The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

Chapter 541

Kono Lint was not imprisoned.

In the first place, Antirianus hadn't ordered him to be captured, and they hadn't intended to treat him as a prisoner.

Initially, Kono Lint didn't even know where the Edina Archipelago was, nor would he understand anything just by looking at the scenery.

Of course, that didn't mean he was in an open space; it was just a bedroom that could be considered a guest room.

There was no exchange of pleasantries like "It's been a while" or "How have you been?"

Neither the situation nor their relationship allowed for such conversations.

"So, you didn't come here on a reconnaissance mission, but rather because you wanted to see the scene for yourself?"

"Uh, uh... Yeah..."

Kono Lint slowly nodded.

Even back at the temple, the three brothers who had looked out for Kono Lint had been quite afraid of me.

That hadn't changed now, if anything, it had gotten worse.

From a school bully to a bully that spanned the entire continent... It would be strange if they weren't afraid, considering I had become something even more than that. Even if these guys had changed from the past, I had changed even more.

Given the circumstances, even being kidnapped, it was inevitable that Kono Lint's complexion would be pale.

It was inevitable that the Alliance would become aware of our existence.

Of course, I knew that Sarkegaar was watching, and even when I was personally stationed at the Alliance base, the rumors didn't spread beyond a certain extent.

Shanafel, the royal mages, and the very few units in charge of frontline reconnaissance missions.

That was about the extent of those who knew the truth, however vaguely.

Everyone else would be aware of something like the empire concealing its strength or hiding some important information.

Kono Lint acted on his own, without orders from his superiors, to scout Serandia and discovered us.

"Whatever you saw, it's true. We're also dealing with the Gate incident in our own way. That's all there is to it."


At my words, Kono Lint stared at me quietly.

"You're... the Demon King, aren't you?"

"That's right."

It was a known fact now, but as I calmly nodded, Kono Lint's complexion turned even paler.

"Are you responsible for the Gate incident...?"

He stared at me with bated breath.

What should I say?

In the end, it was true.

Various misunderstandings and circumstances had overlapped, but ultimately, it was Eleris who caused the Gate incident.

It was something that happened in order to save me, so I couldn't deny it.

"Technically, yes, but it wasn't what I wanted. That's why I'm doing this."


"There's no point in discussing the details, and it's a waste of time. But everything that's happened from the moment I entered the temple up until now has been to prevent the Gate incident. It's true that it happened because of me, but it wasn't what I wanted."

Would he believe me?

Just because he saw me fighting the monsters of the Gate with my life on the line, could Kono Lint understand me?

He had also lost his family.

No matter how valid the reasons were, if he focused on the fact that I was responsible for the Gate incident, I couldn't blame him for hating me.

"Why should I... believe you?"

Fearful, Kono Lint stammered, but continued with difficulty.

"Anyway, the Gate Incident... was caused by you to take revenge on humans... And you also want it to end... So you might be helping the allied forces. Once the Gate Incident is over... You might try to destroy humanity like you did in Serandia... Who knows..."

Kono Lint continued to express his doubts about me.

Monsters attack both humans and demons indiscriminately.

The Gate Incident occurred to bring about the destruction of humans.

But if humans were to be destroyed, demons would be next.

So for now, they reluctantly help humans, and after the humans resolve the Gate Incident, they might just betray them and annihilate them.

In reality, it's quite a plausible assumption.

After all, both demons and humans want the Gate Incident to end. So they help the allied forces. They are only using humans until the whole situation is resolved.

"Oh, that's a good idea."


As I suddenly praised him, Kono Lint lost his composure.

"It'd be a great excuse later on."

"Excuse? What do you mean...?"

There's an old saying, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

If the allied forces learn that the Demon Army is helping humans and become confused, they can temporarily cooperate with the Demon Army, knowing that they will eventually become enemies.

With such an excuse, it might be possible to form an alliance with the allied forces openly.

No, would the allied forces fall apart at the mere idea of joining hands with the Demon King in the first place?

People need a reason to accept the Demon King's cooperation.

A reason that forces them to accept it right away.

People have guessed my intentions on their own, and it's not much different from the reason all of this chaos happened.

So there must be plenty of things that they can guess on their own this time too.

Kono Lint, who couldn't understand what I was talking about at all, was simply dumbfounded.

Kono Lint is in Razak for now, but he doesn't know where he is.

I originally intended to just let him go.

But before that, I need to silence him so he doesn't spread any unnecessary stories.

"First of all, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone that I'm clearing the path ahead of the allied forces or that I'm destroying warp gates. You didn't see anything."

"Pretend I didn't see anything?"

"Yes. If this gets out, people will think I have some hidden agenda like you picked up earlier. But I don't. I just need the Gate Incident to end. There's no ulterior motive or scheme. My words about wishing the Gate Incident hadn't happened are true. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do, but it's true regardless of whether you trust me."

I can explain the series of events leading up to the Gate Incident.

However, it's too verbose, detailed, and there were too many moments where things went awry.

"Really... You didn't want this?"


"So, like what I saw today... you're helping the allied forces in this way?"


