The Fake Heiress's Inner Thoughts Were Heard by Her Entire Family

Chapter 35: Prank

Chapter 35

"I'll sleep with Yi Yi tonight. Just send it to her room."

In the dining room, the Jing family was gathered for dinner.

Lin Ruiqing had asked Aunt Wang to prepare some health tonics, saying she'd send them to her room in the evening. That's when she heard Jing Zejun make this surprising statement.

Since Jing Zejun had been discharged from the hospital today, Aunt Wang had prepared many delicious dishes. Jing Yi was engrossed in savoring each dish when she heard Jing Zejun's bombshell announcement.

The spare rib on her chopsticks fell back into her bowl as Jing Yi's eyes filled with confusion.

[Huh? When did this happen? How come I don't know about it?]

A smile rippled across Jing Zejun's eyes as he picked up a piece of braised beef and placed it in her bowl. He had just decided this, suddenly feeling that being with Jing Yi gave him a sense of security.

Jing Yi looked at the beef in her bowl, hesitated for a moment, then picked it up and ate it in one bite.

[This must be a bribe... and it's delicious! So tender and flavorful!]

"I have a question," Jing Yi raised her hand. Everyone looked at her, somewhat puzzled. Jing Zejun asked, "What is it?"

"Will there be a portion of the health tonic for me tonight?"

"Eat, eat, eat. All you think about is food! You'll get fat!" Jing Zeqian teased.

Jing Yi glared at Jing Zeqian, attempting to deflect this 'malicious' curse back at him.

Lin Ruiqing's lips curved into a smile. "Of course, how could we not have a portion for you?"

"Then there's no problem. Good thing my bed is big enough."

After dinner, Jing Yi felt a bit stuffed. She was now pacing back and forth in the living room with Jing Zejun, taking a walk to aid digestion.

[If only I'd known, I wouldn't have eaten so much... I'm so full...]

Jing Zeyou had returned to his study, while Jing Beicheng and Lin Ruiqing had also retired to their room to rest. Only Jing Zeqian remained in the living room, along with Jing Yi and Jing Zejun who were still walking around.

Sitting on the sofa, Jing Zeqian spoke up, "Do you want to watch a movie?"

Jing Zejun was puzzled. Why suddenly suggest watching a movie? Besides, there was a room downstairs that served as a private cinema. "Why not go watch in the cinema downstairs?"

"Too lazy to go down. I'll just watch a bit before heading to bed."

Jing Zeqian quickly selected a movie, his fingers moving so fast that Jing Yi couldn't even catch the title.

She felt something was odd, but since there was nothing else to do, she sat down on the sofa, cuddling up with Jing Zejun to watch the movie.

[Oh, it's a foreign art film? I didn't expect this to be the kind of movie Young Master Jing likes.]

Jing Zeyou seemed to pay them no attention, but he was actually keeping an eye on their reactions from the corner of his eye.

As the movie started, seeing that the two weren't paying attention to him, he quietly moved to the edge of the sofa.

Jing Yi didn't notice. She was immersed in the movie, as was Jing Zejun beside her.

On the screen, a woman was walking along a small path.

The opening narration introduced the story's background. This was a newlywed bride returning from her maiden home, heading towards a rural town where she had married into.

"Jun Jun, have you seen this movie before?" Jing Yi asked.

Jing Zejun shook his head, noticing that the movie's filter seemed a bit dark.

In the movie, the woman had been walking on a small path for a long time. Jing Yi became curious, "Is her husband's home that far away? Or is this just building up to something?"

"I don't know. Maybe art films just have longer shots like this," Jing Zejun replied, not very confidently.

By this time, Jing Zeqian was standing against the wall, his eyes full of mischief, as if planning something.

In the movie, the woman finally stopped, seemingly having reached her destination.

Jing Yi watched intently, wanting to see what the actor playing the husband looked like.

But the husband didn't appear. Instead, the woman from the beginning quickly turned around.

It was a face with blank features!

Jing Yi's mouth gaped open, not even having time to feel scared.

Suddenly, the living room lights went out, plunging the entire room into darkness!

That featureless face became even clearer!


The scream from the living room was so loud that Jing Zeyou heard it in his study and hurried downstairs.

Lin Ruiqing and Jing Beicheng also heard the noise and rushed out to see what was happening. "What's going on?"

As the three came downstairs, they saw Jing Yi chasing after Jing Zeqian in the living room, shouting threats, while Jing Zeqian ran ahead, laughing hysterically.

"Hahaha, you really got scared! Jing Yi Yi, I can't believe I got you this time!"

Jing Yi was furious. "Jing Zeqian! I'm going to 'kill' you today!"

It was clear that Jing Zeqian had done something to anger Jing Yi again.

The two ran several laps around the living room.

Jing Zejun finally managed to calm Jing Yi down. Although he had been startled too, his reaction wasn't as strong as Jing Yi's.

Jing Zeqian leaned against the living room wall, still clutching his stomach and laughing uncontrollably.


The three newcomers learned what had happened from Jing Zejun.

Jing Zeyou's lips twitched slightly. His brother really kept pushing the boundaries of immaturity. Finding it too ridiculous, he returned to his study.

Lin Ruiqing walked over to Jing Zeqian and gave him a few hard slaps on the back, her tone full of disdain. "Still laughing! How old are you? Playing such childish pranks, aren't you too immature?"

Jing Zeqian wiped away his tears of laughter, noticing Jing Yi glaring at him angrily, but he still couldn't help smiling.

He had been planning this since he got home, and couldn't believe he actually got the chance. He hadn't expected her to be so unguarded and unfamiliar with the movie, completely immersed in the scene.

Indeed, it was a simple, crude horror movie. Jing Zeqian had even worried that the scenes might be too bloody, so he had specifically chosen one that wasn't too terrifying.

Thinking about it, Jing Zeqian couldn't help but laugh again. To think that Jing Yi, who usually feared nothing, could be scared by a horror movie.

Lin Ruiqing was at a loss with him. Let him laugh, she thought. He'll learn his lesson when he really gets beaten up one day.

After comforting Jing Yi for a while and seeing that she was alright, Lin Ruiqing went upstairs with Jing Beicheng.

Jing Yi glared at Jing Zeqian one more time. He was still savoring the taste of his victory.

"Jun Jun, let's go. We're not talking to this immature fool!" She pulled Jing Zejun and turned to go upstairs, heading back to their room.

Immature? The prank might not be mature, but it was effective.

However, he dared not say this in front of Jing Yi now. If she really got angry and hit him, he might not be able to take it.

Jing Zeqian was still enjoying the 'fruits of his victory', the smile on his face growing deeper.

"Come on, don't be angry anymore."

After Jing Zejun finished washing up, Jing Yi was still sitting on the sofa, furiously punching a pillow, seemingly imagining it was Jing Zeqian.

"I'm so mad! That immature brat! Peppermint oil! Tsundere brother-complex little princess!"

Jing Yi used every insult she could think of, but it still didn't seem enough to vent her anger.

Jing Zejun moved closer to her side. "Then next time, why don't you play a prank on him?"

Jing Yi had the same thought, but she knew he would be on guard for a while now. She'd have to wait for another opportunity.

"Well, I'm going to take a shower now." At least she had someone to sleep with tonight...

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