The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

Chapter 560

Chapter 560

Ludwig did not react with anger or rage at Cliffman's comment about his disability. He was not that kind of person, to begin with.

Instead, he remained devoted to the duel.




It was painful to watch.

Cliffman truly faced Ludwig without Magic Body Strengthening.

Ludwig was wrapped in a blue aura of magical energy, but he couldn't even touch Cliffman properly.

Having only one arm, his superhuman agility and strength proved to be obstacles for Ludwig.

For starters, he couldn't charge properly. His balance was off, and even running seemed awkward.

Cliffman, without any weapons, used Ludwig's strength against him, knocking him down or tripping him up by sweeping his legs.

He ruthlessly attacked Ludwig's empty right side.

Only targeting his weak points.

Even without Magic Body Strengthening, Cliffman toyed with Ludwig.

Ludwig's left-handed sword could not touch any part of Cliffman.

Rather, the sword itself seemed to be a penalty for Ludwig, as Cliffman used the trajectory of Ludwig's sword against him, either grabbing the blade or kicking it away while suppressing Ludwig.

Using a weapon was turning into a weakness.

"You were already strong... but it seems like you’ve gotten even stronger."

Ludwig got up, leaning on his left arm and offering an awkward smile. Cliffman neither laughed nor showed anger.

"You know that's not true."


"It's you who's gotten weaker. Pathetically so."

Ludwig couldn't respond to Cliffman's brutal assessment.

If Ludwig were in his original state, even without Magic Body Strengthening, Cliffman wouldn't have been able to dominate him like this.

"There are people who've trained with only their left or right hand, becoming masters in the use of weapons. It's not impossible. There have been one-armed swordsmen, even among the master class."

Cliffman spoke.

"But you only have two months at most, maybe three. It's impossible for you to reach that level in such a short time. It's just not feasible."

He needed to adapt to his changed body and the altered way of fighting.

Perhaps after twenty years like this, Ludwig could become a master class capable of slaughtering monsters with a single hand.

But time was against him.

Thinking he could become skilled enough to fight like this in just two months was not only arrogant and conceited, but also the delusion of an overly optimistic fool.

"I have to do something. I can't give up like this. Even if I die, if I can save at least one person because of me…"

"Seems to me like Delphin wouldn't have died if it weren't for you, right?"


At Cliffman's harsh words, Ludwig's eyes widened.

When did the socially inept Cliffman become someone who could say such cruel things?

Too many deaths had changed them all.

Cliffman was no exception.

"If I say Delphin died trying to save you while you were overexerting yourself for Scarlett, is that rude?"

"It's not rude. It's the truth."

Ludwig nodded calmly at Cliffman's harsh words.

No one would have thought about Cliffman's words more than Ludwig himself.

That's why he would have been reproaching himself.

Ludwig didn't get angry at what Cliffman said.

He just quietly nodded.

"That's right. I killed Delphin. It's all my fault. My weakness…"

"If you know it's wrong, you shouldn't make more mistakes."

"Yes. So, I'm trying to find something I can do with this body..."

"That's an even bigger mistake."

Cliffman shakes his head.

"You think if you die while trying to do something, at least you've made an effort and there's no shame in that?"

"Don't you consider how the people left behind would feel?"

"You know how those left behind would feel, yet if you die fighting like this, how do you think they'd feel?"

"Ludwig. It seems like you're planning to beat up dummies until winter is over, but don't."

"Your best course of action is to return to the Imperial Capital."

"Stop acting like you're going to die any moment. Go back to where there's no fighting."

It's not that Ludwig doesn't understand why Cliffman would say such things to him.

Doing nothing is helping.

Dying like this would only cause more pain for others.

"You're very considerate. You're kind, and you can't bring yourself to say harsh words to anyone. I know."

As if knowing Ludwig's nature, Cliffman approaches and places his hand on Ludwig's shoulder, staring into his eyes.



"Right now, you need to be considerate to us."


