The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 236: It's really cute

Chapter 236: It's really cute

Gwens eyes glowed as she looked at the cute candies in front of her.

She didnt buy much of each snack, but there was a wide variety.

She chose carefully, just like a strict stockist.

In addition to her own, she also planned to buy some snacks for Peter and Luke and the others. She was a righteous person, how could she neglect her friends.

What do you want to eat, you can choose one oh, my treat.

Gwen smiled at the two.

Luke smiled happily and said, Then Im welcome.

Peter blinked and said, Thats not good.

Thats okay.

Gwen patted her pocket and said, Theres still plenty of money left.

Dont be polite with her, shes a little rich lady.

Luke laughed and led Peter to choose something.

What the three didnt notice was that two people were following them not far away, peeking at them.

Ooh, and a little rich lady!

Mikes eyebrows jumped as he muttered, Little guy are sneaking snacks.

Clark looked at the scene with amusement and seemed to see his past.

Dad, do you still buy groceries?

You go buy groceries, Ill see what shes buying.

Mike pushed Clark, saw Gwen three turned to another shelf, turned around and walked to the other side.

Clark looked at Gwens back and sighed.

Sorry, brother cant help you, youre already on Dads radar.

Mike followed Gwen, listening to the three little guys muttering and chatting, could not help but laugh out loud.

When listening to Luke asked Gwen, where to hide these snacks, so as not to be found, Mike pricked up his ears, and then revealed a smile.

Okay, little guy, I remember.

Back tonight, its a sweep for you.

Gwen, whats that guy doing?

Just then, Peter pointed to a woman not far away and stared.

The three were lying on their backs by the shelves, three small heads showing from bottom to top, watching each others movements, their faces all surprised.

Only to see the woman holding a large belly quickly deflated, and the woman will be a runaway balloon out after pulling the wide clothes, began to stuff inside.

Noticing the line of sight behind her, the woman turned her head to look, and the three little ones eyes met in mid-air.

Hey! Little devil, get out of the way!

The woman with the nose ring scolded viciously and raised her fist in her hand demonstratively.


Peter retracted his head, but the next second, he was carried out by Gwen again.

Heh heh!

Gwen laughed, shot a wink with Luke, then walked out from behind the shelf, followed by Luke dragging Peter out.

Peter was a little scared, but after seeing how Gwen and Luke behaved, he also puffed up his chest and made an effort to stand beside them.

He found that since he met Gwen and Luke, he was a lot bolder.

The three of them just looked at the woman and didnt shout or scream.

The woman glared at the three, but Gwen continued to smile.

The woman took a step toward the three.

The three took a step backwards in unison, and then remained in the same place looking at the woman.

The woman looked at the three, suddenly a little hairy inside.

Get out!

The woman yelled to the three, no longer pay attention to the three, and began to steal things, but no matter where she went, Gwen three people followed her.

Just when she hesitated whether to throw the things away and just leave..

Sister, someone is coming oh.

Gwen warned.

The woman was startled, put down the things in her hands, half crouched on the ground and began to camouflage.

The next second, there was really a supermarket stocker walked over.

The woman froze and said to Gwen, Thank you.

These brats were helping her?

A thought flashed through the womans mind and she gave the three a smile.

In the time that followed, the three Gwen reminded the woman several more times, and the womans stomach gradually filled up.

Just as the woman walked out with her big belly, the three Gwen also pushed the cart to pay.

Sister, you pay first.

Gwen smiled sweetly and let the woman go to the checkout first.

The woman, with her belly and a bottle of water, was about to pay when Gwen gave Luke and Peter a wink, and the three took a deep breath and shouted, Catch the thief! That woman is a thief!

The woman was shocked, looked at the three incredulously, and roared out, Fark!

But hearing Gwen and their shouts, the supermarket staff looked over, and the customers waiting to pay also turned their heads to look at the woman.

The woman gritted her teeth, held her stomach and ran, while running, the things in her stomach while falling out.

Seeing this scene, the supermarket staff hurriedly blocked the woman.

Although the woman struggled violently, but still was pressed to the ground.

Gwen carried the snacks she paid for, and Peter two people in the surrounding peoples praise, one person eating a lollipop came over, showing a sweet smile to the woman, said: Sister, stealing is wrong!

Looking at Gwens smile, the woman suddenly shivered, as if she saw a pair of black devil horns growing out of Gwens head.

At the same time, Mike, who had been watching the scene from a distance, his face also became odd.

Gwen this little ninny is really cute!

Looking at the snacks Gwen was carrying in her hand, Mike showed a smile and turned around and walked into the supermarket again.

See you tonight, Gwen

Mike and Clark returned home and just opened the door, Gwen looked like she had trotted over and jumped into Mikes arms.

Dad, where have you guys been?


We went to the supermarket to buy groceries.

Clark said hurriedly, giving Gwen a wink.

Unfortunately, Gwen didnt read it and asked Clark instead, Brother, are you not used to wearing glasses?


Clark , Mike said faintly Go wash the dishes.

Clark sighed and gave Gwen a pitiful look.

Well, I can only help you so far.

Gwen wondered, Dad, is brother in some kind of trouble, I think hes upset.

Maybe, hes going on a business trip tomorrow.


Its a business trip!

Is there a difference between that and travelling?

Gwen blinked her eyes.

Mike let out a deep breath, read the little guys meaning, and said, Are you thinking of going on a trip?

Heh heh!

Gwen smiled and nodded.

Lets wait until your spring break or summer vacation.


Mike put Gwen down and headed upstairs, saying, Ill cook dinner later, let me change your sheets first, Gwen.

Change the sheets?

Gwens eyes snapped open and she said, Dad! No, Ill change them myself!

Thats not okay!

Mike shook his head and walked upstairs while saying, The sheets are too big, you cant make them well by yourself.

Saying that, with desperate eyes, she walked into her room.

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