The God Virus

Volume 3 - 180 I Do!

Chapter 180: I Do!

"What a brilliant idea, boss! Then, we shall do as you said!" As if he had just heard the most magnificent idea in the world, the suited man commented.

Afterward, walking beside some of their other men in the corner, the suited man seemed to be giving some kind of instructions to them.

Soon, nodding their head in agreement, they left as they began to walk through the crowded area and just like that, before long, they disappeared among the dancing people.

In the meantime, the five girls were dancing in extreme excitement and happiness like there was no tomorrow as the Security ugly continued watching over them. However, he couldn’t stop himself from showing some half-smiles from time to time as he too was feeling kind of happy watching how jovial the girls were acting.



Finally, the silhouette became completely clear as the other disciples, mostly from the Superior and Normal Section began to cheer for him as if they had just seen their idols in life!

Whistle~ Whistle~

"Senior brother Hartaaaas!"

"Senior Brother~"

"You’re my heart!"

"You’re the best!"





Cheers filled everywhere as Hartas exited the dark tunnel and began walking toward the middle of the Colosseum with a radiant smile showing itself on the corner of his mouth.

It was also at this very moment that, as if forced out of his deep meditation by the cheers of others all around himself, Virus abruptly opened his eyes as his sharp gaze was straightly directed at Hartas who had just exited the dark tunnel.

And seeing the man, Virus couldn’t stop a grin forming on his face as he thought, ’So this is the man who said he would buy me whatever I wanted in exchange for my ring... interesting...’

Soon, Hartas finally arrived in front of Virus...

And then...

Unexpectedly, he showed a very kind and warm smile in front of Virus as he spoke, "Hello, apprentice-brother Vee... it’s a pleasure finally meeting you face to face in person!"

He called Virus ’Apprentice-brother’ and not ’Junior apprentice-brother’... which meant he was seeing him as his equal in the sect.

Well, it was either this or that he was pretending...

Seeing this friendly attitude, rather amused, Virus replied while imitating the same warm and kind smile like him, "Same here... I’ve been looking forward to meeting you... you know, in order to hear about your solution to that request of mine... I wonder if you’ve already bought anything special for me?"

"Haha, apprentice-brother exaggerates! It’s me who’s been looking forward to this meeting of ours! Anyway, since we’ve already contacted each other through my junior apprentice-sister... I would claim we already have a basic understanding of each other, wouldn’t you agree?" With the smile never disappearing from his rather good looking face, Hartas claimed.

"That couldn’t be more true, haha. After all, we both understand what the other desires! You desire my ring... and I, endless entertainment." Virus responded as he thought, ’Bullshit.’

"Actually... if that’s all you want, I can easily provide it for you... since with my background as the prince of my own kingdom, it’s not a problem at all to offer you the opportunity to be entertained until the day you leave this world!" With an even more beaming face, Hartas uttered.

However, inside, he thought, ’For ants like you who are only after entertainment... the solution couldn’t be easier!’

Clearly amused, Virus proclaimed, "Oh, I’m really intrigued now... how are you going to do that? Also... let me tell you... if it’s truly as you say... I’ll definitely gift you the ring and much more than that just as I had promised!"

"Hehe... only the ring as a token of gratitude would suffice, apprentice-brother... now... my solution for that problem of yours is can be summarized in... one word..." He raised one finger toward Virus as he continued, "And that answer can only be... Pleasure!"

Without stopping there, he continued, "And what better pleasure is there in this world... other than spending the rest of your life while accompanying the most beautiful girls in the world!" Pausing for a moment, he added further, "I’ll make it so you’ll have whichever beautiful girl you come to desire... and just like that with a snap of your finger, together with my help, you’ll come to have a different kind of beauty to warm your bed every single night! Hahaha... How about that, apprentice-brother? Wouldn’t you say this would entertain you every single day as a man for eternity until the day you die?"

Listening to his offer, the smile had long disappeared from Virus’ face as it was replaced with his usual expressionless face as he thought, ’Tch, boring.’

"The match will be starting soon! Though you still have some time to rest and replenish more of your energy if you want." Arriving in front of Virus and Hartas, the judge elder announced before leaving

"How about it? Does my gift satisfy you? Even though it’s going to be a little expensive for me to do that since it’s going to cost me a lot for many years to come... but since I said I’ll buy you whatever you want, I’ll keep my promise and I’ll really do it since I’m a man of my words." Said Hartas, still quite not catching the change in Virus’ expression.

’Wasn’t even worth it for me to be intrigued for this in the first place... though I have to admit... I anticipated that he would come up with something far more interesting... something that would at least interest me a little.’ As this thought passed through Virus’ head, looking directly into Hartas’ eyes, he voiced directly as his gaze turned extremely sharp, "I take my previous words back... you don’t have the slightest of understanding regarding me..."

Catching Virus’ sharp gaze and hearing his words which sounded extremely insulting to him, with no changes whatsoever showing itself on Hartas’ face, he questioned while still continuing to smile just as before, "What’s that supposed to mean? What do you mean, apprentice-bother?"

"Simple, because you inferred what I desired incorrectly... which means you were unable to buy me something which would entertain me forever...sigh... on the contrary... your offer couldn’t get any more boring than that." After elaborating until here, Virus stopped, completely disappointed.

"How can that be? You must be lyin... I mean joking! Tell me, apprentice-brother... don’t you enjoy having sex?" Finally, with some impatience appearing on his expression, Hartas directly asked.

"I do." Without any delay, Virus responded while pondering to himself, ’I truly enjoyed it on both of those two occasions... and I’m actually looking forward to having more...’ However, after thinking this, for some unknown reason, he felt uneasy, though he couldn’t grasp what exactly he was feeling uneasy about at that moment.

"Don’t you feel entertained when you’re doing it?" He threw another question.

"I do." Virus replied with no hesitation whatsoever once again, ’It was very entertaining too...’

Finally, as a result of these two questions, abruptly, a shiver went down Virus’ spine as he suddenly realized and caught ahold of what he was feeling uneasy about until now as it struck him hard out of nowhere which resulted in some kind of awakening inside him.

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