The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 44: Second To None (6)

Chapter 44: Second To None (6)

Lin Dan was not the original owner of this body and was not blinded by love. If Bai Yan was merely a weak scholar, he would not be able to live comfortably in the Eastern Holy Sect, neither would he be able to train He Yufei into a first-rate master within a short time.  Since he was keeping his true abilities, he must have an ulterior motive for entering the sect.

Bai Yan did not panic at all. He slowly nodded his head and said, Yes.

Lin Dan stood up immediately. She drew out the vigorous Asura Sword that had been devouring blood. She asked solemnly, "Why?"  She could not sense Bai Yan's breath. He was completely like an ordinary person but this showed how scary his true identity could be.  With Lin Dan's current skill, she could see through a person's identity at one glance but she could not see through him. This meant that Bai Yan's level was beyond one level above her. 

Just what level was above a Half-step Grandmaster? It was the Grandmaster!

Lin Dan held the hilt of the sword tightly and took a step forward. Her stance seemed like she was facing a powerful enemy, but she remained calm.

Bai Yan stood with his hands behind his back and slowly said: "The Asura Sword Technique is originally a forbidden technique from my sect but it was stolen by the Eastern Holy Sect. My master's dying words were if Asura has descended into this world, we must gather the power of the entire sect and kill him.

Lin Dan nodded slightly to show that she understood what he was saying. She was not interested in Bai Yan's sect and its origin, but she understood why his master left such dying words. Anyone who mastered the Asura Sword Technique could easily lose their mind. In addition to that, the cultivators life aura would circulate in their heart so vigorously that it would be difficult for anyone to kill them.

A killing machine that could never be killed. Who knew what kind of impact would it make in the outside world? Lin Dan closed her eyes. She could already foresee the tragedy rivers of blood and bodies lying everywhere. She did not defend herself and said calmly after raising her sword, Fight me.

Bai Yan did not make any move but scrutinized her face before looking at the line at her feet.

He Yufei was completely confused at the situation. She looked at both of them and asked in surprise, "Master, y-you knew how to fight?" He Chongling checked Bai Yan's pulse before and said that he was only an ordinary person with no inner force.

Bai Yan and Lin Dan ignored her and stood without moving an inch, eyes focused on each other.

After a while, Bai Yan actually took a step back and said, I won't kill you today. You may leave.

Lin Dan quickly understood what he meant. He was only letting her off today and may come after her in the future. But he sounded certain when he said, kill you, as if killing a Half-step Grandmaster was an easy task for him. It was obvious that he was one of the five Grandmasters whose skills were far beyond Lin Dan's current level.

"Why should I seek death when I could live on?" Lin Dan thought. She was no fool and flew away after keeping her sword. Bai Yan tapped his toes lightly and followed after.

Looking at the two who seemed to be flying away slowly but were traveling a thousand miles in the blink of an eye, He Yufei was stunned. She thought Lin Dan was a poor and pathetic woman but did not expect her to take He Chongling's head in an instant, acting more decisive than anyone; she thought Bai Yan was a weak scholar but did not expect him to be fearless facing Lin Dan who was a Half-step Grandmaster.

Was this not obvious that Bai Yan was, in fact, a Grandmaster? After understanding the situation, He Yufei's eyes lit up, and immediately chased after them. She shouted, "Master, wait for me!" She casually found a master and did not expect him to be one of the five Grandmasters. I'm in luck! She thought.

Lin Dan flew quickly, trying to get rid of Bai Yan but he was able to keep a short distance from her no matter how fast she went. Like a cat chasing a mouse, he stayed behind her no matter how fast or slow she went. If it were someone else, they would have been irritated or flustered, but Lin Dan was not at all annoyed. She decided to stop and walked towards the nearest city. Since the owner of this body had no feelings for the Eastern Holy Sect, she had no intention of returning.

The people of the Eastern Tang were fond of martial arts and establishing their own sects. These sects were bigger and more powerful than the imperial power. Many of the cities were run by the sects and were not governed by the royal family. Lin Dan went to the city gate and looked up at the plaque hanging on the beam. She saw a few cursive characters written on it that said, "Timeless City."

What an interesting name, Lin Dan thought. She looked at it closely and entered the city after paying an entrance fee. She found an inn and was ready to settle down. Waiter, serve me a few of your signature dishes and a pot of wine. If a suite is available, I'll take it." Lin Dan placed a piece of silver on the counter.

"Sure, please take a seat. Our signature dishes are Stewed Frog and Sichuan Poached Beef. I'll get the chef to prepare these for you right now. Here is the key to the suite, please keep it well. Your room is the first room on the left on the second floor. It will cost fifteen grams of silver, let me weigh this." The waiter put her piece of silver on the scale.

