The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

Chapter 535

Heinrich was frozen in place as he realized that Reinhardt had somehow entered his tent.

The Demon King was a curse upon humanity.

Although Heinrich found it hard to believe that Reinhardt, the object of the world's hatred, was the same being as the Demon King, it was not untrue.

Reinhardt was the Demon King.

And the Demon King was behind all of this.

Knowing this, Heinrich could not help but be confused.

How, in this moment, before him, and as the sender of the letter, could Reinhardt be the Demon King?

"It must be a thorn in your side," Reinhardt bluntly said, as if knowing the entire situation.

"We don't have much time to talk, so I'll keep it short."

"You know that if you die here, it's a problem, and if you kill someone, it's also a problem, right?"

"Follow me."

"Once you do, I'll explain everything step by step."

"What has happened so far."

"What we will do next."

"And what you can do about it."

They didn't have the luxury of a lengthy conversation, nor could they afford it.

Heinrich could not help but freeze when faced with Reinhardt, someone he never thought he would see again.

How did Reinhardt know he would be killed? Had he been watching him? And where had he heard about the illegitimate child?

But Reinhardt had appeared after Heinrich confirmed he was indeed a bastard.

As if he had been waiting for this moment.

The moment when Heinrich sensed he had no place in the coalition forces and would soon be assassinated, Reinhardt appeared and offered his hand.

To leave the coalition forces.

Heinrich hadn't thought the day would come when he would face Reinhardt again.

But he had imagined it.

Amidst the countless deaths and the tragic desolation created by the Gate Incident.

Why did you do all this?

Did you hate humanity that much?

Even if humans destroyed your world, was this really necessary?

I may not know you well, but the Reinhardt I saw wasn't like this.

Was everything just a mask and a lie?

Did you hide your thirst for revenge behind that mask?

But when Reinhardt appeared before him, Heinrich could not ask anything.

Not even a thought of becoming humanity's hero by killing the Demon King crossed his mind.

He could not think of anything other than the topic Reinhardt had brought up.

Following Reinhardt would mean survival.

Reinhardt's expression suggested there was a reason for everything.

Despite still not knowing much about Reinhardt, Heinrich realized one thing.

The Reinhardt of the Temple.

He may have been a ruffian, but he was never a villain.

Heinrich sensed that this persona was nothing but the truth.

Had the gods' choice been wrong?

He didn't know, but there must have been a reason that things had turned out this way.

He had come to accept that his siblings would eventually try to kill him.

Thus, there was no place for him in the Kernstadt Army.

As Bertus had said, even as a member of the High Command, he couldn't escape the influence of the Kernstadt Army.

As long as his origin as a member of the Schwarz royal family and the fact that he was a bastard remained unchanged.

His siblings would eventually try to exclude him.

That now felt like an established fact to Heinrich.

By taking the Demon King's hand, he would become a traitor to humanity.

For some reason, there were already three people who had betrayed humanity and sided with the Demon King.

Olivia Lanze, Harriet de Saint Owan, Liana de Grantz.

To these three names is added Heinrich von Schwarz.

Heinrich knows well the treatment that the Duke of Saint Owan, who is more dedicated to the war than anyone, receives.

If he were to side with the Demon King, and if it were revealed that he had sided with the Demon King, the royal family of Schwarz would be treated the same as the Saint Owan ducal family.

A family with a traitor among their bloodline.

The prestige of the Schwarz royal family would plummet.


Could there be a better revenge against the brothers who have scorned and ignored him for being a bastard?

Regardless of what they dream, wouldn't the fall of the royal family's image due to the betrayal of a bastard be the surest revenge for the neglect and disdain Heinrich has endured thus far?


Heinrich stares at Reinhardt, who waits silently for his answer.

By siding with the Demon King, he would first guarantee his own survival and deliver a tremendous sense of humiliation to his siblings, who have despised him for being a bastard and who value honor more than life.

The political blow that the Schwarz royal family would face just by having a traitor among them would be immense.

It would be laughable to reveal the truth that Heinrich von Schwarz was not a legitimate child but a bastard. They've been using him so far for their benefit, after all.

"I won't rush you to decide. It's not a matter to decide hastily."

Reinhardt leans against one of the pillars of the tent and crosses his arms, falling silent.

It's unclear whether he doesn't think of attacking or if he's confident he can handle it if attacked.

Reinhardt gives Heinrich time to ponder.

He begins to think that following the Demon King might be the right choice.

If there's some unavoidable circumstance for Reinhardt, and if it's valid.

If it's not out of malice, but a series of events that couldn't be helped.

Reinhardt is only trying to save Heinrich's life by coming into enemy territory.

Even though they weren't that close, he's trying to save him.

