The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

Chapter 531

The allied forces march once more.

The high command treated the information that a group, presumed to be the demon king's army, was clearing a path at the frontlines as top secret.

This was enough to be considered a scheme within the alliance.

By the time the allied forces reached the area where the heavy snow had fallen, the snow that had once covered the region had already melted away.

"It's a bit chilly."


"Has autumn already arrived?"

The soldiers passing through the area could only feel a slightly cool temperature, completely unaware that a vast amount of snow had fallen here.

The allied forces, which had been sluggishly advancing, now quickly proceeded thanks to the suddenly cleared path. Although groups of roaming monsters appeared occasionally, they were small enough in scale to be dealt with by the reconnaissance squads of the alliance.

The alliance advanced, embracing the unidentified ally.

Soon, they crossed the border of RisEllen, confirming that the small warp gate in the border area had already been destroyed.

At last, after commencing their march, they successfully entered the operation zone.

"In the siege of Senkelien, the Kernstadt army will take charge of the right wing."

At the words of Louise von Schwarz, Heinrich and other members of the Kernstadt royal family nodded their heads.

Heinrich von Schwarz had been incorporated into the Kernstadt army.

The city of Senkelien, near the RisEllen border.

Although it was not a major city, it was one of the key strategic points with two medium-sized warp gates.

Naturally, the vicinity of Senkelien was teeming with monsters around the gates, so the allied forces preparing for the operation had set up a base at a considerable distance from the city, holding their meetings there.

Warp gates are fountains from which monsters pour forth.

To reach the gates, the forces had to advance while pushing back the monsters that lurked nearby.

Once they approached to a certain distance, they would launch an all-out attack on the warp gate, causing it to collapse.

However, the destruction of the warp gate was not the end. It was also necessary to eliminate the monsters that had already emerged from it.

Previously, the operation had been carried out by a reconnaissance squad led by Saviolin Turner, who would destroy the warp gate after a single breakthrough and then escape.

But the warp gates themselves had become increasingly powerful, and the number of monsters pouring out had become overwhelmingly large.

A one-shot destruction was now impossible.

Of course, it was not impossible to destroy the warp gate while maintaining the previous tactics.

However, in that case, not only Saviolin Turner but also the highly valuable forces of archmages and master-class knights would have to face immense risks.

Most of them were irreplaceable at this point in time.

If Saviolin Turner or Ellen Artorius were to die during such an operation, it would not only break morale but also render future reconnaissance operations impossible.

Hence, an army was dispatched.

To offset the irreplaceable forces with the deaths of replaceable individuals.

"In this operation, we will eliminate the monsters on the right side of the allied forces. After annihilating the monsters with rear artillery support, when the army successfully advances and reaches the outskirts of Senkelien, the reconnaissance squad led by Ellen Artorius and Saviolin Turner will enter the city."

Louise explained the operation details received from the high command.

"Heinrich. You will be responsible for eliminating the monsters before the vanguard of our army advances."

"Yes, sister."

Heinrich nodded with a serious expression.

Heinrich's opinion on being incorporated into the Kernstadt army did not matter.

Louise von Schwarz wanted Heinrich's affiliation rearranged, and the grounds and justification for it were clear.

Protection for the direct royal lineage.

The empire had no reason to refuse and did not particularly object.

Refusal alone would have already caused conflict.

Heinrich also could not object to Louise von Schwarz's decision.

"Your brothers will kill you."

He didn't believe that.

However, recognizing that statement and not recognizing it were different matters altogether.

Moving his quarters to Kernstadt Headquarters and acting together with them, Heinrich lived with a sharp sense of unease.

He couldn't pinpoint the exact reason, but he felt as if someone was constantly stabbing him in the back.

Up until now, the objective had been the advancement of the allied forces.

But ultimately, that was just a secondary issue.

Just before the allied forces' first operation to destroy the warp gates commenced.

The garrison was rippling with the tension befitting a unit facing a large-scale battle.

It wasn't about wandering monsters in the wasteland, but destroying the warp gates from which they poured out.

If they completed their missions from the first to the last operation, the gate crisis would end.

Heinrich looked at the garrison, where fear, determination, and fighting spirit were swirling.

