The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 70: The God of War 16

Chapter 70: The God of War 16

Ding Mujie, who was watching the battle on the high hill, was very excited. The traps, the poles, the long war scythes, the flag semaphore, and the strategic tactics were planned by him. He should have been confident. However, he was far more excited to see Lin Dan attacked the enemy line than the effectiveness of his tactics.

He looked at her invincible figure without a blink. His heart beat so fast that even his blood could not help boiling. Anyone who had never experienced the previous life would never be able to understand his current feeling. Today's battle caused the Wei Kingdom to be entirely defeated by the Huns, and since then, it had fallen into turmoil and disintegration.

Later, he assisted the nine princes in ascending the throne. Although he was in a high position and had power in the court, he could not amend the situation of the Wei Kingdom, which was getting worse. Every year, the Wei Kingdom had to pay a considerable amount of money to the Huns and send their princesses to the marriage alliance. The people in the border area were often slaughtered by the Huns, and they didn't dare to resist.

The Wei Kingdom, which used to be a kingdom of thousands of kingdoms, had become a sleepy beast that lingered on for a long time. One day, it would be exterminated by the Huns. When Ding Mujie died, the Wei Kingdom was still struggling and was not wholly destroy. He had foreseen that and made him couldn't feel relieved. When he was reborn, other than marrying Lin Wan and rescuing the Lin family, he had a more prominent and more challenging desire to revive the kingdom's glory and save the people from disaster.

However, he was sensible enough to know that even if he had lived for two lives and foreseen many opportunities, this wish might last his entire life. It would only be a wish. In his previous life, he had devoted his energy and thought, but in return, the peace of the Wei Kingdom only lasted for more than a decade. Perhaps he had to work even harder in his life to save the disaster. However, he had never expected that this battle, and this person, the dawn which he had never dreamed before, would gradually bloom in this boundless frontier.

Looking at the Huns' cavalries, who were defeated and fled, and the rapid progress of Wei's troop, Ding Mujie's eyes were filled with tears and his unpacified mood. He mounted his horse, revealing the young man's high spirit for the first time. He shouted, "Let's go back to welcome our triumphant comrades!"

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers who accompanied him to watch the battle also showed an ecstatic expression.

When they hurried back to the camp, and just in time to meet the heroes who returned on their horses. The blood on their bodies had not yet dried out, and their faces looked exhausted, but their eyes were brighter than before.

"Thank you, Lin Dan!" Ding Mujie couldn't restrain his excitement. He rushed to her as soon as he got off the horse. He held her tightly in his arms, patting her back hard. His eyes were red. He wanted to let out a cry, but he held it back. The victory had utterly reversed the fate of the Wei Kingdom. Not only did he wanted to express his gratitude to Lin Dan, but everyone in the world had to express their gratitude to her.

At this moment, she had no idea what kind of miracle she had created and how she had rescued the people out of the abyss of despair. If If he hadn't stopped her in her previous life, everything would have changed, wouldn't it?

Every time Ding Mujie thought about this question, his heart ached, and the sadness in his eyes became more intense.

Before he could fully express his emotions, a pair of hands pulled him away. Li Xian joked, "Sir, can you give me a victory hug? Without your plan, we wouldn't have won so easily today. The military counselor has made significant contributions. I will report to His Royal Highness after return and ask him to reward you. "

Ding Mujie hugged him and patted him on the shoulder as if they were good friends.

Most people in the army were bold, so it was normal for them to hold each other's shoulders and carry each other. Moreover, Lin Dan was a great fighter; no one treated her as a woman. Naturally, they wouldn't think it was strange for her to hug a man. Everyone was immersed in the joy of victory and needed to have a big celebration.

After the battle, the arrogance of the Huns had been extinguished, and they certainly did not dare to provoke the Wei kingdom in a short time. Through this battle, the Lin army had figured out a way to deal with the Huns. In the future, they would strengthen their training and gradually modify their equipment. With General Lin in charge of this region, they would sooner or later establish an army stronger than the Huns' cavalries. They would not win by tricks at that time, but they would utterly defeat the Huns with their strength!

Victory, especially the overwhelming victory, encouraged these soldiers to build strong fighting spirit and self-confidence. In the past, as long as Wei's squad heard the horns of the Huns' calvaries, they would feel nervous and dare not fight against them. But now, they loved to fight and were eager to fight.

Of course, this situation only occurred to the Western army where Lin Dan was. It was still difficult for the other troops to get rid of the Hun's cavalry. Ding Mujie believed that it would definitely become more assertive as long as he spared more time to the Wei Kingdom. With the Western army guarding at the frontier, the people of the Wei Kingdom would definitely live a peaceful life.

But he had underestimated the selfishness and stupidity of the politicians of the Wei Kingdom. The crown prince, King Kang, and the nine princes in the capital were already greed for power before the West army could consolidate the victory and defeat all the remaining of the Huns clan.

Two months after the celebration fest, Lin Dan was still busy attacking the remnant of the Huns on the grassland and plundering more property. An imperial edict had been sent to the military camp, claiming that she, as a woman, shouldn't have joined the army at all. She was ordered to step down from her position as a general at once. She was asked to return to the capital and apologize, emphasizing the need for her to explain the act of killing her father.