"You're casting a huge negative influence on the entire atmosphere of the Royal Class garrison."

An obsession with fighting that borders on madness.

The sight of him gritting his teeth, falling, and getting up again, all while missing an arm.

People don't see the greatness of humanity in that sight.

They only see a one-armed man floundering in despair.

People now despair when they see Ludwig.

"Killing one more monster like this isn't considering us or anyone else. Your return to the Imperial Capital is what considers us. Saving your life, at least, will give us some hope. So we can think you're safe, in a safe place. Go back."

True consideration.

Ludwig probably had no idea that he was becoming a burden to others.

He didn't know how much his self-pity, acting like he's about to die, was hurting people.

Ludwig doesn't know how to give up.

But Ludwig is fundamentally kind and tries to be considerate of others.

You're better off not being here.

That's consideration.

So give up.


Ludwig couldn't deny Cliffman's words.

Cliffman hurled a torrent of abuse at Ludwig and left.

In the dim training hall, Ludwig was alone.

As Cliffman said, there was a strong shadow of death in Ludwig's actions.

In Ludwig's desperate appearance, one could only feel death. That's why people not only pitied him but also couldn't help but think that he would die soon.

It was harmful to everyone.

If his actions affected only himself, Ludwig would be stubborn.

However, Ludwig learned through Cliffman's words that his stubbornness was harming others as well.

For a while, Ludwig stood silently in the training hall, not saying a word. After hanging his sword on the weapon rack, he left the training hall.

It was impossible to know whether Ludwig would give in and quietly return to the Imperial Capital, or whether he would still try to fight more.

However, it seemed clear that he thought about how his actions, rushing towards an obvious death, would be perceived by others, and how the people left behind would feel if he really did die.

After watching Ludwig's actions, I continued to roam around the Royal Class garrison.

"Ah, you're here."

Adriana spotted me and crouched down to gently stroke my head.

"I'm glad you're safe."

Within Adriana's faint smile, a deep sadness lingered.

The death of Ard de Gritis.

The relationship between Ard and Adriana was an odd one – they were friends, but at the same time, it was difficult for them to return to being just friends. Regardless of whether they were friends or not, the fact that they were comrades who had fought together on the battlefield remained unchanged.

It was only natural that Adriana grieved for his death.

At first, Ard and I had clashed, but after we exchanged apologies, there was no lingering animosity.

In the end, I thought he was a good guy.

After stroking my head a few times, Adriana headed off somewhere.

Of course, it's not like people cry every day just because someone has died and disappeared.

It is impossible to sob and grieve every moment. One can still laugh, enjoy conversations, and even sing songs.

But even if one doesn't cry every day, shadows of grief accumulate.

I saw those shadows of unerasable sadness gradually adding to everyone's faces, and heavily layered on Adriana's.

I couldn't find Ellen in the garrison, whether she had been absent from the beginning or not. I couldn't see her even when I went into her quarters. Strangely, she was nowhere to be found all day.

Though I was curious about Ellen's situation, I came to the Royal Class garrison to grasp the overall situation and gather information.

So after checking that Ellen's quarters were empty, I continued to wander around.

The most important thing at this point was the evidence that the Empire was reviving corpses.

First, what happened to the corpses in the royal tombs?

And what happened to the swapped corpses in the national cemetery?

And what was happening with the corpses of fallen soldiers?

If such work or experiments were actually taking place, there must be a secret space somewhere in the Allied Forces garrison where it's being done.

Various conjectures had been made, but nothing had been confirmed.

In the case of the Titan developed by Adelia and the Archduke, information had been obtained beforehand. While the detailed technology and methods were unknown, the fact that they were building a massive weapon was not a top-secret matter.

There was no need for it to be a secret since morale would be significantly boosted once the weapon was completed.

Many soldiers who witnessed the might of the Titan felt hope in this war as they watched it pulverize enemies.

However, reviving corpses must be kept top-secret. That's why neither Sarkegaar nor I had any information on it.

