The God Virus

Chapter 268: Loots

Chapter 268: Loots

"And it was at that very moment when something ancient within him arose from its slumber as an unrivaled power materialized over his body as it successfully ’dragonized’ him! Yes, that’s correct... he dragonized! Look at those scales on his body... he obviously transformed into some kind of half-dragon. Let me tell you guys... this is the power of love, the power of massive will toward wanting to protect your loved one!" Finally, this third part of his long elaboration was the end as OtakuNumber1 went silent, never to be heard again.

Finished reading his description of the happenings, it was at this instant when everyone realized they were facing a true otaku.

"Sigh... I’m to blame for carefully reading it until the very end... but what’s extremely ridiculous is that his words kinda make sense too."

"Above user... actually, I did the same and read the whole god-damn thing... anyway, he truly appears to have dragonized, so I don’t know what to say... I’m just speechless."

"My eyes!"

"Did that otaku guy just call him ’Our protagonist’???"

"I think we all read that very attentively, lol!"




"There is another possibility too guys. Maybe he entered into some sort of half-transformed mecha form..."

"Oh my god another otaku, just shut up dude..."

"But damn, he looks so cool!"

"Yeah... he’s so cool, just amazing. Wish I had him as my boyfriend... just look at those blue lights shining within his pitch-black scales, ahhh..." A girl voiced in excitement.

"All jokes aside, I believe this transformation of his was some kind of Trait... maybe a ’Dragonizing Trait’ or something similar... I’m not sure."

"Above use, your conclusion is probably the most likely one among everyone else, cheers mate."

"Yep, that makes a lot of sense."





Meanwhile, before Virus had activated his ’Median Configuration – Fragmentary Integument’, Ella kept thinking that the dark-haired youth looked extremely familiar for some reason; however, no matter how hard she tried to put her finger on it, she couldn’t.

Of course, that was the case before he activated the scales. Because it was at that exact instant when the realization hit her as she blurted out, "Ai!"

At the same time, her memory jumped back to the nightmarish night where she had killed someone.

She recalled how at the very last moment when she was just about to die in those thugs’ hands, someone covered in pitch-black scales had shown up before her as he had protected her while embracing her within his warm arms.

Now, what mattered was that she had at a later time realized Virus could unbelievably change his appearance and that person covered in scales that night was actually him!

And right at this moment, she witnessed another person covered in those dark-scales with those shining blue lights which she would never forget. This instantly left her with no doubt that the dark-haired youth was, in fact, Ai, her boyfriend... or her ex-boyfriend to be more accurate.

Anyway, after her enlightenment about the identity of the dark-haired youth, unconsciously, she blurted his name out, thus attracting the concerned attention of her parents, "What’s wrong, honey? Why did you say ’Ai’ all of a sudden?"

Simultaneously, not waiting for her answer, they gave one another a knowing look while pondering, ’Sigh... it seems she hasn’t moved on yet.’

Nonetheless, not catching or hearing anything her parents had just said, a line of tear was drawn on her face as she thought concernedly, ’It must be very dangerous out there... but he had jumped at danger like this in order to save everyone... Ai...’

As the memories of how he had fought for her in the past and how he was now fighting for the sake of everyone while putting himself in grave danger, she couldn’t stop her tears from flowing even more.

Nevertheless, these tears of sadness and concern were followed by tears of extreme grief as she deliberated, ’I hardly know him anymore. I mean he can change into anyone he wants... at this point, I’m not even sure if his original face by which I know him is truly his real face at all or not, to begin with.’

Then abruptly, at this point, her mind jumped back to the moment when the cold beauty’ and Virus’ lips had met one another. This in return made her slightly jealous as she unconsciously pouted accompanied by a harrumph, "Hmph!" Simultaneously, she stopped crying as she began cleaning her face in a very cute manner.


Back to the scene of the battle, Virus patted the head of the enraged Thread Mistress while wearing an amused smile as he said, "Just sit back and enjoy the show... and don’t worry anymore, I won’t let anything happen to you." And with that, much to her shock, he disappeared from before her as he once more appeared in front of the struggling Winged-Pig who had just got back to its feet.

Seeing it stand up, Virus thought, ’That impact at most shallowly broke two bones... amazing.’ He muttered right afterward, "Phew... those fats on your body are no joke, are they? They can even absorb such a strong impact on your physique."


However, an enraged squeak was his only response as the wild pig began its charge in his direction once more.

"You never learn, do you?" As he voiced this, the Winged-Pig was already upon him as he sent his punch in its direction again. However, this time, he didn’t aim at the healthy and protected parts of the pig’s body and instead, he aimed at the gigantic wound on its body and smashed his fist at it with all his might.



Experiencing an unimaginable degree of pain due to the straight punch which almost sent waves all around them, the pig was blasted away once more. Only this time, the injuries on its body were much more lethal as many bones under its wounds had also broken to many pieces.

’I can feel that after two or three more punches, it’ll die... but that’ll take too much time. I need to finish this as soon as possible, accomplish the things I came here for, and leave immediately.’

’Anyway, now that I’ve finished testing my natural strength added up with the strength of the scales, I better finish it fast, since there is no reason so as not to.’ As this notion passed through his head, it was followed by another, only this time, a commanding one in nature.

’Divide Initial Configuration – Handgun!’

’Explosion mode!’

Instantly, while everyone was experiencing another wave of astonishment due to this unexpected new transformation and change, a futuristic handgun covered in red-lights all over its body appeared on Virus’ hand.

Meanwhile, not wasting a single second more, aiming the barrel of his handgun exactly toward the huge wound of the Winged-Pig, he pulled the trigger three times.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Promptly, three small balls of red lights entered within the Winged-Pig’s physique as loud noises of explosions were heard the next instant.


It was followed by the loud sound of a gigantic carcass falling on the ground, for good this time.


Absolute silence became dominant right after the corpse of the Winged-Pig fell on the ground. Everyone was truly speechless and even dumbfounded by these unexpected turns of events.

Meanwhile, after taking a single gaze at the messed up wounds of the Winged-Pig which had visible internal body parts gushing out from almost everywhere, not waiting for anyone to come out of his or her stupor, he vanished momentarily before appearing in front of the corpses of three bunnies as he easily dug out three red crystals. Then, proceeding, he dashed before the remains of one of the horned-pigs as he also dug out a bead from within the unmoving corpse.

All of this seemed to have taken a lot of time, but in truth, the whole process had only taken a few seconds.

So, finished extracting the bead, gazing at the three shining Red-Crystals and the single bead within his palm, Virus decided, ’These should be enough for now.’

Then, turning around, he was about to disappear into the trees when a voice momentarily stopped him in his tracks, "Halt! Those are the properties of the US government, put them on the floor at once!"

Turning toward the source of the loud sound, Virus spotted the grim-looking Thread Mistress.

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