The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 64: The God of War (10)

Chapter 64: The God of War (10)

In the previous life, the person who uncovered the Lin family's case was Ding Mujie, so he knew best about Xue Zhao. But now he had no authority to speak, and no one would believe him even if he spoke out? The easiest way was to get rid of Xue Zhao and replace him as the chief commander. But who was more qualified than him?

A country couldn't live without a king, and an army couldn't live without a commander. That was precisely what was happening now. Without the command of a commander in chief, the Lin clan's army, which was full of courage, had been dejected. If they still can't pull themselves together, tomorrow's battle would be defeated with no doubt! Thinking of this, Ding Mujie began to think quickly, trying to find an effective way. However, when he saw Lin Dan took a few steps forward, he said calmly, "General Xue, since you have a foothold in the army with on your capability, if I attempt to replace you, isn't that I have to rely on my capability?"

"What are you saying? You want to replace our general? Hahaha" Before Xue Zhao could say anything, his confidant burst into laughter.

However, Lin Dan was not annoyed at all. She continued, "You just said that if we can find a person in the military who is more powerful than you, you will abdicate at once, right?"

Xue Zhao was born in a poor family and had no authority nor influence. It was true indeed that he relied on his capability to become the general of the central army. Therefore, he said firmly, "Yes, I have always been a man of my word. As long as there is such a person, I will immediately give up the position as the chief commander."

King Zhuang squinted at him and sneered, "It seems that the chief commander is already yours! If it weren't for the help of the senior commander Lin, how could a poor boy from a poor family like you be qualified to be promoted to general? You're responsible for the death of the chief commander and those good men of the Lin clan, and you didn't take the blame for all that. Instead, you coveted the chief commander position. You are a wicked and ungrateful beast. I don't want to be with you! "

"You" Xue Zhao thumped the table with a ferocious face as if he would eat someone in the next moment. He hated those who mentioned his past. If King Zhuang were not a prince, he would have shot him with a few arrows on the battlefield and assassinated him!

When the two were in a tit-for-tat, the generals in the camp were automatically split into two parties. One stood behind Xue Zhao, and the other stood behind King Zhuang, making it clear. Left Lin Qing stood in the center and didn't know where to go.

Lin Dan lifted up the tent flap and raised her tone. "Shut up! Whether General Xue deserves to be the chief commander or not, we will only know after he competes with me."

"What? Compete with you?" Everyone was shocked.

Lin Dan sneered and said, "Are you afraid?"

"You are just a woman. What are you doing here?" Xue Zhao sounded helpless, but there was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

"I was brought up by my father. I'm considered as one of his new disciples. Is it an insult to you for me to challenge you in the name of the same sect? Or are you afraid of women? If you are afraid of women, what's more, to lead the troops?" Lin Dan continued to goad him. Through her observation and inquiry, she basically knew what kind of person Xue Zhao was. He was ambitious and stubborn. He most valued his stature and reputation, which was easy to provoke him. 

As expected, Xue Zhao couldn't tolerate it anymore. He thumped the table and snarled, "Fine, I'll challenge you. But don't cry if you lose!"

"Sis, what are you doing? Come with me!" Lin Qing was so anxious that his eyes turned red. He knew that her sister had been practicing martial arts since she was a child and was very talented. But when she was eight years old, her grandfather didn't allow her to practice martial arts with boys of the Lin family anymore. It was said that everyone was topless, which would be a bad influence on her. After that, she began to practice martial arts in her own small courtyard, and to what extent, Lin Qing, who seldom set foot in the courtyard, didn't know. He only heard his grandfather often praised her for being outstanding and also said that it was a pity that she was not a man, or else she would be a valiant general of the Lin family.

Lin Qing didn't take these words seriously and didn't believe that his sister would win over Xue Zhao. After all, Grandfather was their family member, which was inevitable for him to show a little favor to the younger generation of the family, and what he said would be a little exaggerated. After all, her sister was a woman. No matter how good she was, she could only deal with ordinary people. How could she be a match for Xue Zhao, who had experienced in so many battles? Not to mention Xue Zhao, any soldier in the camp could easily defeat her!

The more Lin Qing thought about it, the more anxious he became. He took a few steps forward to stop Lin Dan but was separated by King Zhuang. Others have no idea how good Lin Dan was, but King Zhuang seemed to know something about her. Lin Dan was a calm and steady person when she encountered problems. Lin Dan was not the kind of person who would talk wildly. Most importantly, she had an icy aura within her, where that despicable man, Xue Zhao, was no match for her.

Ding Mujie was also worried about Lin Dan, but he didn't dare to stop her. He added, "As long as anyone of you touched, the other person would be considered as the winner. Don't kill anyone."

"Of course, I won't hurt your granddaughter of the senior commander Lin, Xue Zhao said with a fake smile.

"Let's go to the training ground." As soon as Lin Dan walked out of the room, all the generals followed her. They didn't realize that the situation was entirely under her control.

As they entered the training ground, Lin Dan raised her voice, "Hey everyone, I'm Lin Dan, the granddaughter of the senior commander Lin. Today, I'm here to challenge General Xue Zhao. If I lose, I'll leave the frontier. If I win, he has to give me his seat. Please witness for us!"