That was the frightening truth.

The deceased of the Royal Class – could they, too, be resurrected as Death Knights?

In the cases of Ard and Delphin, their corpses were not found.

In the case of first-year Cardina Ein, there was a corpse.

The details of the funeral proceedings were unknown. However, it may have been secretly taken away and turned into a Death Knight.

What would happen if one knew that a deceased friend had become a Death Knight?

And an even more frightening speculation.

The likelihood of dark magic being involved in raising someone as undead without using Kier's power is high.

B-6, Anna de Gerna.

A person with a talent for dark magic who actually raises dead monsters to fight in battlefields.

I saw that her tent was empty.

The time was night.

She didn't return even though the night was deep.

It's still uncertain whether Anna is involved in that operation or not.

However, it's pointless to question if they would involve a twenty-year-old mage in such an important and secretive task, no matter how talented she is.

The magic research group that created the power cartridge and Moonshine.

Anna, too, is as good as confirmed in her ability, having helped Christina create Moonshine.

And from the beginning, wasn't Adelia, despite being only twenty years old and having the knowledge of the Archduke and the Duchy of Saint Owan, instrumental in creating the Titan?

Second-year students from the Temple are special even within the Royal Class.

Although there was one third-year student included, the inner club consisting of second-year students created two artifacts that would go down in history during their student years.

On top of that, they created the Titan.

It includes the Demon King, of course, and even the Hero.

The second-year students from the Royal Class are now regarded as a very special breed in the long history of the Temple.

So, the possibility of Anna de Gerna, with her talent in dark magic, being involved in the secret project currently being carried out by the Empire... must be considered high.

I reluctantly gained Kono Lint's cooperation in creating the Death Knight.

There's no law saying the Empire shouldn't make such a proposal to Anna either.

For the same reason, they could also order Anna to revive the corpses of fallen warriors. Besides, the Temple has a dark magic curriculum and dark mages, so Anna isn't the only available dark mage.

I stare at Anna's empty tent.

Where could she have gone?

Will she come back?

I entered Anna's tent, which was open, and looked around, but of course, there were no objects that would yield any useful information.


And, I mistakenly smelled the repellent odor in the tent and got stunned for about 30 minutes.


Anna's tent was a minefield for me in another sense.

Why isn't my poison resistance talent working against the repellent?

I barely escaped Anna's tent after getting out of the repellent leaves.

Considering that Anna doesn't return even though the night is deep, will she stay somewhere like a laboratory throughout the night?

As I staggered out of Anna's tent, I heard the sound of armor clanking in the distance.

“Good work, Hero.”


From afar, Ellen was returning to the Royal Class garisson.

It seemed she had been on a mission somewhere until this night.



Hearing the crying sound from afar, Ellen's pace quickened.

Seeing me in front of Anna's tent, Ellen's expression changed as if she had remembered something she had forgotten.

It must be obvious that she wouldn't have the time to worry or think about anything, being terribly busy, and having tasks to do even now that the vicinity of Serandia had quieted down.

Approaching in her armor, Ellen crouched down to touch me but hesitated.

Ellen looked at her gloves.

Dried, thick bloodstains covered them.

Had she returned from fighting monsters?


She carefully removed her gloves, then gently tickled the tip of my nose.

In truth, it wouldn't have mattered if she hadn't removed them, but she seemed worried about affecting me.

As she took off her glove, Ellen's delicate, pale hand was revealed.

She touched my nose a few times with that hand.

"Have you been well..."

She stopped talking and closed her mouth.

Perhaps she thought that asking if I had been well didn't suit the reality of this place.

Ellen seemed to be in so much mental pain that she had to choose even the words to use with an animal.

"You've grown a lot."


Ellen stroked me a few times and then looked towards her tent.

"It must be cold. Let's go inside."


White breath escaped from Ellen's mouth. The cold weather was undeniable.

Ellen led the way, and I followed.

There was no point in probing for information about Anna today.

Like everyone else, Ellen's face bore an indelible shadow.

