The God Virus

Volume 4 - 225 The Truth

’My god! Did that woman send him flying with a single punch? Moreover, she killed him.... with one punch-’ Her eyes were bulging out at this point as she stared at her computer’s screen before clicking on the ’Play’ button it again.

After rewatching the video for around ten times, detective Argent finally pressed the close button and began to analyze everything, ’She was that powerful while she didn’t have a proper balance. If she took a good stand for herself and put a lot more power into her punches, maybe it would be possible for her to smash their skull like an exploding watermelon, moreover, this explains how those limbs were cut if! She must’ve pulled off that person’s arms and legs. So savage... she slaughtered them all in cold blood just because they messed with her a bit. No... maybe it was all a part of her plan to bring them to the back alley in order to butcher those people to her heart’s content!’

’She could’ve easily defended herself and leave, but she just had to slaughter them all. This can’t be justified in any way, this is not self-defense, neither is it an accidental death case.’ She concluded to herself.

’Hmm, but how did she explode those bodies and the walls like that? Was she hiding some kind of gun somewhere? Or did a helper arrive? Ahhh, This case is not easy to solve at all, there are so many mysteries to it!’ Messing her hair all of a sudden, she wondered in frustration.

’Just who is she?’ Once again, she played the video, but this time, she zoomed on her face.

From her figure and hair, she could clearly see the killer was a woman, however, since the camera was a very old and crappy one, the quality was very blurry after the zoom, considering the great distance.

’Hmm, will that team be able to improve the quality of this image by working on it? Highly unlikely.’ As this thought passed through her head, she decided to question the staff of the nightclub from that night.




"So, did you see those six men bringing two women out of the bar from the back door that night?" She asked the man who was the inside-guard of the Avalon Nightclub that night. This person was the third person she was interviewing and he was one of the most likely people to have seen anything on her list of witnesses. Simultaneously, she also placed the picture of the boss on the counter. Since only his corpse had an intact head, she could only bring a picture of him with herself.

Without hesitating at all, the guard began to talk, "How could I not! That night was the worst night of my working life, we kept finding one corpse after another! And they were all killed so brutally... it was simply a nightmare! However, I’ve been thinking about it everyday... since it’s not really something you can forget, and I could only arrive at one conclusion! And that it was probably done by those two women who were dragged out of the nightclub by those men, it’s either this or that they must’ve had some backup. I remember those two women because they were both extremely beautiful and they had truly caught my attention."

"Anything else?"

"That’s everything I remember." Shaking his head, the guard stated otherwise.

"Okay, then please come with me and help me draw the picture of those two beautiful women. Since they were so beautiful and had caught your attention, I’m sure you would be able to help us a lot." She said.

"Yes, yes... let’s go, detective." Nodding his head while wearing a smile, he followed her to the precinct.




Two more days passed, currently, the Security ugly was watching a video of some cute cats playing on his phone when the door of the van was pushed opened again.

Seeing it was Ella and how she looked a lot better, he put away his phone and asked, "Miss, did you finally calm down?"

As he threw this question at her though, he didn’t understand why, but he felt as if something had changed about her. But unfortunately, he couldn’t grasp this fundamental change in her.

"You lied to me, Security bro. You said you saved me, but it was that young man, why didn’t you tell me it was him? Who was he? Tell me the truth." However, without responding to his question, Ella asked another question of her own.

"Ah... that’s-" He immediately became speechless as he thought, ’So that’s why you’re here. I knew this moment would arrive, but not this fast.’

"He’s... he’s my master... He’s just like the chairman to us four brothers." Quickly thinking of some random bullshit which also held some levels of truth to itself, he voiced.

However, hearing this, Ella had this feeling that he was lying since so many things didn’t add up. So with a frown, she proclaimed, "I don’t believe you, Security bro! Not even a bit!"

"Miss Ella, I’m really telling you the truth... he’s really my master." Helplessly smiling, the Security ugly repeated.

"If that’s the case, why didn’t you tell me that the last time we talked! Also, why would your master be so young? Why would he appear there all of a sudden? And why would she save me? I don’t even know him!" She threw one question after another at him. These past few days, all she did was to think. She kept thinking about how she had murdered someone, and how someone had saved her wearing some kind of dark armor and a futuristic machine gun at hand.

"This-" At this point, he didn’t know what to say anymore since she would no longer believe him, now however much he tried to explain. His only remaining options were to either tell her the entire truth or notify her that he can’t reveal the real truth which would also in a way reveal the truth he was trying to hide? Moreover, doing the latter would lead to her losing her trust in him entirely. If that happened, he was afraid his master would be dissatisfied with him. And thinking back to that night, it didn’t seem like Virus was intentionally keeping this information from her. It was more likely that he didn’t know how to explain at that kind of messed up situation.

Looking at Ella who was glaring at him by now, the Security ugly was finally determined to tell the truth, "Ah... okay, I’ll tell you the truth. To be honest, that was the chairman himself. He had just altered his appearance."

Listening to this piece of information, Ella’s expression froze instantly as she murmured to herself while biting her lower lip, "Ai’s back? Moreover, he can shape-shift?" At the same time, she tried connecting to him directly again, but there wasn’t any kind of reaction whatsoever from the other side of the line.

She was initially also shocked to hear that Virus could shape-shift and transform his appearance. However, her astonishment didn’t last for long. And, as she recalled the things her boyfriend could do, it didn’t seem surprising at all that he could also shape-shift.

Afterward, the more she thought, the more this whole situation made sense, ’So that’s why he saved me... that’s why he had that armor and that gun, that’s why he looked so familiar in that strange young body... it’s because he was Ai!’ However, the more she realized this was most likely the real truth, the more aggrieved she became for some reason.

"I understand. Thank you for telling me the truth, Security bro. And thanks for saving me." Showing him a very bright yet somewhat odd smile, she left.

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