The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 46: Second To None (8)

Chapter 46: Second To None (8)

Lin Dan did not need the torch to see in the dark and had already understood the situation. This was not a dungeon, but an animal farm. The pregnant ladies were the animals that were kept in this farm. They were all given the Tendon Softening Powder which made them lose all physical energy and could only cry or scream to vent their pain. They were so weak that they could not even take their own lives.

They obviously suffered a lot their clothes were tattered and most of the ladies were pregnant. As the men in black patrolled the dungeon, they labeled the pregnant ladies by indicating the month as though they were merely goods.

As compared to the hustle and bustle outside, such a pathetic scene was tantamount to hell on earth.

Lin Dan looked at her empty arms and realized that her Asura Sword was gone. She reckoned it was taken away by the martial artists. As the sword was like her own half, Lin Dan could clearly sense the existence of her sword it was right here, somewhere not far away.

"Who exactly are you? What do you want to do? Where's my master? Where did you take him to?" He Yufei rushed to the prison door and asked.

The man in black chuckled, "Youre lucky your master has a fair skin and a pretty face, hes been taken away by the Lord. I'm sure he will live a life of luxury and comfort. As for you, just stay here and make babies for us. Here, take this Pregnancy Pill, and let's enjoy some time together.

"What the hell is that?!" He Yufei wanted to slap away the pill but she found her limbs getting weaker before having no energy at all. She realized that the candle on the wall was giving out a strange smell that covered the pungent smell of blood. That should be a kind of drug that could soften their tendons.

Seeing that He Yufei finally had no energy to resist while Lin Dan had been sitting in the corner looking helpless, a few of the men in black opened the prison door and walked in. They pointed at He Yufei and said, "Such beautiful livestock. It's been a long time since I've seen someone as beautiful as her, I shall give her a try first.

"That ones not bad too." The other man pointed at Lin Dan.

Although Lin Dan's was not as good-looking as He Yufei, she was elegant and eye-catching. Now that her face was pale and her lips were as red as blood, it actually gave her a demonic charm. She was originally sitting in the dark and made herself inconspicuous as she wore black. Now that her face was illuminated by the light, the men found her irresistible, like a firefly in the night.

The leader of the group of men looked at her and looked at He Yufei. He said in hesitation, Zhou Er told me that when this girl entered the city, she was soaked in blood and was holding a sword. She's probably a pretty powerful one.

"So what if she's powerful? She took our Skill Stripping Powder and smelled our Tendon Softening Powder. Not even a Half-step Grandmaster could withstand it. I love having fun with someone powerful like her, it's gonna be awesome!

"Fine, give her the Pregnancy Pill, and let's get it done." Before the leader's voice fell, a mournful howling came from the next cell. All the women got agitated, some of them were crying while others were screaming. It was like the underworld.

"One of the livestock is giving birth, bring her out right now!" The group of men immediately ran out of the dungeon and even forgot to close the prison door.

He Yufei looked around with a pair of widened eyes. She realized there was no way she could escape as she could not even move an inch. She turned her head with difficulty and stared at the opened prison door. Her mind filled with helplessness and anger. But soon, she forgot all her anger when she saw what happened. What remained was a deep sense of fear.

The men tied a woman with a huge belly to the rack and kept rolling her abdomen with a stick. When blood gushed out, a small baby fell out and was caught with a basin at the bottom of her body. Its limbs moved slightly but it could not make any noise as the amniotic fluid blocked its mouth and nose. These people did not care whether the baby was dead or alive and continued to roll the stick on the woman's belly. After a few soft moans, three or four babies fell into the basin that was now filled with blood, with long umbilical cords on their stomachs still connected to the woman.

"Any more?" The leader asked.

"I think so." One of the men replied.

They continued rolling the stick on the women's stomach as the woman howled and was dripping blood. Thirty minutes later, she passed out. There was a stream of blood flowing underneath her and her breath gradually weakened. The men in black did not care about whether she was dead or alive. They groped her belly to determined that there was no fetus inside. They used a hook to remove the placenta and took away the bloody basin that contained the babies.

He Yufei was terror-stricken. She felt her eyes stinging with pain when she witnessed what happened. She finally understood why they called the women "livestock." They were locked up in the dungeon just to make babies. There was no difference between them and the hens who were made to lay eggs. Who knows if those babies would be treated like eggs and eaten by those men in black!

He Yufei was horrified by her own imagination. She turned around and started retching before crying quietly. Poor women! They were poisoned, tortured, and raped. When they took their last breath, they would be disposed of like garbage. This was not a dungeon, it was clearly hell and those men were devils!