How was the issue with the vengeful spirits progressing?

As Ellen's mental state worsened, it became harder to bear.

However, there wouldn't be any significant battles during this winter, so there would be relatively fewer deaths.

Entering the tent, Ellen removed her armor and headed for the bathroom.

No, she stopped walking and looked back at me.

"Do you want to wash..."


"...You still don't like it, huh."

Ellen went to the bathroom alone, as if she wouldn't force me.

According to my double life, I'm a cat, not Reinhardt, so it shouldn't matter if I join her!

That's not the point!

Inside the bright tent, not only Ellen's gloves but also her armor was stained with dried, thick blood from the monster she had fought.

No, it wasn't from fighting a single monster, but rather from facing a horde of them.

Even in the moments when the garrison held its breath, people like Ellen and Saviolin Turner would have no time to rest.

I sat on the makeshift bed and waited for Ellen to finish washing.


I always feel this way during these times...

Let's say everything is resolved in the end.

I don't know if it'll be reconciliation or something else.

Anyway, let's say it's resolved.

When Ellen finds out that this cat was me, wouldn't that be like getting killed on the spot?

Honestly, I wouldn't have anything to say in that case, right?

This is an exceptionally perverted act even among perverts.

I found it amusing as I thought about it.

I'm worrying about getting caught when I don't even know what will happen.

If everything could be resolved, it wouldn't matter if I was caught a million times doing something like this.

Amidst such complicated thoughts, I yawned like a cat, and soon Ellen returned.

Ellen had changed into comfortable clothes and wore slippers.

The only time Ellen could truly relax was when she returned to this tent.

Usually, she would be clad in her elaborate armor, which must be suffocating.

Wouldn't it be uncomfortable?

No, even if it were uncomfortable, the armor wouldn't be the most suffocating part—other aspects would be more stifling.

Ellen sat on the makeshift bed for a moment, then placed me on her lap.

She began to stroke my back, as if scratching it.

It smelled nice.

I'm not sure if it's because I'm a cat, but...


It's a bit strange, but anyway, it's nice, and, um, it's a very peculiar feeling...

If I were caught, I'd be executed for sure, right?

Even in her everyday clothes, an unidentifiable charm hung around Ellen's neck.

Could that charm be protecting Ellen?

Or is it just that Ellen is strong, that she's special and enduring everything?

I'm not sure.

But Ellen is still here.

Ellen, who has me sitting on her lap, looks down at me.

"I'd forgotten."


Could it be that she had completely forgotten about having a cat like me in her quarters, petting and taking care of me?

It's not so much that she forgot, but rather, she had no time to think about it.

She had too much on her mind, and even after this battle ended, Ellen still had many things to do.

So, when she saw me in my cat form just now, Ellen's expression seemed as if she had rediscovered something she had forgotten about for a long time.

Ellen lifts me from her lap and looks into my eyes.

Ellen tilts her head.

"Do I owe you an apology?"


"I feel strange."


"If I think I'm relieved that you're safe... it doesn't seem right."

In a battle where too many lives were lost, where even Royal Class members suffered casualties, it's too much to rejoice over the survival of a single cat.

How much pressure and responsibility must Ellen be feeling?

"It seems there are people who shouldn't have been born."

Ellen holds me and then hugs me tightly.

"It seems there are people who would have been better off not being born."

Is she even thinking that far?

We end up wishing we never existed, seeing everything as our own responsibility. We wish for a world where we never existed in the first place.

And so, Ellen and I both.

We end up having the same thoughts.

"If I had been small like you... that would have been nice."

Having too much influence on the world, and that influence being a horribly great evil.

But still, having to fix that.

It seemed as if Ellen longed for insignificance.

If she had been an insignificant existence, she could have only had an insignificant influence, and she wouldn't have to deal with all of this because of herself.

"If I had been a nobody... that would have been nice."

Ellen's words,

"That would have... been nice."

Sounded unbearably sad.

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