The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

Chapter 527

Upon hearing the rumor that Heinrich von Schwarz would soon be assassinated, Charlotte wore an expression of disbelief.

"No, I know it's unbelievable, but what if it does happen?"

"It's all my fault, really!"

"Assume for now that it happens, and tell me about it."


The problem.

One day, Heinrich takes on a mission as usual, but he is killed during the assignment. Instead of an assassination, his death is disguised as having been caused by monsters.

At that point in the original story, Heinrich was still an unlucky fellow, but his position had become crucial. As a result, not only would the Allied Forces be severely shocked, but the Royal Class would also be shaken.

Ludwig watches Heinrich's funeral, which is held at an alarmingly fast pace by the Kernstadt royal family, and realizes that something is amiss.

Ludwig reports this to Bertus, who grants him permission to investigate the matter discreetly.

While the Allied Forces mourn Heinrich's passing, Ludwig, with the help of several others, uncovers that the Kernstadt royal family is behind the incident.

Following the incident, Bertus, furious that such an event could occur due to petty political games, executes the entire Kernstadt royal family and forcefully integrates the command structure under the empire.

At the time of the original story, Bertus acted as the regent for the deceased Emperor Nelliod de Gardias, taking on the role of supreme commander of the Allied Forces. However, since Bertus is now the Emperor, he cannot leave his post, and so he must travel between the Imperial Capital and the Allied Forces' base.

Anyway, after this, an immense backlash occurs within the Kernstadt army, and some even attempt to desert.

In this situation, Ludwig passionately appeals to the Kernstadt army not to abandon the war that determines the fate of humanity.

In the original story, Ludwig is a symbolic figure because he possesses the Alsbringer, a powerful artifact.

As a result, the Kernstadt army continues to serve the Allied Forces, following Ludwig's appeal.

If left alone, Heinrich will die.

Heinrich is not only a classmate but also a crucial part of the Allied Forces.

The loss of Heinrich causes a rift within the Allied Forces, but they eventually reunite due to Ludwig's persuasion and sense of duty. Nevertheless, tensions continue to exist between the imperial army and the Kernstadt army.

It's a disastrous event with no positive outcomes.

That's why I hope this incident won't happen.

I've warned Heinrich in a letter, but I cannot be sure if it will be effective.

"Assuming Heinrich is assassinated, I want to resolve this situation without him dying and the Allied Forces suffering significant damage. Is that possible?"

Contacting Heinrich directly would likely be a bad idea, as he doesn't trust me.

What if I kill all of Heinrich's royal siblings?

This would cause massive chaos within the command structure.

Moreover, if I were to personally take action, it would be like the Demon King himself attacking the Allied Forces' base and killing the Kernstadt royals.

Hatred towards me would skyrocket among the Allied Forces, and unease would spread. They'd constantly fear that the Demon King might attack at any moment.

And even if I did kill his family, Heinrich would never forgive me. He wouldn't know that if I hadn't killed them, he would have been the one to die.

If there's no proper way, I could choose to kill all of Heinrich's brothers myself. But I know very well that's neither the best nor the average choice, and it's a terrible one at that.

No matter what I do, their hatred for me would pierce the sky, so even if Heinrich thinks of me as the enemy of his family, would my burden get any heavier? There's no particular need to deliberately shoulder more hatred.

It's possible to disguise my actions as someone else's.

Whether through Sarkegaar or directly, by assassination.

In the end, an assassination would occur within the allied forces, causing a disturbance and slowing the march of the army.

The command structure would be reorganized, and when the allied forces start commanding the Kernstadt army as they used to, problems would arise.

Even if subordinate commanders inherit the command, the confusion won't subside.

It's a problem even if Heinrich, the only heir of Kernstadt, takes over the command. That guy may be strong, but he has no experience or talent in leadership and command.

Ultimately, the three trying to kill Heinrich are people who clearly have their own usefulness.

The three royal members are doing their immediate duties well, causing accidents if left alone.

They are villains who, if removed, cause problems equivalent to the indispensable factors they possess.

