The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 51: Second To None (13)

Chapter 51: Second To None (13)

Lin Dan wanted to explore around and find out more information about the city, but the people seemed afraid of martial artists and would shun away from her when she approached them. As she did not fancy bullying the weak, she had no intention of holding anyone captive for an interrogation. However, the martial artists in black attire were nothing like her and took pleasure in capturing the people. She noticed that there were fire patterns embroidered on their collars and sleeves as they broke into the house, taking away all members of the household.

"What crime did they commit?" Lin Dan approached them and ask.

The leader of the martial artists pushed her away impatiently and yelled, "Get lost and mind your own business, or I'm going to take you as well and put you with the infected scums!

Lin Dan took a step back and watched as they took the people away.

Bai Yan sighed, "That's enough. Let's go.

Lin Dan glanced at him. With a tap of her toes, she disappeared. Bai Yan knew this would happen and chased after her. They quietly followed the group of martial artists and arrived at a towering city wall. There was a canopy made of peacock feathers at one end of the wall where a pale and thin man idly sat underneath, surrounded by many beautiful ladies. Several monks were standing next to him, muttering something while putting their hands together.

The man spat out a fruit seed, spewed an explicit, and looked very impatient.

Lin Dan and Bai Yan took down two martial artists and put on the flame-patterned black attire. Slowly walking along the wall, they heard one of the monks said, "Amitabha, your actions will disrupt world peace. It's not too late to repent now.

The thin man grinned, "And what if I don't? You, the revered Master Fazhao, can do nothing to me, why should I be afraid of entering the Avici Hell and take the consequences of my action? If there really is karma in this world, why am I still living so comfortably here? This proves that your words are all lies! They are only used to trick the innocent fools!

Master Fazhao? Lin Dan's eyes dimmed. She did not expect that the youngest monk was actually Master Fazhao, who ranked third in the Experts List. He had a high nose and broad eyebrows and his eyes were as cold as the stars. He had a cinnabar mole on his forehead which added a sense of holiness to his charming appearance. He lowered his eyes to read the scriptures and he seemed helpless at the situation.

Seeing his reaction, the thin man behaved even more arrogantly. He continued, "Aren't you tired of coming here every year? Never mind, I shall be kind today. You can sit on one end of the wall and read the Sutra of the Dead for these infected scums.

Master Fazhao had no choice but to sit down near the wall and began reciting the scriptures. The monks that came with him also began to get into the position for the ritual.

Harboring an evil intent, the thin man said, "I was only away for a few days and many of these infected scums actually died! Guards, add more people to the inner city and liven it up!

Several martial arts quickly dragged the people who were caught to the wall. Lin Dan reacted very quickly. She immediately picked up a little boy's collar and assimilated herself into the group. Bai Yan sighed helplessly and followed after her.

The people almost fainted by the rancid smell when they walked near the wall. Upon taking a closer look, there were people who were infected with the plague wandering along the dilapidated street with rotten skin and mutilated limbs, looking dead and lost. After being infected with the plague, they were isolated and could only watch themselves slowly turn into a piece of rotten carcass.

Once they were dead, their bodies were burned, and houses were destroyed. Although a new town could be built in a few years time, the thin man took pleasure in people's suffering. He isolated the city and built a city within a city. Once he saw that the infected were dying, he caught healthy people and put them with the infected ones for fun.

He did not clothe them or give them food. Once they cast the living people behind the wall, he would watch as the infected tear them apart like evil spirits, devouring their flesh and blood. Gradually, he found that it was more entertaining to watch the infected kill each other and become cannibalistic. He would catch some people and pushed them down the wall, before watching them being torn to pieces by the infected.

He could have shown kindness to his people and completely eradicate the plague, but he created himself a city of plague for his own entertainment. He could easily be the most inhumane person in the world!

Lin Dan grabbed the little boy's collar, her eyes turning cold. The little boy turned pale and kept shouting for his parents because he was scared.

Master Fazhao visited the city of plague every year in hopes of persuading the city lord, but it was his first time witnessing his act of throwing people down from the wall. He could no longer read the scriptures. He slowly stood up and said, "Lord Yan, that's enough!

The thin man ignored him and reached out to Lin Dan, Give me the young boy. These infected scums love soft and tender flesh like his.

Lin Dan held the boy's collar tightly and did not step forward. She heard Bai Yan's inner voice that said, "Don't act recklessly. We are now in the territory of Emperor Yan and this man is Yan Zhaotian, the only heir of Emperor Yan. If you kill him, Emperor Yan will never let you off!"

It is customary for Grandmasters to not interfere with each other's territory and area of influence. If two Grandmasters fight, it would inevitably start a war between two sects and even multiple countries. If that had happened, how many more casualties would it cause? This was why, although Master Fazhao did not approve of what Yan Zhaotian was doing, there was nothing he could do besides trying to persuade him.

