The Goddess is a Little Pitiful, I Invested in Her!

Chapter 71: Qi’s Mother: This Scene Seems Familiar!

Chapter 71: Qi’s Mother: This Scene Seems Familiar!

Qis mother was cooking at home when she heard a commotion outside, thinking something had happened.

When she went out to look, she saw so many people!

Wang Shang was standing at the door, and behind him were five or six people she didnt recognize.

There were both men and women, and they all seemed to be around her age.

Seeing Qis mother come out, the people started talking excitedly.

So this is Qi Yuns home?

You must be Qi Yuns mother, right?

We are the parents of Qi Yuns classmates

Looking for Qi Yun?

Did Qi Yun get into trouble outside?

Qis mother started to get a little scared.

So many people were looking for Qi Yun. Did they come to confront him?

She couldnt possibly handle a confrontation.

Ah, who said we are

Mom! Is someone looking for me?

Qi Yun was in his room when he heard someone calling his name outside. He couldnt help but come out.

As soon as he stepped outside, he saw his mother signaling to him with her eyes, her eyes almost twitching.

Qis father also came out, looking puzzled.

Ah, so youre Qi Yun! You look so spirited!

I am Li Dus mother!

I am Qian Mus father!

The group of people saw Qi Yun and started introducing themselves.

Qi Yun listened for a while and realized they were all his classmates parents.

I am Qi Yun. What can I do for you all? He asked, puzzled.

We came specifically to thank you!

Thats right! Li Dus grades improved so quickly this time.

I asked him, and he said it was because of your lectures!

Yes! The same goes for Qian Mu. I dont know how to thank you!

Qis mother, standing on the side, understood what was happening.

They werent here to confront Qi Yun but to thank him. She felt relieved.

Please come in. You dont need to bring anything!

These people didnt come empty-handed. They were carrying gifts, although they werent anything expensive. Mainly beverages, fruits, and supplements. There was even a man dressed modestly, holding a live chicken.

Its not sincere to come empty-handed. These things are all for Qi Yun! Qis mother felt a bit embarrassed.

Were classmates, and helping each other is natural, right?

The kids might not understand, but how can we, as adults, not understand? Hiring a tutor is so expensive these days, and Qi Yuns teaching is better than any tutors! Please accept these gifts!

At this point, Qi Yun said, Actually, the main reason is their own efforts. They improved their grades because they worked hard.

This statement wasnt modest at all.

Not everyone in the class had improved their grades. Some even declined. The significant improvement came from those who had always worked hard but hadnt grasped some key points.

Once Qi Yun explained, their understanding improved, resulting in good results.

Without you, how could they have improved? Come, come, take these fruits and enjoy! A middle-aged woman handed a bag of fruits to Qi Yun.

Others followed suit, stuffing things into Qi Yuns arms.

Qi Yun couldnt take it all.

They placed the items on the ground, not giving Qis family a chance to refuse. Only the man with the live chicken didnt move. After all, the chicken was alive and tied up.

Even if they put it on the ground, it would keep moving around, causing trouble.

The man looked at Qi Yun and said apologetically, I am Zhao Gangs father, and we dont have much at home. This time, I caught a chicken for you. We raise it ourselves, a free-range chicken with tender meat. It tastes great!

Qi Yun remembered Zhao Gang. His family, indeed, didnt have good living conditions.

Qi Yun pondered for a moment and reached out to take the chicken.

Free-range chicken? Ive never had it before. I heard it was expensive! Mom, lets have it for lunch today!

Standing among the group, the man felt relief when he heard Qi Yuns words.

He smiled in relief.

Since the gifts had been given, the parents didnt stay for long. After all, it was mealtime, and staying longer would disrupt Qi Yuns family meal.

Watching the group of people walk away, Qis mother couldnt help but sigh.

To be honest, the last time classmates parents visited Qi Yun was in first grade.

Yes! That time he broke a classmates nose, and the parents came to our house, and we had to compensate for the damages, Qis father also remembered, nodding along.

Qi Yun: ??? Why dont I remember this?

Dont mention it. I was startled when I opened the door, and I even thought about letting Qi Yun turn himself in, Qis mother said.

Qi Yuns tone was complicated, Mom, you have a great sense of justice!

Qis mother confidently said, With so many people, I cant fight them, and we cant afford the compensation. Its better to let you go in. Its safe inside, and they even provide food. Isnt it great?

Qi Yun couldnt help but feel that his mothers twisted reasoning made some strange sense.

After the family chatted, Qis mother went back to cooking. Qi Yun looked at the front door, ready to close it.

Dont close it! I deliberately left the door open!

Why? Qi Yun couldnt make sense of it.

We have chicken today! Let everyone upstairs and downstairs smell it. Its the chicken given to my son as a token of gratitude!

Qis mother proudly said while chopping the meat.

Qi Yun: Alright.

While Qi Yuns home welcomed a large group of people, high school students gathered around a milk tea shop.

Is this the shop?

Yes! I asked around, and its clear that the students from Class One like to come to this shop mostly!

The students from Class One who come to this shop have shown a rapid improvement in their grades!

The group of high school students turned their heads, their eyes filled with anticipation, looking at the milk tea shop.

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