Getting rid of them is easy.

However, the problems arising after their removal lead to even more problems.

So, with as little noise as possible.

Passing this incident over entirely in a way that doesn't kill Heinrich or cause significant trouble within the allied forces.

Is that possible?

I sought Charlotte because I couldn't think of anything more here.

"Um... I don't know the situation of the allied forces very well, but... I think I have a rough idea of what you're thinking, Reinhardt..."

Charlotte begins to seriously consider my question.

"Because Heinrich is forced to stand out suddenly, his brothers will be tense... So, they try to eliminate him beforehand to avoid greater consequences... Hmm... It doesn't seem entirely impossible."

Charlotte tilts her head.

"But it's a matter of probability, can we be sure that such a thing will happen?"

There's a possibility, but there's no guarantee it will happen.

"Perhaps if it's an assassination, they'll disguise it as a death on duty... But I wonder if the Schwarzs are really... reckless enough to be that foolish..."

A foolish act.

I couldn't help but agree with Charlotte's words.

The Gate incident hasn't even been resolved yet, and the brothers kill Heinrich, who is a powerful force, just because he is too outstanding.

In the original, Bertus couldn't believe the truth and was beyond furious.

At a time like this.

At a moment like this.

Killing one of the most important forces of the allied army, a brother even, for a mere struggle for the throne.

That's why Bertus loses his sanity and, using his authority as the supreme commander, executes all the Kernstadt royals.

Deciding that it's better to kill them and face some disturbance rather than wage war with such madmen.

In reality, the allied forces are on the verge of division, but they are saved from ruin by Ludwig.

In the end, Charlotte clearly judged this incident as too foolish to happen.

"Right, it might be a possibility. But there's no harm in preventing it if we don't know if it will happen, right? The bleeding of the allied forces is also our bleeding."

"Well, that's true. So let's assume the situation unfolds like that and think about it. Well... If we really consider the possibility of an assassination, by the time this war is properly resolved, Heinrich would be in a position where even the royal family of Kernstadt couldn't easily interfere with him... It doesn't seem entirely impossible."

"Hmm, that's true. He would receive treatment almost on par with that of a hero like Ellen."

While Ellen's status is excessively high, Heinrich is no pushover either.

Frankly, the original protagonist, Ludwig, can't even begin to catch up to the reputation Heinrich has now.

So by the time the Gate crisis ends and humanity's reconstruction truly begins, Heinrich will inevitably be treated as an unparalleled hero not only in Kernstadt but also in every place where humans have survived.

"In that case, even if Heinrich himself doesn't want to be king, he might have to become one."

"Uh... Indeed. That's a possibility."

The darker the era, the stronger the power of symbols.

As the youngest member of the Kernstadt royal family, Heinrich might almost inevitably be pushed onto the throne.

The youngest, who, whether they like it or not, would possess enough influence to become king if he is alive.

Older siblings who, feeling the injustice and resentment of having the succession taken away from them, would try to kill the youngest before he become too famous to be touched.

Charlotte seemed convinced that there was more than enough possibility of that happening.

"In the end, the important thing isn't whether Heinrich's assassination happens or not, but how to prevent that situation if it does happen..."

Charlotte furrowed her brow as she pondered.

"It would be easiest to resolve the matter through Bertus, but if Heinrich were to completely become an imperial figure... In other words, severing all ties with Kernstadt. It would just take convincing Heinrich... Then the situation would be maintained. But this carries a risk."

"Making contact with Bertus is indeed dangerous... But if there's no other way, we have no choice."

"That's not the only issue."

Charlotte shook her head.

"The Schwarz royal family is likely to perceive this as interference in their internal affairs."

"...Even if we're trying to save them, they might take offense and view it as internal interference?"

"Of course."

Charlotte sighed.

"Kernstadt is the Empire's foremost vassal state."

"...Is that so?"

"Don't you remember the Orbis Class?"


The Orbis Class would also be participating in this Gate crisis, and although the class itself has disappeared, the students remain. So the Orbis Class alumni would still be present at the Templar base.