Lin Dan replied, "Keep the change. Prepare some hot water for me, I want to take a bath." Her black robe was heavy after being soaked in blood.

The waiter suddenly realized that her sword and robe were dripping blood and had stained the floor. There was also a strong and pungent smell filling in the air. There was no doubt that she was killing people and it was many lives that she took!

"Sure, thank you for the kind gesture. I'll prepare it right away." The waiter stopped looking at her and continued to weigh the silver. He removed the extra silver and kept it for himself before happily preparing the hot water in the kitchen. He was not at all afraid of what he had seen.

The patrons of the inn turned a blind eye to Lin Dan, as though the blood on the floor and the bloody footprints did not exist.

The strange reaction of the people made Lin Dan wary. She slowly walked towards the window and sat down. She thought to herself, "These people are reacting so strangely. They are either used to such scenes or are not in their right minds. Since it's impossible that all of them are abnormal, there is only one possible explanation being stained in blood in a common affair here." Regardless, she thought it had nothing to do with her and did not intend to delve further into it.

Lin Dan took out a pair of chopsticks from the bamboo holder and wanted to wipe it using her handkerchief. However, she realized that her handkerchief was stained with dark red blood and was even dirtier than the chopsticks. She frowned and was lost in her thoughts as she stared at the chopsticks and handkerchief.

Bai Yan stood at the door and looked at her. Seeing that she was in a daze and did not care about his arrival, he slowly walked towards her. He leaned over and looked at Lin Dan with mixed emotions, as though he was trying to solve a difficult puzzle while observing a beast at the same time.

"Are you going to have a meal?" He asked.

Lin Dan suddenly snapped out of her thoughts and glanced at him. She had already ordered food and was holding a pair of chopsticks, what else would she be doing?

This was the first time Bai Yan was scorned for asking the obvious. Lin Dan did not say anything, but her eyes were telling him that he had just asked a stupid question. He merely did not expect that Lin Dan rushed to this city thousands of miles away just to sit down and have a good meal.

The Asura Sword Technique was a forbidden technique of his sect and he knew better than anyone the consequences of mastering this technique. It would have been difficult enough to lose the ability to love and that excruciating pain within could easily destroy even those who were strong-willed. In order to ease that pain, the cultivators of this technique could never stop killing before dying from their killing obsession. The horrifying pools of blood and countless dead bodies were recorded in their sect's classics.

Yet, Lin Dan who had clearly mastered the technique showed no pain on her face, neither was there a crazed look in her eyes. Besides looking paler than most people, she seemed to behave like any other ordinary person. She came all the way here, paid the entrance fee, ordered a few dishes, booked a room, and even asked for some hot water. There was nothing unusual in her behavior and she was acting like a traveler who came from afar. If he had not seen it for himself, Bai Yan would never believe that she had mastered the Asura Sword Technique. He would also not believe that she was suffering from the immense pain in her body.

"Where do you intend to go afterward?" Bai Yan who had always been indifferent to everything could not help but ask another question. He intended to kill Lin Dan, but hesitated to do so seeing that she had stayed true to her boundaries and refrained from killing the innocent. This was the first time he had shown compassion towards the great enemy of the sect and he knew this was not right.

"I'll decide as I go." Lin Dan folded the handkerchief neatly before tucking it back into her garment. 

Bai Yan gave her his handkerchief and declared, "I will come with you.

Lin Dan took his handkerchief and wiped two pairs of chopsticks. She handed a pair to him while holding the other pair for herself. She lifted her head and said, "Sure." She knew Bai Yan did so to prevent her from killing the innocent. If she had lost control, he would kill her in an instant. By letting him follow her, it was as good as hanging a knife above her head where she would face death at any time. But Lin Dan was not afraid at all and even felt safe with this arrangement. If she had really lost her mind to the point where she could not even kill herself, she would prefer to have someone around who was strong enough to take her life.

Bai Yan raised his brow and did not expect her to agree so readily. He could not help but stare at her closely.

Lin Dan did not mind his glare and started eating once the dishes were served. The original owner of this body had not been eating since Bai Yan and He Yufei tried to elope and were locked in the dungeon. She could sacrifice her health for them but Lin Dan was not going to endure the hunger. Lin Dan frown deeply after taking the first bite. The food was badly done the frog meat was not marinated well and still had a strong smell while the beef was too hard to chew and needed to stew for another hour.

With just one bite, she immediately knew the correct way to make these dishes. She came to this world with no experience of using the kitchen knife or kitchen stove, but she was confident with her ability to create delicious dishes.

"Was I a cook in my past life?" She put down her chopsticks and had a complex look on her face.

Bai Yan stared at her and asked, "What's wrong?" To him, Lin Dan was a beast that was on the verge of madness and could go on a rampage any time.

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