The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Shang Yu drove into the underground parking lot, and when she got out of the car, she saw a sign on the back: [Reserved for the CEO's Wife]


Pei Liechuan, you really know how to arrange things.

She directly took the CEO's elevator to go up, as this floor had many levels, and this elevator could reach any floor.

The only floor that was frequently pressed was the 88th floor.

She pressed the button for the 88th floor, and in the mirror behind her, she looked at her outfit.

Today, she planned to go and catch someone, so she was wearing something more casual.

With a ding, the elevator arrived at the 88th floor, and the doors opened. She walked out of the elevator.

A group of people were staring at her, and then quickly lined up: "Miss Shang, hello~"


Shang Yu felt that this man, Pei Liechuan, was too crafty!

"The CEO is in a meeting right now, please wait in the office. Do you have a preference for what kind of coffee or fresh fruit juice you would like?"

This CEO's office had five assistants, two women and three men, all of whom were politely looking at her.

"No need, I'll just wait for him in the office."

"Okay, shall I get you some magazines?"

"No need."



Shang Yu entered the office and was examining the place when she overheard the people outside discussing.

"Goodness, the CEO's fiancée is so beautiful!"

"Is she a celebrity?"

"I don't know, the CEO only told us to talk about it internally, and not to tell anyone else, so as not to affect this young lady."

"Aww, I saw the photos and didn't think much of it, but seeing her in person, I now know what a goddess looks like."

"She's really so beautiful."


Shang Yu raised her eyebrows slightly. Pei Liechuan... you really know how to exaggerate.

From the future CEO's wife to the fiancée...

You're really something!

She sat on the sofa, taking out her phone to play with, mainly checking the situation at that forest park.

That park was the largest in Shangyun Province, and it also had a mountain, which took up a significant amount of land.

Many film crews who didn't have enough budget would film a lot of immortal and martial arts dramas on this mountain, as well as many historical costume dramas.

The citizens could also just go up the mountain for a stroll, and at most, play by the lake at the foot of the mountain.

But because the film crews would chase people away, the mountain was mostly occupied by the crew members.

Shang Yu propped her head up, still checking the relevant information, when she received a new message.

[Gu XiaoMing: Ancestor, my brothers discovered something strange, I don't know if it's related to what you asked me to look into.]

[Tell me.]

[Gu XiaoMing: Do you know about Shangyun Central Forest Park? My brother slept there last night and heard wolf howls.]

[Gu XiaoMing: And also, last night there were sounds of the mountain splitting open, very eerie.]

Shang Yu felt that the situation was getting more and more interesting, like this matter--

[Have your brothers keep an eye on it, and tell me if there's anything unusual.]

[Gu XiaoMing: Alright.]

Shang Yu heard the mention of [sounds of the mountain splitting open] and suddenly thought of something.

Could it be... that the werewolves are in the mountains looking for someone?

Ding ding--

[Fu Can: My beautiful young lady, I've applied to the higher-ups, and they've agreed to give you a five million yuan monthly trial period. If you truly have the capability, next month's salary will be increased to ten million yuan. I wonder if you're interested...]

Shang Yu heard that the monthly salary would be five million yuan, and then increased to ten million yuan, and a smile spread across her face.

This doesn't seem to be a problem--

[Mm, let's set a date to meet.]

[Fu Can: Excellent, excellent! I will await your arrival. I'll go ask him now when he has time.]

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