sighed and chose to leave.

Allen didn't know where the other savage tribes were.

What's more, Allen didn't have any weapons in his hands. If he met the savages, he would have to run away!

That's all for today.

Allen took back his wooden arrows. Although it was not difficult for Allen to make wooden arrows, Allen thought it was better to accumulate more wooden arrows for the unknown number of the savages on the island.

"I'd better stick to my original plan. I need to put the wooden arrow box on the tree and put enough wooden arrows in it!"

"Then I will lead the savages to the area I have arranged in advance, and I can assassinate them."

Allen thought it was a good idea.

However, it was a good idea, but it was very difficult to carry out.

Not only was it difficult to find other savages, but it was also difficult to lure them into Allen's traps.

How could he escape these savages?

These were all unknown. Allen knew that he would figure out a way to solve them in the future. But now, Allen thought that he'd better go back and think about it carefully.

"But it is good news that my base camp is not exposed."

"But when all the savages come out, they would finally find my cabin!"

Allen was more worried about the future.

"Damn it! Time is running out!"

Allen pounded the tree beside him angrily.

But Allen also knew that being angry couldn't solve the problems, so he had to go back to the cabin to carry out his next plan.

While walking, Allen was thinking about how to guard against the cannibal.

"First, I have to make more crossbows and wooden arrows. But I also have to teach Natalie and others to cherish bullets and wooden arrows!"

"And I also need to make a wooden box on the tree. But what should I use to replace the nails?"

Allen thought for a while and didn't know if his wooden nails could be used. If those didn't work, I'll try to use vines.

"I still have a long way to go!"

Allen sighed again, feeling that he didn't have any time to rest!

What else could he say? To survive!

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