The God Virus

Volume 4 - 215 Thirteen

Boosh~ Splatt~ Splatt~

Just like that, flesh and different body parts scattered all around the previous location Vital Burst was standing at. Especially one meter around him was totally red with different flesh matters and innards fallen on the ground.


Seeing this horrific scene, Dusty Mercury’s face instantly went pale white as she fell on her knees and began puking all over!

"Ai, Lil miss, why are you puking? Do you think that scene’s disgusting? Horrifying? You know that’s going to be your fate too right?" Seeing her current condition, a rather wide grin appeared on Virus’ face as he uttered in amusement.

Listening to him, tears and snot began to roll down her face as she begged for her life in terror, "No..., please... don’t kill me... I don’t wanna die like this! Please spare me-"

"It’s too late for that. Now... die!" Responding like this, Virus immediately raised the machine gun in his hand as he aimed it toward her shaking body.

Looking at the barrel pointed at her, Dusty Mercury, whose state of mind was already almost on the verge of breaking down after witnessing that gory scene of Vital Burst disintegrating just into a bag of blood and bones, could no longer control her bladder as she peed on herself right there.

If it was a normal situation where she was threatened to death, she might not have shown this kind of reaction, however, right now she was in an extremely unstable condition, so she felt so powerless and terrified that she couldn’t even keep herself from wetting her pants.

Just as she was thinking ’I’m dead now... no, please... god... I beg you, save me... if you do that, I swear, I’m gonna truly believe in you from now on!’, all of a sudden, a loud noise of laughter reverberated around the area, "Hahahaha..."

"Just kidding. I wasn’t gonna kill you, to begin with. If only Vital Burst had allowed me to finish earlier, you would’ve already known about this and we wouldn’t be in this kind of awkward situation where you wet yourself, haha..." Now that he had enough fun, he notified her of his original plan.

"You should thank god that you had previously stopped Vital Burst from continuing to kick the Island ugly and showed some pity toward him. If you hadn’t done that... you would be already... dead!" As a crescent smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, Virus proclaimed.

"Now, you’re at least a bit qualified to leave here with your life to deliver my message to the true masterminds behind all this. So you shall receive my pity." Looking at his sharp eyes which felt as if it was going to devour her any minutes now, she listened silently. By now, her boundary had long deactivated due to her experiencing an extreme condition of fear.

After hearing him out, she was stunned to realize that she was going to be allowed to leave just like that, so she gazed at him with her eyes wide open.

"Pass along my words to those people who sent you without missing a single syllable. Tell them... the game is... on!" After being done with his words, Virus began to chuckle once again before he added, "Now go! I’m sure they’ve left you some methods of transportation to leave the atoll. Oh, by the way, remember this, if I see you again, I’m gonna kill you. No more second chances again."

Seeing her still frozen in that powerless sitting position, he barked, "Go!"

Startled out of her stunned state, while trembling, she utilized all of her remaining bits of strength and started to run in a random direction without looking back at all, not even once.

"Go drag the Island ugly inside the building so he can fix himself up, it seems his ability to walk has been broken." Turning his head toward the golden beauty, Virus said.

"Yes, master."

"Well... it seems I can finally rest now." Vocalizing this sentence with an emotionless face, Virus turned around and left toward the building at closeby.



Currently, thirteen people were sitting around a round table while thirteen copies of a certain file were placed in front of each and every one of them.

Among these thirteen seats, one of them was particularly eye-catching than the rest of the twelve other chairs which looked exactly the same.

Each and every one of these thirteen people was wearing masks so their identities or faces could not be recognized or seen at all.

Also, no technology was allowed inside the hall, and even some extensive preventive measures in order to stop any kind of signal from entering or exiting the hall were taken. So saying no type of signal existed inside the room would be true.

"Everyone... I think we have no other options here. Our only remaining choice is to sign this contract in order to save both ourselves and the country we rule!" One of the masked men proclaimed with a voice filled with charm.

"Galahad, stop the nonsense. Why do we need to sign this bullshit! This would be almost like admitting another member to our table!" Another man said in a harsh tone.

Looking at this masked man, Galahad seemed to get a bit annoyed as he threw his own question at him, "Then what do you suggest we do, Balin?"

Already expecting Galahad to ask this question, Balin began to explain with a small laugh, "Haha, easy... I say we use our forces to get everything we want! That company seems to have many secrets which even we can’t uncover! This will always be a thorn for us if we don’t act now... now that we still have the power we should act! Who knows, we might even acquire some unexpected loots too!"

"Both of you... shut up!" Suddenly, a loud roar resounded inside the hall. This was the voice of the man who was sitting closest on the right side of the most luxurious seat.

"Sir Lancelot." Seeing this particular person talk, both of them seemed to lower their heads as they obediently went quiet.

"Both of your views hold their own truths, so none of them is wrong. But, we can’t risk everything like this. What if we tried to force our way to get everything we want... only to end up with nothing? What then? I mean, it’s not like we know anything about this mysterious company called Virus which popped out of nowhere! Do you think they’re not prepared for our counter-attack? Do you two really believe that a company that has somehow even come to know the identity of each and every one of us in this room is that naïve? I mean, other than Arthur, even we don’t know each other’s identity!" Looking at the man sitting on the most luxurious seat, Lancelot proclaimed. He was probably one of the sole people in the hall that could directly address him just as Arthur.

Actually, everything Lancelot stated was true, no one in the hall even knew one another’s true identity, except one person. Even the contract copies placed in front of each person only had their own names remaining on them as the rest of them was already deleted by the highest authority prior to passing along the contracts.

This had to do with one of the most essential secrecy rules among them which stated other than the highest order or people he allowed, no one else had the qualification to know the true identity of everyone else in the hall!

"You’re right Sir Lancelot, we are by our own limited perspective." Said Balin while Galahad also nodded his head in agreement.

"Then... Sir Lancelot, what is your suggestion? What do you say we should do?" The closest seat on the left side of the most luxurious seat queried abruptly.

Nodding his head, Lancelot began to elaborate, "Sir Mordred... it’s very simple! We will comply with whoever they are for now... we will also accept the contract and sign it off. We will save ourselves, our people, and our authority. Retaining that is of utmost importance at the moment. However, this shall not end here and it will be only temporary until we know our enemy! I’m sure all of you heard the saying that ’if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat!’ So, let’s temporary succumb to this and secretly begin the plan of knowing our enemy first! How does that sound?"

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