One of the numerous incidents that occurred due to my actions was the collapse of the Orbis Class.

In short, the relationship between the Orbis Class and the Royal Class can be described as one of inferiority.

A perpetual first and second place.

The Empire and Kernstadt have a similar relationship.

"Kernstadt is the nation closest to the Empire, and as a result, Kernstadt harbors tremendous feelings of inferiority not only towards the Empire but also its own citizens. But how much greater would the inferiority complex of the Schwarz royal family be?"

"Ah... I see."

The nation closest to the Empire ultimately has the strongest desire for the Empire.

To be precise, the Schwarz royal family of Kernstadt envies the Gardias imperial family more than anyone else in the world and, due to that, suffers from an inferiority complex.

The Empire had not remained safe and stable up to this point without struggles. It was just that these conflicts were not recorded in history. There had been countless attempts by the Schwarz family to overthrow the Empire.

Mankind had an enemy.

The Empire was established under that flag.

However, that did not mean there had been no turmoil.

As a princess, Charlotte would be well aware of the many unrecorded power struggles and intrigues that had taken place.

"That's why it's crucial for the Emperor of the Empire to maintain a relationship with Kernstadt that is neither too close nor too distant. Kernstadt is the most important diplomatic target, a potential enemy, and yet, at the same time, the most crucial ally."

For the Empire, Kernstadt was also important, whether in a good or bad sense.

"Leaving aside the fact that our approach to Bertus is dangerous for Bertus, completely excluding Heinrich from the Kernstadt royal family and integrating him as an official of the Empire could be seen as a gesture that the Empire is trying to swallow the Schwarz family. So, of course, they would consider it interference in their internal affairs and resist."

"Shouldn't they be happy if a strong contender for the throne gives up their claim willingly? Even if they hate the Empire."

At my words, Charlotte shook her head.

"Reinhardt, with this approach, the issue isn't just about gestures and possibilities; it actually becomes feasible for Bertus to swallow the Schwarz family through Heinrich."


"Succession rights are just a facade. Even if Heinrich were to give them up, the influence he would wield after the war could still affect the royal succession structure. And if Bertus wanted, he could really make Heinrich the King of Kernstadt. It's an opportunity to completely replace the Schwarz family, which has been a thorn in their side, with Heinrich as his man. It would be strange if Bertus didn't do it. Why wouldn't he do it when he can?"


Kernstadt's perception of interference in their internal affairs is not mistaken.

It is actually interference.

By severing Heinrich's connection with Kernstadt entirely to eliminate the possibility of his assassination, the Empire could use Heinrich to swallow Kernstadt's royal family instead.

Charlotte pondered and shook her head.

"Come to think of it, this method won't work; Heinrich would die because of his situation if that happens."

"…So, it would rather provoke the Kernstadt royal family?"

"Yes, the current heir, Louise von Schwarz, is not a fool. On the contrary, she's quite clever. If the Empire makes such a decision, she would predict what's about to happen in an instant. Then, not only would they try to eliminate Heinrich even faster, but their relationship with the Empire would also be completely ruined."

The solution to deal with assassination creates an even greater possibility for assassination.

Severing the relationship between Heinrich and Kernstadt is actually a more dangerous choice.

If Heinrich remains within Kernstadt's sphere of influence, the royal family, feeling threatened by his growing stature, would likely assassinate him.

If Heinrich remains within the Empire's sphere of influence, the Schwarz family, fearing a future where the Empire swallows them through Heinrich, would assassinate him.

"A fate that can only lead to death... Is that it?"

No matter what is done, Heinrich ends up being assassinated.

Is there no way to avoid Heinrich's assassination through a moderate approach?

"Do we have to kill the people of the Schwarz royal family stationed here, no matter the method?"

"…At least not Louise von Schwarz."


"Because it would surely lead to greater chaos. Not only is she the supreme commander, but she also has a strong foothold in Kernstadt. What would happen to an army that lost its commander? There's likely no one within the Kernstadt military with better capabilities. But if we kill the others except for Louise von Schwarz and Heinrich, eventually, Louise von Schwarz will try to kill Heinrich anyway, so it would be meaningless."