She had made significant contributions, but she didn't get a word of commendation. There was only rebuke in the edict with a little comfort, in the end, claiming that for the sake of the loyalty of the Lin family, they wouldn't be too harsh on her and would let her return at ease. As for the emperor's son, King Zhuang was greatly praised, but he could not continue to be the chief in command. Instead, he was dispatched to be a palace guard. They especially sent people to pick him to return to the capital. He was ordered to switch defense with King Kang, who issued the imperial edict.

The victorious of the great battle was wiped out in such a way. Instead, letting the idlers who were hiding in the capital earn the credits.

Before Li Xian finished listening to the imperial edict, he was full of anger. Just as he was about to stand up and argue with King Kang, Lin Dan stretched out her hand and pressed hard on his shoulder, and she said in silence, "Calm down."

Li Xian immediately calmed down and reluctantly took the imperial edict. Ding Mujie and the other soldiers also tried their best to restrain themselves and not conflict with King Kang.

This time, King Kang brought his own battle confidants to switch defense with King Zhuang. Due to Lin Dan's significant contribution and high prestige, she had completely recruited the Western army in just five or six months and was known as the Great Wei Warrior. Her personality and charm were unparalleled. She was really plentiful heroin in the people's hearts, a legendary that only existed in the book. The people only knew about Lin Dan in the frontier, but not the emperor. When they heard that Lin Dan was at the border, they would bow to her from a distance of dozens of miles; In the army, the soldiers only knew about Lin Dan, not the emperor. The emperor's imperial edict was far less useful than Lin Dan's order Such words of condemnation had been spread to the capital one after another, which hurt the emperor. Naturally, he would not allow Lin Dan to continue to guard the border.

In brief, in order to grab the credit, King Kang and the others went all out to slander Lin Dan so that they could pull her down and replace her with their own people. In addition to taking over the Western army, King Kang's other mission was to negotiate with the Huns and sign a peace treaty as soon as possible to end the decades of war. This was another political achievement that could be recorded in history's annals and the capital to compete for the throne. King Kang was in a hurry to achieve what he wanted, and he was afraid that King Zhuang would compete with him for the credit, so he urged them to return on that night.

That night, Li Xian and Ding Mujie secretly talked for an hour in the camp before they decided to set out.

Lin Dan had already sat on the horse and waited for them quietly. Behind her were the red-eyed Lin Qing and the black coffins. This time, they were going to bring all the Lin family's men who had sacrificed their lives for the kingdom return and be laid to rest.

"Are you not at all unwilling?" Li Xian approached Lin Dan and asked in a low voice.

"Compared with unwillingness and resentment, it's more important for me to bring my dead family members back to hometown and bury them as soon as possible." Lin Dan galloped and said, "Let's go!"

"Let's go!" Lin Qing waved at the soldiers who sent him off and followed closely behind his sister.

Watching them receding unrestrainedly, Li Xian was still in a daze for a long time. Ding Mujie sighed, "Of course, Lin Dan was clear about what was more important in her heart, love, and sanity, power and family."

Li Xian suddenly chuckled and said in a gentle voice, "How can an ordinary person like me can compare with her! Hurry up and keep up with her. Otherwise, the fairy will abandon us! "

Li Xian seemed to be joking, but his speed of catching up was not slow at all. Ding Mujie quickly followed. Looking at Lin Dan's lean and straight back, his eyes darkened. He knew that Li Xian was not joking at all. In his heart, even in Ding Mujie's heart, she was an extraordinary existence. She was brave and fearless, but she also valued loyalty and friendship. Perhaps only God and they knew how much they wanted to get close to her and how much they wanted to gain her favor.

However, Lin Dan didn't notice that the two were trying to approach and ingratiate her. She had always been clear about the priority and urgency. Since the battle was over, and the great empress was still hoping that she could bring her family back to reunite, she definitely wouldn't delay. As for those intrigues, power, and interests, what did they have to do with her?

Lin Dan was eager to return home; she didn't expect to meet a group of daredevils blocking her way. Their primary goal was King Zhuang, Li Xian, and the second was herself. As the comrade-in-arms, Lin Dan could not let King Zhuang being killed, so she naturally would protect him.

Compared to killing enemies on the battlefield, she seemed to be more proficient in fighting. As long as she raised her sword, she would be controlled by a killing aura, and it would be difficult to hold back. For her to kill more joyfully, she pointed at the suspension bridge behind her and said, "Y'all go first, and I'll catch up later!"

Li Xian and the others knew her strength very well. In order not to drag her back, they rushed over the suspension bridge. On the other hand, Lin Dan guarded at one end of the bridge all the time, not allowing the daredevils to get any closer. Her eyes turned red with anger, which made these daredevils feel terrified. To complete the mission, they attacked the coffin protected by Lin Qing. Seeing the rope of a coffin was cut off by a daredevil and was about to fall into the mountain stream, Lin Dan hurriedly reached out to catch it. Although the coffin was saved by her, she fell off the mountain stream.

At that critical moment, she shouted, "Leave me alone. Cut off the bridge rope after crossing the suspension bridge and rush back to the capital!" As soon as her words faded away, she was nowhere to be found.

Lin Qing didn't dare to disobey her sister. Even though he regretted it so much, he carried the coffin away with red eyes, cut off the rope, and left with gritted teeth. Those daredevils walked around the mountain stream, which was dozens of feet deep. When they were sure that they couldn't get across, they had no choice but to give up. However, they couldn't kill Li Xian, but they unexpectedly killed Lin Dan. It could be considered that they had successfully accomplished the mission and could return to report to their superior.

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