This guy has seen it firsthand.

He must have watched my army fight fiercely in Serandia.

In the end, he saw the destruction of several warp gates and the desperate battle against the monsters.

Since he saw it with his own eyes, he should be able to understand the sincerity in my words to some extent.

"Isn't it... If this wasn't your doing... If this wasn't what you wanted... Shouldn't people know about it...?"

Kono Lint looked at me and asked.

"People believe... that all of this is because of you."


"I've heard that too, but I still find it hard to believe."

"I suppose so."

There must be things that are hard to believe even when seen with one's own eyes.

Could one easily believe it when they're told that, despite being kidnapped and blamed for everything, they've actually done nothing wrong?

Only a fool would believe such a thing.

"So why did this happen... If it's really not your fault... You must be wronged."

"People should know the truth, right? If you're truly... innocent. It's not right like this, is it?"

"It does sound like you're just trying to convince me with your excuses, but I don't understand why you need to justify yourself to me... Convincing me wouldn't really change anything. Why are you telling me this?"

"Well, I don't know. Anyway."

"Let's assume that what you say is true, although I still can't believe it."

"But if what you're saying is really true..."

"It's not your fault, but people are blaming you... Is that... okay?"

Kono Lint asks.

"Would it be okay?"

It's impossible to say it's okay, even if one were to die and come back to life.

It's not okay, and it never will be.

However, one can only accept that there's nothing they can do.

They don't try to do anything about something they can't control.

"So... shouldn't they know? If you're innocent, people are hating you for no reason..."

"It's meaningless."


"If people know, knowing itself becomes the problem."

Ignorance is bliss.

If they know, knowing becomes the problem.

Those who don't know the truth hate and despise me.

But what if they find out the truth?

They won't discard their hatred and loathing for me, but instead, they'll hate Ellen and the Imperial royal family.

They'll despise everyone who kept this secret and pinned the blame on me.

Hatred will only spread, and nothing else can be gained.

It's not that I don't want the truth to spread because of some heroic psyche or noble purpose.

If it does spread, it will only cause division and chaos.

No one benefits from the truth. That's all there is to it.

That's why I don't intend to tell Kono Lint what really happened.

If they find out, there will only be more people to hate.

I didn't want that.

I just wished for the Gate incident to end.

All I could say was that I hoped they would understand or trust me, even though it was an old issue.

"A truth that divides everyone only leads to everyone's downfall."


"If that's the truth, it's better not to know."

If this problem could be overcome with just my own injustice, I'd accept the injustice.

It's not okay at all, and I can't say it's okay.

But if it's not okay, and that's all there is to it, I have to accept it.

"So, pretend you didn't see it."

The Demon King fights, wishing for the true end of the Gate incident, and doesn't want anything else.

It's a truth that can't be understood, and if understood, it causes more problems.

Sharing this responsibility with others will only increase the objects of hatred, and the ensuing division will only lead to everyone's downfall.

Kono Lint gazes at me silently.

He doesn't speak for a while.

He probably can't believe what I'm saying. No matter how much he has seen me fighting personally, as he said, I also need the end of the Gate incident.

He might accept that I'm only temporarily helping the allied force while postponing the matter of the future for now.

In fact, that might be a more credible story.

To those who have lost something, my words are nothing but empty tales.

Even if it is believable, the fact that I am involved in the Gate Incident does not change.

"You... I always thought you were a weird one..."

Kono Lint chuckles.

"But you're even weirder than I thought."

The word "weird" this time has a slightly different, somewhat positive nuance compared to how it was used before.

"Yeah, who would believe it if I said that the Demon King was risking his life in Serandia to destroy the Gate? They'd probably just think I'm crazy from the war and brush it off."

He laughs bitterly.

After investigating the Royal Class base in the form of a cat, Kono Lint has made a remarkable improvement in his abilities, but he's still a bit of a fool.


If Kono Lint blabbers about this unbelievable story, most people would not only find it strange but would also think it's a twisted joke.

"So, are you planning to continue doing this?"

"As much as I can."

Since I can't openly cooperate with the allied forces, I'll do what I can from where they can't see me. People might find it suspicious, but I can't just leave things as they are.

Just like I'm doing something now, I'll continue to do something in the future.

Kono Lint stares at me intently.

He nods, seemingly understanding my words about not having seen anything.

"Alright, then I'll send you to the allied base..."

"Hey, but you know..."


"Um... uh..."

Kono Lint tilts his head.

His face seems to redden a bit.

"It's not the right timing for this, but..."

What is he trying to say?

Kono Lint scratches his head, then looks at me as if giving up.

"Was that you?"


What is 'that'?

What does he mean by 'was that you'?

I couldn't understand what he was talking about in just those two words.

No, it felt like I knew, but I couldn't accept it.


No way.

Is it that?


My response was too slow!

My flustered expression gave it away!

"Was it really you?!"

"No, it wasn't! No, what, um, no. What's that and what's this? I have no idea what you're talking about. Absolutely no idea, okay?"


No way.

Should I kill him?

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