The Emperor and the Knightess

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

The Yapa castle became busy even though the emperor’s birthday was still a week away. Many of the nobles from far away arrived early to attend the feast. Each nobleman brought a huge entourage with him, so the castle quickly became overwhelmingly populated.

The attendance rate of the Acreian nobles this year was 100%. This was because knowing that many elders would refuse to come, Lucius the First wrote in all of the invitations.

-His highness Lucius the First had something very important to announce so attendance is strongly recommended.

Until now, it was never mandatory to be present at the emperor’s birthday banquet. This was especially the case now because Acreia was now the entire continent, which meant many of the nobles would have to travel very far to reach Yapa.

But this year, Lucius the First made sure to write that he wished everyone would attend. He didn’t outright order the noblemen, but everyone knew that it would be wise not to against the emperor’s wishes. Things could get very ugly quickly for those who displeased the emperor.

Yapa castle was huge, but it barely accommodated the guests that came from all over the continent. The entire city of Yapa filled with people, and for the security of the capital city as well as the royal family, the guards had no choice but to work overtime. Most of them had to give up their weekends and days off. Poliana, who was asked to be off duty on the day of the birthday feast, felt embarrassed as she watched her men work so hard. This was why she worked extra hard and passionately until the actual banquet.

The four heads of the three divisions gathered together. It has been a long time since all the lead knights have come together. Instead of Sir Ainno, who was the head of the First Division, Sir Mahogal attended in his place. The First and the Second Division were burdened with securing the castle while the Third Division became responsible for the surrounding villages. Each leader discussed the plan to protect everyone efficiently and effectively.

“The Knight’s Order will help during this time. Our priorities would be, of course, in the following order: his highness, Lady Tory and Lady Stra, Princess Luminae, and Duke and Duchess Luzo.”

Sir Mahogal suggested, “I think having a regular patrol would be enough to provide protection for the princess.”

Poliana agreed with Sir Mahogal. If Princess Luminae was a son and the heir to the kingdom, a knight would’ve been given the honor of protecting her. But since she was a princess, the chances of someone trying to harm her were slim. In addition, Princess Luminae lived in the deepest part of the lady’s quarters, which would make it very hard for an assassin to reach her without getting caught.

Sir Mahogal added, “On the day of the banquet, the First Division will take care of the security of the party. All the guests will be asked to disarm themselves before entering the party. Only those given permission by the emperor to carry arms in his presence will be allowed to bring weapons.”

As he announced this rule, Sir Mahogal looked at Poliana. Sir Jainno and Sir Wook also turned towards her. On the day of the feast, Poliana was going to be off duty. She was going to be one of the guests, but Poliana was one of the few people who were allowed to be armed in the emperor’s presence. Knowing how Poliana enjoyed wearing her uniform, the three knights assumed that she would be heavily armed this time too.

Sir Mahogal suggested, “We know you are going to attend the party armed, so why don’t you at least get a fancy sword?”

“I won’t be bringing my sword.”

It was clear that the three men were remembering the day when they were ambushed by Gali the Third in the castle. Poliana shook her finger and added, “You will all see that what happened that day was not me. It was an unnecessary embarrassment and misunderstanding. I can walk and move just fine in a dress and I am going to prove it at the upcoming party.”

Embarrassment? Misunderstanding? The three men couldn’t understand what Poliana was talking about? To them, what Poliana accomplished that day in the Yapa castle was a symbol of bravery. Poliana was well prepared and was able to save Lucius the First from the evil Gali the Third. She gave all the other knights hope that they could conquer the world. It was that day that the men were able to truly accept her as their own.

Sir Wook said to Poliana proudly, “Sir Pol, you were so amazing that day!”

Sir Mahogal’s eyes teared up just thinking it, before adding, “It is such a famous story! I heard you were so great, Sir Poliana.”

Sir Jainno said as well, “I wasn’t there, and I wish I was. I heard you were quite a sight.”

Sir Mahogal and Sir Jainno weren’t present that day. They were truly disappointed that they did not get to witness Poliana’s bravery. Sir Mahogal was especially upset that he missed the whole thing. At the time, he was selected as one of the knights to compete in the tournament. Of course, Sir Ainno ended up winning the whole thing all by himself, so Sir Mahogal didn’t get to participate in the tournament either.

He and many of the other knights were trapped by Gali the Third, and by the time they escaped and reached the emperor, the fight was over.

Sir Mahogal asked Poliana in confusion, “What do you mean, Sir Poliana? You mean your bravery? Why would you call what you did an embarrassment?”


Poliana replied, “I refused to dance with anyone, so a rumor started that I can’t dance at all, that’s not true!”

In addition, people believed that she could not walk properly in a dress because she walked funny that day. It was ridiculous that people believed this. She was a knight after all; she was a person who used her body as a weapon, so why would anyone believe that she couldn’t walk well in a dress? Even if the silk shoes were slippery, why would people think she wouldn’t be able to move gracefully in them?


Sir Wook was the worst of them all. He was present at the time, and apparently, he told everyone how awful she looked that day. Based on what she heard, most people believed she looked like a monster covered in blood and ugly makeup. Poliana had to admit that she did look scary that day. Her makeup was indeed awful and it must’ve looked shocking when she threw her wig away, but still…

So this was her chance to look decent. She was going to wear a dress and walk straight! She was going to prove to everyone that she could dance just fine!

Poliana announced in determination, “You will all see! You will see that I do not walk funny in a dress! I will show it to everyone!”

“Haha, alright. So does that mean you will be attending the party with Doctor Sneke?”

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