If that goodwill is true, there's no reason not to join hands with the Demon King.

If staying with the allied forces only increases the danger, he should do something else elsewhere, and he can also take revenge on the Schwarz royal family who have shunned him.


The royal family is the royal family.

And the people are the people.

The Schwarz royal family and Kernstadt Army make up a large part of the allied forces.

The Duke of Saint Owan is being pointed at because of his traitorous daughter, receiving no recognition for his dedication and serving the army as if it were a punishment.

The mages of Saint Owan Duchy were also treated the same way.

The people must bear the sins of their ruler's family.

If it becomes known that Heinrich sided with the Demon King, not only the Schwarz royal family but also the entire Kernstadt Army would become sinners.

Regardless of the Demon King's situation, that would be a story only known to a few.

The Kernstadt Army would also receive the same treatment as the Duke of Saint Owan and his mages.

This would soon lead to a decline in morale, beyond that, a division among the allied forces. There would be countless people within the Kernstadt Army shaking with immense feelings of betrayal.

It might not be known that he sided with the Demon King, but rather, that he deserted.

Even so, the decline in morale would be inevitable.

Heinrich is a hero of the Kernstadt Army.

Like Ellen, a hero has value simply by existing.

There are burdens to bear.

Even if one's own siblings seek to kill them, even if such acts are driven by shortsightedness.

One cannot betray others.

One cannot abandon those who have faith in them, those who find hope in them.

Heinrich does not ask Reinhardt many questions.

There were many inquiries, but they have become meaningless.

Reinhardt has come to save him.

Then, what choice will he make?

"As you know, a lot has changed since then."


"I'm not the stepping stone you used to mock anymore."

At the somewhat arrogant remark, Reinhardt chuckles.

"Yeah, you're not that anymore."

Heinrich can now return the words Reinhardt once used to ridicule him.

That much time has passed.

He is no longer a stepping stone but now possesses a power capable of setting the mountains ablaze.

As his power has grown stronger, some fear Heinrich while others find hope in him.

"So, my backside is no longer light enough to be swayed by what you say, like it used to be."

"Well, you've certainly grown beyond your station."

Reinhardt, who returns a malicious reply with one laden with malice, seems to Heinrich no different than before.

"I can't go. I'll handle my own affairs."

At that answer, Reinhardt quietly stares into Heinrich's eyes.

"Even if you die, even if you kill, it's a problem. Do you understand me properly?"

"I understand."

It's a problem if he's killed.

It's a problem if he kills.

He will handle his own affairs.

In the end, every matter brings forth problems.

It's a problem if he's killed; it's a problem if he kills.

There will be problems even if he follows the Demon King.

If everything is a problem, then Heinrich merely chooses one problem.

"Well, if that's your choice, there's nothing I can do."

If it were the old Reinhardt, he would have used force if things didn't go as planned.

"You've changed a bit too, haven't you?"

Heinrich laughs at the sarcastic remark, and Reinhardt chuckles as well.

"Did you think it was just you?"

Reinhardt returns the sarcasm with sarcasm.

And in this desperate situation, facing Reinhardt was surprising but also raised a question.

It was different from the truth, and quite out of the blue.

"...By any chance, have you been drinking?"

Reinhardt seemed to sway and struggle to maintain his composure in the darkness.

Heinrich had a strange feeling about it.

In response to Heinrich's question, Reinhardt shakes his head.

"Not alcohol, but... something similar... Anyway, never mind."

Reinhardt seems to try to regain his composure, his eyes wide open.

"Live, if you can."

With those words, Reinhardt disappears into the darkness. Heinrich couldn't tell how he had vanished.


Reinhardt had appeared suddenly and disappeared just as suddenly.

Only then did Heinrich realize that he had experienced something unbelievable.

The Demon King had come looking for him.

He had offered help and had been refused.

Was this something that had really happened?

Heinrich couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

A place far from the coalition forces' base. The reconnaissance team doesn't come this far.

"How did it go?"

"He said he would handle it himself."

"Hmm... What does he mean by that?"

"I don't know."

Sarkegaar narrows his brow at my reply after escaping the base.

I was inebriated and disoriented at the Royal-class garrison due to catnip, and Sarkegaar reported that something had happened.

It was an indescribable hellish feeling.

It was good, but so good that it made me feel eerie.

Who would have thought that in my lifetime, I'd get drunk on catnip? And why on earth did that crazy Anna request such a thing to be supplied to the garrison?


The story had already surfaced, and the situation was riding a rapid current.

And, Heinrich had rejected my offer to join forces.

I had worried about how to deal with him if he tried to attack, but fortunately, that didn't happen.

