The God Virus

Volume 4 - 218 Startling News

At the same time, the government of the United States of America released an official piece of news which immediately stunned the whole country into feeling many mixed feelings overwhelming at them at the same time.

Moreover, it didn’t take long for it to spread to the whole world to the utter shock every single human being on the entirety of Earth!

At this time, almost every domestic channel in the country was showing the White House where the President was making an important announcement, "Hello, everyone. I admit, these past few months has been really tough on every single citizen of our country as there were a massive amount of chaos, riots, deaths, and many other unfortunate events and incidents which happened as a result of the pandemic disease named the ’Mutated HIV’ since everyone believed this would be the fall of our civilization, the end of humanity."

"However, I’m standing here today officially, not only as of the President of the United States of America but more importantly, a human being, an envoy of hope, and a herald of good news for all mankind!" Raising his tone at this point, the President proclaimed in a loud voice. This was probably his way of raising his own image and hyping things up since he was literally about to announce and make history!

After a short pause, gradually, a very excited and especially warm smile appeared on his face as he stated with the clearest tone he could possibly muster, "And the good news is that... we have... found the cure to the Mutated HIV!"

As he phrased these few words, everyone currently watching the television was promptly dumbfounded and stunned as cups fell from many hands or even filled them up to the brim only for it to continue spilling.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say everyone who was seeing this shocking piece of official news was stupefied into being speechless and much more. All of them became completely silent as they couldn’t take their eyes off from their televisions.

Even the cameramen present at the scene had forgotten they were filming live at the moment as they only stared at the President’s face with their jaws dropped open.

Finally, some of the reporters at the venue were able to get a hold of themselves and began bombarding the President with a myriad of questions.

"Mr. President! Is what you just announced really the truth?" A reporter from Fox News questioned.

"Mr. President, who exactly created the cure?" Another reporter from BBC who had rushed the moment he became aware the President was going to make important announcements regarding the Mutated HIV inquired.

"Mr. President! When is the cure going to be distributed to every patient in the world???" A reporter of CNN yelled.

"Mr. President!!! Is this really true? Isn’t this some kind of trick to make the chaos in the world stop or die down?" A doubtful journalist from New York Times threw this particular question.

"Mr. President..."


Just like that, the President’s voice drowned among the overlapping voices of many others.

Meanwhile, standing in front of their televisions, those people who were shocked silly finally snapped out of it as a strange feeling of euphoria hit them and rushed to every corner of their being crazily.

Trails of tears also began to be drawn on many faces as they cried while yelling in happiness, "We’re saved!!!"




"Yes, that’s right! The cure has been found! Everyone, please calm down and listen to everything I’m going to explain from now on." Raising his hand, he signaled the reporters to get silent so he could proceed with his announcement.

"First, let me begin by introducing the name of the world-saving cure. It is called Ai Virus 001: The Savior." After phrasing these words, the President went quiet for the moment in order to allow others to have the time to digest everything a bit.

"Ai Virus? What’s that supposed to mean? Is it as in the Japanese word ’Ai’ which means love? So... does it mean ’Love Virus’? What the fuck? Are we supposed to love HIV?" Someone murmured to himself. Actually, there were many muddled people who were questioning the naming immediately.

Ruefully smiling, he continued, "Please allow me to expound on this everyone. So, a few days ago, we were contacted by the Virus Industries regarding the matter of cure. They reported to us that they’ve been secretly studying the cure for the normal type of HIV since years ago and that after investing a lot of resources and capital in order to achieve this... a few years ago, they were finally successful!"

Listening to this point, a light bulb went on above a lot of those confused minds as they pondered, ’Oh my god! So it’s the Virus industries who was able to create the cure! Ahh, I see... so that’s what they meant by Ai Virus 001: The Savior... it’s telling us to love the Virus Industries who is the savior of mankind...’ As they thought to this point, those people couldn’t stop a chuckle of amusement and happiness from appearing on their faces as they wondered to themselves, ’Pfft, they’re so shameless, but I like it! Since they have the right to be shameless. But wait... did the President say it’s only the cure of normal HIV?’

In the meantime, the President continued without stopping, "Initially, they were planning to release this cure of normal HIV to the world after they had enough funds to make it go worldwide. However, with the sudden appearance of this apocalyptic Mutated HIV, left with no other choice, they heroically stepped up in order to save humanity from their inevitable doom! Now, although this isn’t exactly the true cure to the Mutated HIV itself, they revealed that it was effective on the Mutated HIV too and it could directly send it to a completely dormant state for around a year!"

Seeing everyone’s face abruptly turn anxious, the president continued, "Please be rest assured that it’s not a one-time thing and you can actually use it every year! This means that as long as mankind takes this cure once a year, we can still live a long happy life with no problems! The only downside is that we have to take it every single year until the permanent cure is created."

"But please be rest assured that the permanent cure isn’t far away either and from now on, we will definitely focus all of our brains on finding that as soon as possible. This will be a lot easier now that we have a good foundation that is the cure the Virus Industries is providing us with!"

Hearing it was actually the Virus Industries who has made the cure, every single soul was instantly bewildered as an intense discussion began.

"It’s actually the Virus Industries who found the cure?" Someone asked in amazement.

"Didn’t they only have a Phone Industry and an Automotive Industry... when did they cross over to the Pharmaceutical Industry too?" Totally speechless, a rather knowledgeable person mumbled.

"Not only they rocked the world with their groundbreaking advanced phones... now they’re saving the world with their drugs? Oh my god! How can such a company exist in this world! I’m convinced... I’m totally convinced them!" Another began to utter loudly.

Someone else also began barking with stars shining inside his eyes, "Shit, this Virus Industries is a real blast! I’ll be their eternal fan from today onwards and Imma buy whatever they sell from today on! If they sell jewelry, I’ll buy jewelry, if they sell perfume, I’ll buy perfume and even if they sell smelly crap, I’ll happily buy the smelly crap!"

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