"Are you worried?"


In front of the headquarters' barracks, Heinrich spoke with a tense expression. Alphonse von Schwarz, his second eldest brother, approached him with a smile.

-Tap tap

"With your power, you can wipe out all monsters. What are you worried about?"

"…It's not always like that. There are many monsters that aren't affected by fire."

"Others will handle that. I'm more worried about when our sister will join the fight."

Aren't you being too optimistic about the situation?

This isn't a war for glory; it's a war for survival.

Heinrich had such thoughts but didn't voice them.

To Heinrich's eyes, his second brother didn't seem to take the war very seriously.

He overestimated the allied forces' strength.

And he believed that, no matter what happened, he would survive. As if it were an inevitable outcome.

So, he made sarcastic jokes that if Heinrich defeated all the monsters, he'd be nothing more than a henchman.

Many people are willing to die in their stead.

The certainty of survival that comes from knowing others will die instead.

Whenever Heinrich saw that, a feeling of discomfort welled up deep within him.

He didn't know his brothers well.

However, the aspects of his brothers he saw while staying at the Kernstadt Headquarters barracks were often disappointing.

"What a convenient ability, to easily sweep away monsters from a distance. Isn't it?"

Alphonse, with a hand on his shoulder, grinned slyly.

Heinrich felt the sarcasm in that expression.

A superhuman who can defeat monsters and gain glory without any danger.

It was a blatant contempt, not because he was better, but because he was a superhuman.

Feeling the sarcasm and contempt in that expression, Heinrich nodded his head.

Why is he like this?

Why like this?

Is he deliberately trying to make me angry?

Heinrich wondered.

"Yes, brother."


"Compared to Ellen or Turner, I do have it much easier."

From the beginning, Heinrich himself thought so, thus those words couldn't provoke him.

Compared to those who had to fight directly, Heinrich thought it was true that he was nothing, as he could only annihilate monsters from a distance using his supernatural abilities.


Alphonse stared intently at Heinrich's face, which had no response to the obvious sarcasm.

"Are you saying you're a person who can be compared to the hero or Saviolin Turner?"

"...That's not what I meant."

"Our youngest... Quite unfortunate, isn't he?"


"Becoming arrogant enough to cross the line after being with those imperial bastards?"

Even though it wasn't twisted, it was perceived as twisted.

Heinrich forgot what to say as he looked at Alphonse, who ultimately took his answer as sarcasm, even though that wasn't his intention.

His brothers didn't like him.

They accepted him, but only because he was useful.

Heinrich couldn't help but know that his brothers disliked him.

The accident from his childhood.

Since then, his brothers saw him as worse than an insect, and it was no different even after so much time had passed.

Heinrich couldn't help but think that way.

Heinrich saw a messenger running frantically.

"Urgent news!"

"...What is it?"

Approaching the messenger who was catching his rough breath from running, Alphonse asked.

"Reports from the scouting unit say a tornado has occurred in the current planned operation area!"

"...A tornado?"

Alphonse, and of course Heinrich, couldn't help but tilt their heads at the unexpected news.


Despite the considerable distance, the fierce wind was whistling past their ears.

The massive tornado visible from a distance sucked up all the monsters in its path, hurling them into the sky.

-Vroom! Vroom!

It was not just a ferocious wind.


Lightning flashed dozens of times per second within the tornado.

If sucked into the tornado, one would be torn by the wind and burnt by the lightning.

The monsters that couldn't withstand the wind and were lifted into the sky would die when slammed back into the ground.

Liana Harriet, me, Olivia, and even Airi.

The five of us were taking preemptive measures at Senkelien, the target of this operation for the Allied Forces.

Although monsters would continue to pour out of the gates, reducing their numbers beforehand would make the operation of the Allied Forces easier.

Summoning a blizzard like last time would only harm the Allied Forces.

That's why this time, we chose to summon a tornado and turn Senkelien into a wasteland.

This place was indeed an outer area of Senkelien but a very important one.



Olivia summoned Death Knights to buy time for Liana, who was changing the weather, and block the monsters rushing towards us.

This place was in the middle of a swarm of monsters.