Heinrich, whom I had seen with my own eyes, had changed.

Gone was the image of the youngest prince of Kernstadt, who was once arrogant, cheeky, and rude.

Whether it was the experiences he had been through that changed him or some other catalyst, I didn't know.

If it had been just an arrogant choice, I would have used forceful means.

Heinrich seemed to think about others besides himself.

He seemed to believe that he had a role to play in the coalition forces.

I don't know if Heinrich's choice was just a matter of convenience or something more.

But I guess I can handle whatever happens from now on.

Don't do anything.

The advice of the oracle was that my actions would be meaningless, as Heinrich would refuse my help even if I tried to help him.

"What will you do?"

At Sarkegaar's question, I crossed my arms.

Our relationship was already firmly twisted.

Heinrich had confirmed that he was an illegitimate child, and his siblings knew it too, so their mutual fear would soon turn into aggression.

Heinrich could die, or he might end up killing someone else.

Was the division of the coalition forces inevitable?

Should I have forced Heinrich to come with me?

I don't know.

But Heinrich had changed.

He made decisions as someone who could think about more than just surviving.

But would that change guarantee Heinrich's survival?

There were variables, but they were too small to change the environment.

As long as Heinrich stayed with the coalition forces, those variables couldn't prevent what was going to happen.

No, there could be other incidents where Heinrich kills his brothers, and that would eventually cause more problems.

If Heinrich survives and his other siblings die, the chaos in the coalition forces will unfold as planned.

Is it right to stand by and watch?

I understand the meaning of the oracle's advice not to do anything.

It meant that Heinrich would refuse my help.

Then another piece of advice.

How did Heinrich survive?

That vague advice.

I still don't know what that means.

What does that mean?

"…Let's watch for now."

We must avoid extreme situations.

Heinrich rejected my help, but I will continue to monitor the situation.

Three days after the occupation of Senkelien.

The coalition forces were reorganizing for their next advance, while revising their future plans.

The path to the next destination was again affected by abnormal weather, and word had already reached the headquarters that the monsters had been nearly annihilated.

Because of these unknown factors, the coalition forces didn't have to deploy troops for forward reconnaissance, scouting, or extermination as they used to.

Thus, a significant number of troops could conserve their strength.

The issue of battle fatigue was also a critical matter for maintaining the military's combat power.

Thanks to the cooperation of the Demon King, the alliance's military forces received significant assistance in maintaining their strength.

Among those who benefited from this were Saviolin Turner and Ellen Artorius, not to mention the supernaturals who originated from the Temple.

As a result, Heinrich von Schwarz hadn't received any requests for deployment since the occupation of Senkelien and was taking a break.

But could this really be considered a break for Heinrich von Schwarz?

He had discovered the unwanted truth that he was an illegitimate child.

And he had encountered a being who should never have been in that place.

As relations with his siblings grew strained, a tense atmosphere persisted like walking on thin ice.

Nevertheless, Heinrich had been doing his best to be as courteous as possible to his siblings. While they maintained cold, disdainful, or sarcastic attitudes, there had still been some conversation.

But the silence that flowed between the siblings was brutal.

They knew amongst themselves.

That a showdown was imminent.

It all started with Louise von Schwarz.

Five days after the occupation of Senkelien.

Just before the march, Louise von Schwarz gathered all her brothers.

"The safety of the surrounding area of Senkelien has been 'definitely' secured. Let's look around since the march will begin on such a day."


"There are matters we need to discuss as well."

At Louise's words directed towards him, Heinrich nodded.

They discussed a topic that was difficult to mention casually.

Heinrich nodded with a stern expression.

There were definitely no monsters near Senkelien.

Although there were no people left to rebuild the city, the reduction in warp gates had its own meaning.

Without any guards or escort forces, the brothers of the Schwarz royal family rode horses and inspected the area around Senkelien.

It was more of a stroll than an inspection.

In fact, the purpose wasn't that important. They had just come out to discuss matters they couldn't in a place with many ears.

Would it really be just a conversation?

Heinrich pictured it in his head.

While the other brothers could also handle weapons, it didn't hold much significance to Heinrich.

The real threat was Louise von Schwarz.

An overwhelming genius with five-star capabilities, and the leader of the Kernstadt Royal Knights.

Moreover, she had already reached the master class a long time ago.

Could he handle her if she tried to kill him?

Heinrich knew that Louise von Schwarz wasn't afraid to step onto the battlefield and wield her sword.

Having watched Ellen and Saviolin Turner fight several times, he knew well how threatening a master class combatant could be.

Heinrich's physical abilities weren't that high.

If Louise von Schwarz were to draw her sword and try to kill him, she could easily do so.

However, there were problems after that.