In the end, Charlotte had the same concerns as I did.

This headache is too painful.

They are both too important.

Both Heinrich and Louise von Schwarz are crucial.

If either of them dies, it would be a problem, and if there's no other way to resolve the issue than death, what should we do?

"Let's bring them in."


For a moment, I didn't understand what Charlotte was saying.

"Heinrich is entangled in too many political schemes within the coalition forces. I think it will be after the war if an assassination happens… But if Heinrich is assassinated during the march, every moment would be dangerous. So, in the end, the only way to protect Heinrich's life is to have him with us."

"…Is that so?"

I had thought of that kind of plan before.

"But there's no guarantee that Heinrich will willingly join us."

"That's true. With everything that has happened so far, it will undoubtedly be difficult for him to accept us, and you."

The likelihood of Heinrich willingly joining my side seems very low.

Force or violence might be the only options.

"Still, the only solution that comes to mind right now… is this one."

Charlotte spoke while finishing her remaining sandwich.

Capturing Heinrich.

We could try, but would Heinrich accept?

To ensure your safety, not to increase our power.

There's no way Heinrich would accept that reason when no assassination attempts have been made.

Let's think about it from my perspective.

If in secret, Bertus approaches, and the core forces of Edina, including Charlotte, try to drive me away, conveying the intention to join the empire.

Would I believe that?

I definitely wouldn't, right?

We'll capture Heinrich.

At the moment, there doesn't seem to be any other way.

After finishing our meal, though late at night, Charlotte and I had a cup of tea on the royal terrace.

I like to climb up the tower and look down at Lazak, but the view from this terrace is just as good.

I don't know about other things, but in my opinion, the view from the palace is better than that from the temple.

We need to think a bit more about how to capture Heinrich.

"The Kernstadt royal family... It doesn't concern me now, but they were quite the notorious bunch."

"From what I've heard, they especially seem to have been so from the Empire's perspective…"

The number one vassal state and the ruler of all vassal states, the Imperial Royal Family.

It made sense when I heard that the Schwarz royal family couldn't help but envy and be jealous of the empire.

They had the potential to become the empire, but the Gardias royal family was too strong.

"Though it may be rude to say this to you… The influence of Darkland played a big role in the Gardias royal family remaining intact and the Schwarz royal family not being able to take down the empire beyond a certain point."

"It must have been like that."

It wasn't exactly the same, but in the past, Bertus had said something similar.

That's why, when I caused a terror incident in the empire to rescue the demon prisoners, Bertus, despite suffering substantial losses, was rather pleased.

He believed that the incident could help prolong the life of the empire.

If I hadn't existed and the Gate Incident hadn't occurred,

There might have been an uprising by the revolutionary forces, or the empire might have been divided under the leadership of Kernstadt.

One enormous event had swallowed up everything in the world and reset it to nothing.

"Do you know there's an academy similar to the Temple in Kernstadt?"


That was the first time I'd heard of it. Kernstadt must feel inferior to the empire. That's why they couldn't help but envy the Temple, which was a very important project for the empire, nurturing and securing talent.

So, Kernstadt created a system that benchmarked the Temple instead of sending their royal family members there.

"I've heard that the quality of education there is quite good as well… I don't know much about it, but they're quite diligent in trying to catch up with the Temple."

Just as the Royal Class wasn't particularly interested in the Orbis Class, the same was true for the Kernstadt Academy, which was trying to catch up with the Temple in some way.

Why bother, when there's no comparison?

It must have felt like that.

"And that's why it was quite surprising to the empire and the Temple when Heinrich entered the Temple. The royal family of Kernstadt's Schwarz lineage sent a member to the Temple. It must have felt like that."

"Well, that's true."

There had been an accident.

That's why he had been sent to the Temple as if being expelled.

It was the first time I had heard about the backstory of him not being able to enroll in the internal academy of Kernstadt.

I know the circumstances.

But does Charlotte know as well?