Seeing that Lin Dan was not moving an inch, Bai Yan continued, "Emperor Yan has mastered a special technique which made him impossible to have children. This means that Yan Zhaotian is his only and last child. He is as important as his own eyes. You'd better think about it before you act. Dont forget that the entire Eastern Holy Sect is connected to you.

Lin Dan finally looked at him and communicated back, "I no longer have any relations with the Eastern Holy Sect. If they act in my name, they should bear their own consequences. That's their choice and it's none of my business. This monk is here to persuade Yan Zhaotian, right? Besides reciting Amitabha,' what else can he do?

As both of them communicated through their inner voices, Yan Zhaotian was getting impatient and yelled, "I'm asking you to bring that boy, do you hear me?! Never mind, you shall go down with him!

However, even before he could finish, Lin Dan had already picked up the boy and flew forward, kicking Yan Zhaotian down the city wall. His guards were all Superior-rate Masters and there was also one Half-step Grandmaster, but none of them saw where Lin Dan went. When they wanted to save Yan Zhaotian, Lin Dan had appeared from her sword shadow and immediately took the heads of a dozen people. Before that Half-step Grandmaster could even take a step forward, his head had already been severed.

Lin Dan threw the little boy to Bai Yan while she stayed on the wall, killing whoever tried to save Yan Zhaotian. In only a short moment, all of the thin man's guards were all dead.

As the thin man was incapable of fighting due to his physical condition, he had long developed a twisted mind and took pleasure in seeing people struggle in despair. But now, the man himself was struggling instead and was not feeling the slightest pleasure. Seeing the infected that had turned into horrible-looking humans charging towards him, he ran away and shouted, "Do you know who I am? You better save me or my father is going to skin you alive!

Lin Dan stood on the wall and looked at him emotionlessly. Fazhao took a step forward, seemingly wanted to save him, but she stopped him by pointed the tip of the sword at his chest. The raging qi was gushing at the tip of the sword that it had ripped his cassock even before there was any contact. Fazhao was stunned by the energy of Lin Dan's sword. He looked at Lin Dan and at Bai Yan who showed himself. He said solemnly, "All shall kill Asura that has descended into this world! He very well knew the horrible history of Asura and, like Bai Yan, he had also received an order from the sect.

But Lin Dan remained calm. She only glanced at Fazhao and lowered her head. At this moment, the infected had caught up with the thin man and he was torn to pieces. Yan Zhaotian had never expected karma to come so soon.

Looking at the infected who had been tortured and dehumanized, Lin Dan closed her eyes and jumped off the wall before killing all of them. More blood splattered and stained the dilapidated street, making it look even closer to hell.

Fazhao frowned and wanted to stop the uncontrollable killer but was stopped by Bai Yan.

"Fazhao, you come to the Plague City every year, but have you ever appeased any of these vengeful souls? Have you ever stopped this demon? You recite Amitabha, Amitabha' all day but does it do any good to the ethics, morality, the good and the bad of this world? Do you know that she has killed the top seven fugitives on the wanted list just a few days ago and restored a moment of peace in this world? You and I are people who took on a high position and should have been responsible for making the world better. But what we have done was not even half as good as what she has done. If we have followed your way, when will this Plague City be gone? When can the vengeful souls of this city be appeased? As there are good and bad humans, the Buddha can be wrathful as well.

Bai Yan turned around and pointed at Lin Dan's blood-stained back, "In your eyes, she is the bloodthirsty Asura, but in mine, she is a Buddha who is appeasing the vengeful souls. These patients have been kept here by Lin Zhaotian for more than a decade, waiting for the day where the plague could be cured. But the plague has now developed so badly that not even the immortals of the Physicians Valley Medical could save them. Was there anything we could have done? Is keeping them here and making them endure more pain and despair your so-called compassion?' Or, if one day Yan Zhaotian had gotten tired of such entertainment and decided to amuse himself by opening the gates of Plague City, what do you think will happen to the outer city? What will this country or the entire land of East Tang become?

Fazhao lowered his eyes and looked at Lin Dan's face where he saw no joy but deep sorrow. Although she was killing the infected people, she had the intention of appeasing their souls. The infected who were scrambling around gradually stopped and knelt on the ground. They kowtowed to her before raising their heads, ready to be killed.

They could not wait to die since they had been living in despair for so long! Anyone who could end their misery was their savior.

Before Lin Dan slashed, she paused for a slight moment each time and closed her eyes. Their blood was warm but her heart was cold. Her body felt comfortable but her mind was filled with raging anger. If there was so much injustice in this world, if she was destined to become a killing machine, she could kill the wicked and eliminate evil! She was alone in this world and neither fears Emperor Yan nor death.

Fazhao stared at Lin Dan's bloodied back and withdrew his internal force after a long moment. He put his hands together and said, "Amitabha, I'm ashamed!"

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