How would they explain the sudden death of Heinrich von Schwarz, and how would they solve the issues arising from it, including the drop in morale?

A life that's too important doesn't disappear easily.

That's why his brothers couldn't easily harm him.

So there was little chance that Louise would try to kill him during their walk.

The area around Senkelien had already been cleared.

The excuse that monsters ambushed and killed Heinrich wouldn't be accepted.

So Louise von Schwarz couldn't take action.

It might be different in another place or in another way, but not today.

However, despite saying they would talk, Louise von Schwarz was merely riding the horse from the front, not uttering a single word.

Alphonse and German were also silent, waiting for their sister to speak first.

How long had they traveled in silence?


At the entrance of a ruined building, Louise got off the horse.

“Get down.”

It was a spacious building, likely once used as a farmhouse’s storage.

Heinrich and the other brothers were confused, as nothing had been discussed beforehand.

With a stern expression, Heinrich stared at the dark entrance of the warehouse.

He thought it wouldn't happen.

Was she willing to risk any interference?

Did she consider him that much of a threat?

Heinrich quietly observed his brothers getting off their horses with meaningful smiles.

“Didn't I tell you to get down?”

Louise stared coldly at Heinrich.


If a fight were to break out, how and where would it start?

Feeling his heart pounding, Heinrich got off the horse.

Should he have followed Reinhardt?

Such thoughts were pointless now.

Regretting not having acted sooner was simply foolish.

To survive, must he kill?

If so, wouldn't it be better to strike first?

He had to subdue Louise von Schwarz before his other brothers.

She had her back turned to him.

If he were to act, there was no better moment than now.

Heinrich quietly followed her, preparing to use his power.

To avoid death, he would have to kill.


But upon entering the warehouse, Heinrich couldn't help but be taken aback.

There were people inside the warehouse.


“What… what is this…?”

Five people were bound, gagged, and kneeling.

Louise von Schwarz drew her sword.

“Alphonse. German.”

Louise stared at them.

“Do you recognize who these people are?”

“Sis… Sister.”

“Sister, why are they here…?”

Heinrich didn't know who the bound people were, but Alphonse and German clearly recognized them.

Louise pulled out her sword at her waist.

Then, she coldly looked down upon the terrified, trembling captives.


Her sword, imbued with blue mana, mercilessly sliced through one person's neck.

Heinrich could only watch the blood spurting from the severed neck in horror.

“Youngest one.”

Louise, after slicing one person's neck, calmly looked at Heinrich.

Heinrich, as well as Alphonse and German, had no idea what was happening.

“You are indeed a bastard.”


The second person's neck fell.

-Ah! Aaaaah!

Seeing two people's necks severed and blood gushing out in an instant, the others began to cry like beasts with their gags still in place.

But Louise didn't stop.

Without even looking at those who were dying, she stared at Heinrich.

He was a bastard.

He had already confirmed that. Why was she bringing it up again?

“However, do you know whose bastard you are?”

As she spoke, she struck her sword into the third person's neck.


“Sister…? What on earth are you talking about…?”

Not just Alphonse, but even German couldn't hide their bewilderment at her words.

It was incomprehensible, strange talk.

Strange words that didn't fit the situation.

Heinrich's face went pale.

"You are my illegitimate child."

"Wh... who...?"

Heinrich's lips were turning blue.

"Not father's, but my own illegitimate child."


Louise, who had just struck the fourth and fifth necks in succession, looked at Heinrich.

"You are, my son."

Louise then turned her gaze to German and Alphonse.

"You didn't know, did you? I had to hide it from everyone, even you two. It was a promise I made to father... only by keeping it a secret would Heinrich be spared from death. I couldn't tell anyone. So, Alphonse, German, I had no choice but to follow your lead... I've been doing it until now..."

Louise looked at her brothers with sad eyes.

"But then..."

"At last..."

"In the end..."

"You two cruelly tried to kill my son."

The two had been ordering assassins to kill Heinrich in the past few days.

"I believed that you wouldn't do such a thing. No matter how much you hated or despised him, I thought you wouldn't go that far..."

Heinrich remained pale-faced, and Alphonse and German, who had learned the truth about the illegitimate child, turned white as they met their sister's cold gaze.

"If I must kill you two to save the youngest... no, Heinrich, my son... I must do it now. I can't just stand by and watch any longer."

"Sister, something is wrong. Something... something is..."

"No, it's impossible. This is madness! What are you trying to...?"

Louise von Schwarz.

"I now accept that in order to protect someone, I must kill someone else."

The swordmaster approached her brothers.

"Even if that someone is my own blood-related brothers."

With a pale face, Heinrich watched the cruel execution unfold before him.

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