The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 102 Let Me Lick the Broth

Chapter 102 Let Me Lick the Broth


Edited by Gumihou

After frying the Wagyu Beef, he poured the minced meat into a bowl and set it aside.

Then, in full view of everyone, Ye Fei did something that made everyone collapse.

Ye Fei picked up the frying pan and before everyones eyes, dumped all the top-grade peanut oil away [a].


F*ck  ah, this, this ..

What the hell? Peanut oil, thats top-grade peanut oil.

Aiyayayaya, give me, ah, give me, ah. If you do not want it, give me, ah, I want. ah, I want to drink it, ah.

How could he just pour all that oil away just like that? Even if this oil is not as precious as Rose Oil or that super expensive Olive Oil, it had only been used once and he just threw it away?

Deity Ye, this wastrel, I really want to go over and smack him.

Upstairs, group up, you go beat up Deity Ye, I will get those oils out again.

.. You brat, you have beautiful ideas.

Tasting Everything Under Heaven, who usually had a lot to say, had his mouth wide open. That is, he was busy picking up his jaw from the ground as he groped for words to say. A long moment later, he yelled, What effing bleep, ah! Deity Ye, y-you if you dont want that oil, you can just give it to me, ah! I have no problem giving you my address. Ill even pay the courier fee, ah!

Ye Fei smiled and said, No matter what kind of oil, but especially the oil used for frying things, its best to change it after every use. Thats because once oil is heated up, the normal molecular chain will be destroyed, thus forming a kind of thing called benzopyrene. Although trace amounts of this kind of thing isnt anything bad, long-term accumulation of it will result in it being a carcinogen.

Also, the activity of Vitamin E inside cooking oil is the lowest if it is used for frying. If it is used repeatedly, this vitamin will be completely destroyed, and its nutritional value will plummet.

Moreover, if cooking oil is used repeatedly, the fatty acids inside will also be damaged, which will have a fatal impact on the quality of the oil. That pot of oil just now, even though it was top-grade peanut oil, its composition is about the same as regular peanut oil, so after using it once, I have decided not to use it again to make other dishes. If I do not pour away, should I even keep it [b]?


No way, there are so many things to pay attention to when it comes to oil consumption?

I know that frying oil should not be used repeatedly, but never knew why. After listening to Deity Yes explanation today, I suddenly saw the light.

A good use of suddenly seeing the light; this daddy has achieved a breakthrough.

Uh~~ my mind has been opened.

Your mom ah, what nonsense are you playing at, seeing Deity Ye cooking, are you guys also playing in the idiom competition? Shut up, gulp~~

Ye Fei washed the pot until it was thoroughly clean before putting it back on the fire, and pouring the remaining peanut oil in.

Once the temperature of the oil was right, he poured in the aromatics such as minced garlic, ginger, pepper, sichuan peppercorns and other ingredients and began to stir-fry.

This time the fragrance from the stir-frying was more intense because these were the actual aromatics that would give the dish its signature flavour. Eventually, the fragrances from different ingredients were so entwined that it was almost impossible to separate them.

Some of the people in the channel couldnt hold on anymore. They grabbed some prepared snacks and began to chomp away.

Crunch, crunch, crunchcrunchcrunch~~

A continuous crunching sound appeared suddenly in the channel, and the audience looked around, wondering what it was.

Someone sent a message, asking, Brother Heaven, whats going on?

Tasting Everything Under Heaven laughed awkwardly and said, I couldnt stand it anymore, so I grabbed some snacks nearby to settle it first. Otherwise, I guess Ill be drooling again.

Im eating cucumbers.

Im eating tomatoes.

Im eating a Heavenly Silkworm Potato. [1]

Raise your hand if youre eating instant noodles.

I even forgot to peel the shell off my melon seeds, ah, Im going crazy, ah.

Only then did the audience realise that, in order to deal with the overbearing fragrance flying out of Deity Yes cooking, nearly all of them coped by stuffing their mouths with other food.

Once the aroma had been released, Ye Fei poured in the fermented black beans, an appropriate amount of chilli powder, and stir-fried until the oil in the pot turned red. That is when the aromatics could be considered done.

That is when Ye Fei poured the fried beef into the pot and stir-fried them together for about a minute. Then, he poured an appropriate amount of water from a kettle before covering the pot and letting the mixture boil for a moment.

A few minutes passed by and the broth continued to boil. Finally, Ye Fei poured the tofu back into the simmering broth and allowed it to sit for 3 to 4 minutes.

Attention must be paid to the simmering time. Too short and the tofu cubes would not absorb the delicious broth; too long and the tofu cubes would have overcooked and its texture worsen.

When the time was up, Ye Fei turned off the fire and smiled, Friends, this dish is ready to be served. [c]

As soon as they heard the dish was ready, everyone became nervous.

Even the chomping sounds of Tasting Everything Under Heaven consuming his snacks had disappeared. Cucumber Eater had stopped eating while Tomato Eater and Heavenly Silkworm Potato Eater were also motionless. Unpeeled Melon Seed Eater also tossed his melon seeds aside, all of them staring nervously at the Ye Fei on their screens.

Ye Fei uncovered the pot lid, set a large white porcelain plate on the side and lifted the pot. With a wooosh~~~

The audience in the live broadcast room instantly collapsed.