As she cried, she saw that woman's body was being dragged away and discarded. She could hear a conversation vaguely. "How many times has she given birth?


"Only two times and she's dead? Shes so useless. We need to find livestock that are stronger, it's best if they are martial artists.

"Yeah, two of them came today. Go and mate with them later so that we can get babies in seven months' time"

The voices faded but the horrifying exchange had frightened He Yufei. She cried so hard that she had gone out of breath and her face was full of tears. She knew that she would soon suffer the same fate as that woman, but she could not escape. She was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Where are you, master? Save me!" Bai Yan was her only hope in times of desperation.

But Bai Yan never came, it was the men in black who returned instead after discarding the body. They grinned as they walked into the prison cell and stuffed a Pregnancy Pill into He Yufei's mouth before taking their pants off. Two other martial artists walked towards Lin Dan. Just when they were about to pinch Lin Dan's jaw and force her to take the pill, they suddenly felt an immense pain in their chest. It was then when they realized that a pale hand had pierced into their hearts. As the hand pulled out, blood spurted everywhere on the ground.

"You How did you" Before he could finish, Lin Dan gently pushed away their cold dead bodies. He walked towards He Yufei and was about to kill the man who was about to start the assault. As her palm wave was filled with the raging qi, it instantly crushed the internal organs of the man. He seemed to drop dead without a reason, but his bones and flesh had already dissolved. His skin slowly sank, and he turned into a deflated balloon.

He Yufei looked at her in disbelief. She asked, "A-Aren't you drugged too?

Lin Dan did not answer and walked out of the dungeon. Her body was filled with both the death and life aura that not even the deadliest poison in the world could do anything to her.

"Lin Dan, Left Guardian, please save me and my master!" He Yufei shouted anxiously.

Lin Dan ignored her and kept on walking. She sent a series of palm waves to put out the countless candles in the dungeon and crushed the countless prison locks. As she walked towards an airhole, gathered all her energy and gave a hard push to reveal a cave that was five feet wide. Light and fresh air entered the cave, but the loud noise also gained the attention of the nearby martial artists.

Lin Dan kept walking forward as He Yufei cried angrily and desperately. She knew Lin Dan was ruthless but she did not expect her to be so heartless. There were so many poor women here and she left without even taking a look at them? Was she not a woman, too? Does she not have any compassion in her heart?

Lin Dan followed her instinct and walked into a hidden room. She crushed the stone door with just a palm wave and walked in with ease. She entered the armory that was filled with knives, swords, and spears. Her Asura Sword was quietly lying in a corner. Sensing that its owner was here, the Asura Sword vibrated in an unnoticeable manner. There was a flash of red glowing on the blade before disappearing quickly.

"Let's go." Lin Dan opened her palms slightly and drew the sword into her hand. When she turned around, she saw Bai Yan standing at the other end of the dungeon, staring at herself.

His white robe was flowing and his face was elegant and beautiful. In this dark dungeon, he was like a bright moon that was shining with radiance. Lin Dan threw him a look and started moving toward the ground level. She finished off all the martial artists she met along the way with ease. These martial artists could not even make a single move and took their last breath the moment they saw her. Therefore, Lin Dan was able to leave without facing any hindrance, leaving only pools of blood on the ground.

This was a terrible scene that Bai Yan hated the most. But he did not show any look of contempt and kept up with her pace. Even if Lin Dan did not kill them, these people were so evil that he would have finished them off himself. But he arrived too late. When Bai Yan arrived on the ground, there was no living creature. Bodies of men in black were lying everywhere on the ground and they were cut in half by a sword. Lin Dan's moves were always simple. She would never waste her energy if she could finish it off with one move. Within just less than fifteen minutes, all the martial artists of this underground palace were all killed by her. She did not even alarm anyone from the other underground palaces.

Her posture was delicate and swift. She quietly entered the largest underground palace before walking into another hidden room with a strong bloody aura. She leaped up and landed on the stone beam, quietly observing the situation. Bai Yan's martial art skills were better than hers. He also sneaked in and stood on the beam opposite hers.

Lin Dan watched closely at what was happening while Bai Yan stared at her. There was no doubt that she was particularly satisfied with the massacre. This was why her usually pale face was now flushed and her cold eyes were beaming. This side of her was unfamiliar to Bai Yan and it made him worry.

For someone like her who had had a taste of a satisfying massacre, she would be walking down a path of no return. He did not want to see Lin Dan take that path but he was also curious to see how long she was able to keep the sanity.

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