The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 84 84 A Wonderful Time For Dinner

The point was that after eating these meat dishes, Allen also heard strange remarks from the girls!

"No wonder I can't lose weight! Allen is so good at cooking!"

"Yes, yes! You're right!"

"Stop sucking your fingers. It doesn't look civilized. Calm down!"

Allen looked at Taylor, who was sucking her fingers, and couldn't help but think of the happiness of his dick being sucked by Taylor.

"I didn't know Taylor looks so pretty, her tongue is so skillful. Interesting!"

"Don't worry. There will be plenty of chances to have a try with her in the future!"

Allen couldn't help but get excited after he was brought into the fantasy, but he calmed down soon.

Because now the girls had almost finished their dinner.

Allen thought it was time to announce the news of the savages.

So Allen coughed and all the girls looked at him.

Allen took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, you must be very curious about the situation that I went after the savages today. Now I'm going to share with you my story today!"

Then Allen briefly told the girls the story about Shaman today.

As soon as he finished his words that he was deceived by Shaman and had close combat with him. Although all the girls knew that Allen was the final winner, they were still worried about Allen!

After hearing Allen say that he had killed Shaman cruelly, Taylor immediately jumped and cheered!

"That's great!"

She couldn't help applauding, and then something amazing happened. The other girls also began to applaud.

Allen felt embarrassed.

"Well, it's not a big deal!"

But after telling the story about killing Shaman, Allen became serious.

The girls all felt something was wrong.

Allen's look made them feel nervous.

They couldn't help but sit upright.

"Next is the most important thing I want to say!"

"There are more than one cannibal tribe on this island! The cannibal tribe we killed before might be just a small branch or just a tribe of these cannibal tribes!"

"There are other cannibal tribes on this uninhabited island! We are still in danger now!"

After Allen finished his words, the smiles on the faces of the girls all disappeared.

There was panic on their faces.

"What? Are there still savages alive? Then we are still in danger, aren't we?"

"How could this be possible? It's just an uninhabited island. Why are there so many cannibals?"

"I don't know. But I only know that we still have another, no, maybe several fights!"

"Just do it. Are we afraid of them?"

Taylor was the first one to stand up and said to the other girls, "I didn't think I had killed enough savages. I thought I wouldn't have a chance, but there are other savages on this uninhabited island. This is a gift from God!"

"Think about the threats we had before! I can still see the savages pressing me on the ground, stripping me naked, rubbing me with leaves, and washing me like a pig when I close my eyes!"

"I'm angry! I am so angry that I couldn't do anything at that time. Now it's different. I have you and Allen!"

Taylor glanced at Allen with confidence.

"As long as we work together, we will definitely kill all these cannibals!"

Hearing Taylor's highly spirited speech, the other girls all stood up.

"Yes, if we can defeat these cannibals once, we can defeat them for the second time!"

"Yes. They are just a group of brainless cannibals. We can kill them!"

"I'll kill one hundred cannibals!"

Looking at the girls, Allen thought of his water purifier.

"I don't think it has the function of purifying rainwater into wine. Why do these girls seem to be drunk? Or is this their nature?"

"The girl group members that were exposed to the public before were all well-packed. They are who they are right now, right?"

There was a puzzled look on Allen's face.

But on second thought.

"That's good, right?"

"In this case, seven fairies will become a middle class of fourteen girls. The contrast can be seen as two people."

"One is in the daytime, and the other is in the evening. It's exciting to think about it!"

Thinking of this, Allen's dick almost became tough again.

But Taylor's question calmed Allen down.

Because Taylor asked Allen excitedly, "Where are the cannibals now? We can kill them by surprise!"

While saying that, Taylor made a fist to show her confidence and determination.

Allen was stunned, especially when he saw that the other girls also showed the same expression. Allen knew that if he didn't beat these girls' confidence, they would probably take out their weapons and rush at the cannibals after he fell asleep!

So Allen shook his head and told the girls everything he knew.

Even the most enthusiastic Taylor frowned and calmed down!

"Anyway, we don't know how many savages there are on this uninhabited island, nor do we know where these cannibal tribes are!"

"To put it bluntly, they are like local villains here. This time, we relied on the advantage of sneak attacks and weapons to defeat the cannibals. But what about the next time? Can you guarantee that these cannibals are not prepared?"

"Are you sure that they won't come up with any way to deal with us?"

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