The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 96 96 Wandering Allen

Allen was surprised at this. The night was not dominated by the cannibals, but by the beast that lurked in the darkness!

"You take the crossbows with you, and load the crossbows with wooden arrows. Come with me. No, it's very dangerous for you to follow me at night."

Allen didn't want to investigate what the cannibals wanted to do.

But he had to set up traps near his cabin to warn him of the savages.

"Anyway, you can stay in the cabin for the time being. If something happens, you can come to the watchtower! Bring up the wooden ladder I made!"

Fortunately, Allen had chosen a thick tree for his watchtower.

Allen had built a watchtower in the tree, but he had hollowed out part of the thick branch to make another cabin on the tree.

Allen had tested the maximum load of the small cabin. He thought that seven girls could stand on the watchtower.

However, if Allen was in danger, he would have to give up the cabin he had built. If the cannibals discovered the watchtower, the danger they faced as much danger as running with savages in the forest!

"I'm going to check the specific situation of the savages. Don't worry. We're smarter than the savages!"

"Well, I'm leaving!"

Allen then left the watchtower. But just before that, Allen added.

"By the way, don't make a fire tonight. Just eat something to feed yourselves."

"Although these cannibals are far away from us, we still have to be careful."

Allen didn't leave until he finished his words.

When he got to the ground, Allen took his crossbow and even his revolver pistol.

At the same time, Allen took some dried meat away.

If it was too dark and there was no moon, Allen didn't want to walk alone in the forest with a torch. Who knew what strange things he would encounter?

After making full preparation, Allen finally set out.

At this time, the girls also began to carry their daily necessities to the watchtower.

They didn't say anything, as if their loud gasps could attract the attention of the savages.

Allen shook his head and didn't say anything to comfort them.

After all, people who were afraid were the most vigilant. Otherwise, it was not a good thing to be slacking off all the time!

"So, is this the feeling of being a family leader?"

Allen shook his head. He felt that he might be so nervous now that he felt that the cannibals were a big problem!

"Well, I'll set up guard traps near the cabin, and then I'll scout out the cannibals!"

"It would be nice to know how many savages there are, and the biggest fear is being unknown."

Allen ran into the jungle as fast as a cheetah.

But even so, Allen still felt it was too slow. He climbed a huge tree and walked through the jungle.

Although he felt that his speed was still not very fast, it was much faster than he was running on the ground.

And the most important thing was that Allen looked far from the tree and wouldn't be found by the cannibals or other beasts.

Soon, Allen arrived at a place that he had never been before, and it was within clear view of Allen's watchtower.

Allen stopped and took out a trap he had prepared.

The main function of this trap was to alarm.

Allen looked around and cut off a branch that was not very thick or thin.

Then Allen carried the branch to the top of the tree.

That was why Allen could see the tree, remember it, and find it.

Because this tree was the tallest one nearby!

It was difficult for Allen to climb up. If he were a person who was afraid of heights, just a glance at the ground would make him scared and fall to the ground.

Of course, Allen didn't get scared.

But he was nervous when he tied the branch to the top of the tree.

Fortunately, Allen had been training his nerves ever since he came to the desert island! In the end, he finished the preparation work. At the same time, Allen also pulled out a vine.

He divided the vines into small pieces and used them to tie the surrounding trees together.

At the same time, to prevent some big beasts from touching these vines, Allen carefully increased the height of these vines.

In this case, as long as the cannibals wanted to search for the girls from the direction of the smoke, they would touch this trap.

As long as these vines were broken, the branches on the top of the tree would fall!

At that time, they just stared at the branch on the watchtower, and they could predict the current movements of the cannibals.

With all this done, Allen was relieved to move forward towards the smoke.

It was getting darker and darker. Allen became calmer and calmer.

The sound of insects that would only appear at night began to appear around him.

Allen kept walking through the forest until sunset. He stopped in silence.

"Go back or go ahead?"

A choice came to his mind. It was very dangerous to stay in the jungle in the dark.

Although Allen could live in a tree.

"But if the cannibals bypass me and go direct to my cabin, then all my efforts will be in vain."

Allen seemed to have made up his mind.

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