Your mom, its another one of Yeshis savage pot-pouring methods!

Aiyo, f me, ah! My tofu ah, dont make them fly away!

My sweat is dripping like Deity Ye, ah. Can we discuss something? Can you please give us some advanced notice whenever you use this kind of technique in the future? Your mom, I cant stand this kind of shock, ah.

Some of the broth had splashed out, ah. Ai ya ya ya, what a waste, ah.

Upstairs, go lick it clean.

I can not get there, ah.

Damn, if you could get there you really would lick it ah?

You say it as if you would not lick it if you were next to me.

Id lick!

With a huala~ Ye Fei poured the entire content of the pot onto a plate. Then, he casually put the pot back on the stove before picking up a plate of Mapo Tofu and extending it forward, smiling, I feel like this dish is pretty successful [c].

When the audience looked at the plate of Mapo Tofu, their mouths all opened wide and they were dumbfounded.

The plate of Mapo Tofu was not just successful, it was simply too beautiful. Within the red broth, the minced beef was evenly dispersed, each piece of white tofu wearing the slightest touch of red coating on the outside, with their white tender bodies half-hidden in the broth.

Also, every tofu cube was perfectly intact, unlike an ordinary Mapo Tofu dish where most tofu cubes have already been bashed up a bit.

Ye Feis plate of Mapo Tofu could be said that, at least in appearance, really reflected the characteristics of this dish. Rosy red broth, pure white tofu blocks, and on top of the tofu blocks, a few flakes of dried chilli peppers and a sprinkle of chopped green onion as garnish.

This dish could be said to have red and green. The first impression people get when seeing this for the first time would be the enticing colour and fragrance. As for the taste, no one in the channel could eat it, and therefore could not fully evaluate it. However, its alluring appearance alone was enough to drive the audience crazy.

Holy shit, this plate of tofu Top-grade goods ah.

This is the real Mapo Tofu, this is the real Mapo Tofu, this is the real Mapo Tofu, this is the real Mapo Tofu [c], important things need to be said three times.

This daddy has never seen such superb Mapo Tofu, its too beautiful, too tempting.

Gulp~~ I am hungry.

Your sister, upstairs, if you do not say these three words will you die? You are arousing public anger, you know?

But Im really hungry.

Well, Im hungry too, chewing this cucumber is like chewing a rubber stick, there is no taste at all.

Carrying this plate of Mapo Tofu, Ye Fei took a step forward.

As a result, the crowd saw the tofu trembling twice inside the plate.

Everyone: ..

F*ck, the tofu is still so tender?

I really cant imagine what it would be like to enjoy such superb tofu inside my mouth.

Smooth and delicious, tender and refreshing, I guess.

No, no, no, spicy and fresh, with a biting cold texture plus a refreshing flavour that goes together to make it an absolutely unforgettable experience.

I think it should be ..

Motherf*ckers, shut up, whoever starts talking again, I will send wolves and dogs to your house! There is no end to this ah, my drool ah, Im almost running out of toilet paper napkins already.

I I now want Deity Ye quickly draw a lucky person, draw me draw me draw me draw me ah ah ah ah

Aigoo~~ Your mom, here we go again.

[Gumihou: its actually easy to make the tofu tremble in the plate after serving, its also easy to maintain the perfect cubes. Gumi who has actually made Mabo Tofu (Japanese style) is not at all impressed]

Author: Beautiful photos of Mapo Tofu have been sent inside the group, group number 459762637, interested friends can take a look and look at the effect of the red broth with white and tender tofu in the picture.

Gumihou: Hmm, cant track down the photos, but heres a link to Chef Wang Gangs Mapo Tofu recipe with beef.

Oh look, Chef Wang says to use beef with as little fat as possible for better taste and texture. So, please, please, please dont follow this recipe. Please dont waste the Wagyu Beef, eating it as beef tartare or Yukhoe would be so much better if you have to mince /watch?v=s6eRwciLMrw 

This A5 Wagyu is soo fatty, soo expensive, and sooo perfect as Yukhoe

DO NOT Mapo Tofu it.

[a] I dont know why they kept on screaming about the peanut oil when Ye Fei had just dumped valuable Wagyu tallow away. Also, if hes using that much oil to fry minced meat, he clearly did not know the basics of how to handle minced meat. Just a couple of tablespoons is enough, less since this is Wagyu and youll want to save that fat too.

[b] Okay, just have confirmation that Ye Fei had or deep fried the minced meat. Which no. Thats not how you make Mapo Tofu, not even with Wagyu Beef, especially with Wagyu beef. So what if the meat juice is not left on the board? It will seep out when you fry it, because, you know, its FAT! Its OIL!

[c] Ready to be served? rEaDy to bE seRveD??!!

Wheres the starch water? Wheres the sugar, salt etc?


Follow Chef Wang Gang for authentic Sichuan Recipe.

The actual yield of Ye Feis recipe would be something like a spicy, oily, thin soup with minced meat and tofu cubes floating in it!!

Pill Bug TL Notes:

[1]               This is the author of Battle Through The Heavens, Wu Dong Qian Kun, Absolute Resonance and other webnovels.

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