Cutting, cutting, and cutting monsters caught in the Aura Blade covered with blue mana, we held on.

Protecting her until Liana completed her mission.

That was our role.

Harriet also dealt with the approaching monsters using magic, while Airi put the monsters to sleep with her sleep magic, but her combat prowess was also top-notch.

-Vroom vroom!

How much time had passed as we dealt with the waves of monsters?

We could all confirm that another massive storm was occurring in the area opposite the direction where the tornado had formed.

Two tornadoes holding lightning.

"It's done!"

At Liana's shout, I stepped on the accelerator.


As the wave of magical energy erupts, the monsters rushing towards me are simultaneously repelled and engulfed in flames.

"Return! Regroup!"

At those words, Olivia, I, and Airi rush towards Harriet, who is standing beside Liana.

There's no need to kill all the monsters.

The tornado summoned by Liana will take care of that for us.

"Let's go!"

The power cartridges around Harriet's neck emit light, and blue magical lines begin to form all over her body, radiating a blue glow.

She may not be as powerful as Redina.

However, Harriet has mastered the art of casting magic nearly instantaneously.

Mass teleport.

-In a flash!

We've left the operation area.

"I think she might be able to manipulate the weather."

"… That seems likely."

Bertus nods to the report from Saviolin Turner.

As the highest-ranking decision-maker of the Allied Forces, Bertus also had no choice but to be stationed at the base garrison, with a crucial operation looming.

It's the first operation.

That's why it's so important.

As it's the first step in a matter concerning humanity's fate, the Emperor must be personally involved in this situation.

Bertus had already received a report about the situation.

He was speculating that the magic used was either by Harriet de Saint-Owan or the Vampire Lords.

However, this time the report mentioned a tornado, not a blizzard.

Snow and tornadoes.

"Is it Liana's supernatural power rather than magic…?"

"We can't rule out that possibility either."

Somehow, there's an excessively large-scale weather anomaly.

Whether it's magic or supernatural power, they can't tell.

But a massive weather anomaly has appeared in Senkelien.

It's a definite boon.

The Allied Forces have no magician or supernatural capable of such destructive power.

Monsters continue to appear from the Gate.

But the tornado should be cleaning them up right now.

Naturally, they can't advance into Senkelien, which has turned into a living hell.

"When the tornado subsides, we'll advance as quickly as possible."

They can't assume the Demon King's help will always be there. So, they shouldn't include Reinhardt's aid within the scope of the operation.

However, for some reason, Bertus had a feeling that this help would continue until the Gate incident was completely resolved.

'I don't know if I deserve such assistance...'

Bertus covered his face with both hands, letting out a deep sigh.

The crucial first operation, and the tornado sweeps through the area designated as the battlefield.

The Senkelien campaign might end rather anticlimactically.

But if there ever comes a time when the Demon King and the Empire are destined to wage war against each other, what will happen then?

After the Gate incident, would humanity face annihilation instead?

Bertus was already feeling the same kind of fear that Saviolin Turner had felt.

"By the way, how is Ellen's condition...?"


At Bertus's question, Saviolin Turner's expression turned slightly strange.

"If you're asking about her condition... I wouldn't say it's good, but it doesn't seem to be getting worse."

"…That's a relief. Does the necklace Dettomorian gave her have any effect?"

"I'm not sure about that…"

Saviolin Turner's expression was odd, as if it was awkward to speak about something.

"She's been… raising a cat lately."

"…A cat?"

"Yes, I don't know why, but it definitely seems to be having an effect."

Bertus couldn't understand what Saviolin Turner was talking about.

"Your Majesty, can we deploy 'that weapon' in this operation?"


Bertus nodded as if understanding what Saviolin Turner was talking about.

"It seems it's not quite ready yet. The Archduke and Adelia are doing their best to expedite the process, but there appear to be many issues since it's not a stable environment. I heard it would be completed before the year ends, but… I'm not sure about the specifics."

"I see…"

"It would be great if it could be completed sooner…"

On one side of Bertus's desk, there was a document titled [Plan for the Development of Strategic Weapons through the Integration and Application of Mana Automation Machinery and Optimization of Power Stones] placed on the table.

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