"Hmm… Reinhardt, you might not know, and it might be rude to talk about this behind the scenes, but there's an incident that made it almost inevitable for Heinrich to go to the Temple."

"…I have a rough idea."


Pretending not to know and then acting surprised after hearing it would have been pointless, so I made a gesture that I had a rough idea of what Charlotte was trying to say.

Charlotte didn't specifically ask for the source of the information.

"When he was very young, his abilities awakened, and during that time, his two older brothers died… That's what I heard."

"Ah, it was probably something like that."


Charlotte took a sip of her tea.

"Anyway, it was an accident, and it couldn't be helped… Even though Heinrich entered the Temple back in elementary school, which was a very long time ago…"

What is Charlotte trying to say?

"While it's true that the death of the direct royal family members was a very dangerous and significant event, was it really necessary for Heinrich to be almost chased out to the Temple… That's what I'm thinking now."


"Yes. After all, it was an accident, not intentional. But… if you think about it, he was sent to the Temple, the academy of the empire they hate so much. Since he's royalty, they couldn't execute him just because of the accident. It's as if they couldn't stand the sight of him, so they sent him far away. And then, they cut off their interest in him. Well, even now, there's the perception that supernatural powers are ominous forces, but back then…"

"That's true."

Ominous power.

Supernatural powers

The mysterious origins of supernatural powers often led to them being perceived as ominous, with the stigma likely being even stronger in the past.

"Doesn't the punishment seem a bit excessive?"

Someone had died, and even siblings had died. But in the end, it was still an accident.

It felt like the punishment Heinrich received was somewhat harsh.

He was royalty, after all.

"I couldn't help but think... that he was being excessively hated."

The Temple was a school attended by the children of influential people, royalty, and nobility from various places.

They gathered together, socialized, and received an education.

But in the end, it was a school filled with the children of the influential.

"If you look at the backgrounds of the students who come to the Temple, you can get a sense of the political situations in various places. The Temple also serves as an intelligence gathering place, sifting through that information to gauge the state of the continent."


"Why wouldn't it be?"

In the end, the Temple collected information about the students. Of course, it was limited to those from powerful families, royalty, and other prestigious lineages.

"Well, they don't actively pry into the students' lives, but they simply deduce from the information provided. There's even a dedicated department in the Temple for that."

I had just learned one of the Temple's secrets.

Though it wasn't a specialized intelligence department, the Temple had no reason not to use the vast amount of information that accumulated there.

"So... the information I received about Heinrich von Schwarz... it's speculative, but there's one important thing."

"What is it?"

"Heinrich is hated by the royal family. Quite severely, at that."

"I see."

"Supernatural powers often awaken in extreme mental states, right?"

"Yes, that's... true."

"I wonder what kind of situation Heinrich was in when his powers awakened. However, he can't remember the process because it happened when he was too young."

Supernatural powers awaken in extreme mental states.

Heinrich had killed his siblings.

Because of that incident, he was hated by the Kernstadt royals and was forced to come to the Temple.

What lied beneath that.

"I think he was abused."


"It's not that he was hated for killing his youngest sibling. The sequence of events is different."

Charlotte spoke calmly.

"He was hated from the beginning."

Due to his siblings' abuse, Heinrich von Schwarz experienced immense pain at a young age.

In the midst of that, he awakened his pyrokinesis and killed his siblings.

Though it was a homicide, it was still an accident.

His supernatural power awakened after emotional distress due to abuse.

And the reason for the abuse.

He wouldn't have been abused for no reason.

"There's a possibility that Heinrich von Schwarz is an illegitimate child."

Charlotte made a chilling deduction.

"That would explain why Heinrich has received so much hatred from his siblings, and why, as you mentioned, the Schwarz royals stationed here are trying to kill Heinrich in this situation."

It was a terrible thing to say about Heinrich.

But Charlotte's cruel deduction revealed another truth about the situation that I was unaware of.

The gaps in the story were filled.

I couldn't shake the feeling that we were close to the truth.

In that case, Heinrich would be unaware that he was an illegitimate child.

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