A woman dared to challenge General Xue and even took his position as a bet. This was something out of the blue that they had never heard and seen before, which immediately attracted the soldiers around to join in. They pointed at Lin Dan and discussed among themselves. Some were worried, and some were shocked, but most of them were disdainful. How could a woman take the position of a general in the military? Did she have hysteria? If she hadn't introduced herself as the granddaughter of the senior commander Lin, the soldiers would have run to the training ground and taken her away.

Ding Mujie broke out in a cold sweat for Lin Dan. He was afraid that she would fear others' words and couldn't deal with them calmly. However, to his surprise, Lin Dan walked around the weapon rack and slowly selecting weapons without a sense of fear.

King Zhuang had already known how calm and composed she was. His long-tensed face eased and showed a faint smile.

Lin Dan picked up a broadsword. She stretched out her hand and said, "General Xue, please."

To show his grace, Xue Zhao waved his hand and said, "I'll let you begin with the first three moves."

Lin Dan couldn't help chuckling and said calmly, "If you let me have the first three moves, you would be defeated."

"You are so arrogant!" Xue Zhao was surely irritated by her. He drew his sword and launched an attack.

Lin Dan raised her sword to defense. She waited for him to stagger by his great force and, causing him to step backward, she cut him on his arm, broke his favorite sword into two pieces, and kicked him off the battle arena. She didn't intend to use her internal force to deal with an ordinary warrior like Xue Zhao, but she had to teach him a lesson after he caused the death of the Lin family's men and coveted the chief commander position. Thus, her every move was accompanied by violent, forceful energy.

Defend, slash and kick, with just three moves, Xue Zhao had been lying awkwardly under the battle arena. It took him a great effort to get up, and he seemed to be furious.

The soldiers looked at each other in disbelief. General Xue was a disciple of the Shaolin Temple, and his kung fu was better than General Lin Tie. How could he lose to a woman? They must be mistaken!

"I'm honored to take your seat." Lin Dan walked to the training ground and said proudly.

"What trick did you play? How could General Xue lose to you?" Xue Zhao's confidant shouted.

"If you are not convinced, just come up and challenge me. You can either challenge me, one-on-one or in a group." Lin Dan held the sword in one hand, the other hand behind her back. She looked very calm. 

Xue Zhao's confidant launched an attack towards her without a word, but in a flash, he was being kicked down from the battle arena. He didn't even have the chance to touch her, let alone to teach her a lesson. Six of them went up in a row, and the six of them were then lying under the arena, with broken pieces of weapons scattered all over the ground. No one dared to say Lin Dan had played trick? She didn't even need to move her legs when dealing with them. She slaughtered whatever came her way as if one man could defeat ten thousand men at the same time.

After that, the generals who supported Xue Zhao pounced towards her, making her take a few steps symbolically. The shadow of the snow-white blade flashed in front of them, and the crying sound echoed through the air. Those people fell down from the arena like dumping dumplings in the boiling water. They groaned after lying on the ground, looking awful.

Lin Dan's hair didn't even mess up. She waved the tip of the sword and soothed the corner of her clothes. She said calmly, "Who dares to challenge me?"

There was a dead silence under the arena. Everyone looked at Lin Dan in astonishment, and no one dared to challenge her. The most amazed people were Lin Qing and Ding Mujie. One of them was the younger brother of Lin Dan, and the other was her previous life's husband. They didn't know that she had such a valiant side. She stood on the battle arena, her dark eyes glancing at you, but she didn't take you seriously at all. Her arrogance made people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts. Now she was no longer a being, more like a sword that had been unsheathed and could no longer hide its sharp edge.

Seeing that no one responded for a long time, Lin Dan added, "Xue Zhao, your position belongs to me."

Xue Zhao gritted his teeth and said nothing. His confidant braced himself and shouted, "You as a woman, how can you be the chief commander?"

"Yup, I'm just a woman, and I don't deserve to be the chief commander. For those who lost to me, don't y'all feel embarrassed to be in the military?" Lin Dan asked calmly in reply.

Xue Zhao and his confidant were all speechless and could not find any words to refute for a long time. They had been humiliated to defeat by a woman, and now they were tempted to renege their promise, which was really disgustful. The soldiers' side glanced at them as if they had known them again, and there was a faint contempt in their eyes.

The army was like a jungle, where the strong prey on the weak, and the strong will rule. If you are stronger than others, you can succeed; If you are weaker than others, you deserve to be oppressed. "Physical strength is the truth." This was always a true saying in the military.

Lin Dan gave a glance to King Zhuang and said calmly, "Although I'm good in kung fu, I don't have any experience in battle. I'm okay to accept the position as the general of the central army, but I don't dare to seize the chief commander position. King Zhuang is a prince and has high status. He has achieved consecutive victories in battles and has an outstanding capability. He would be the most suitable candidate to be the chief commander. What do y'all think? "

After the fight, she had speedily established her prestige in the military. The loyal left army and the right army of the Lin clan immediately nodded in agreement. King Zhuang did not dare to refuse, so he quickly cupped his hands and apologized.

The chaotic situation was instantly controlled by Lin Dan, which made Lin Qing and Ding Mujie stunned.

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