The Great Thief

Chapter 1753 - Different Sides, Shove Off

Chapter 1753: Different Sides, Shove Off

Not being able at 100% strength was normal. Lu Li couldn’t really blame anyone either. After comforting everyone, they again focused their energy on the Instance Dungeon strategy.

When it came to Wild Boss First Clears, Ruling Sword really wasn’t competitive. Even if Lu Li knew the Boss’ strategy, it wasn’t any use.

The three-guild-alliance could not get away with much. It was only the Instance Dungeon First Clears that was Lu Li’s turf.

As long as Ruling Sword could keep achieving First Clears, Drizzle Court and Peerless City could never deviate. The relationship between these allies was even stronger than that of Lu Li and Water Fairy. There would be more clubs like Grand Hegemony, finding whatever excuse they could to gain some rewards.

The last Boss in the Abomination zone was Thaddius.

This giant monster was created in one of Naxxramas’ labs. His body was constructed from the flesh and blood of innocent victims. Two similarly strange creatures protected him – Stalagg and Feugen. Powerful electric currents sparked across the lab, filling Thaddius and his followers with power.

Although Stitches had many advantages, they lacked magic power, which was a constant weakness of the Scourge.

The Druid of the Claw of ‘Ragnarok’ in the War of the Holy Mountain resisted the Scourge and Burning Legion’s encroaches again and again with the help of the ‘Forever Young’ skill.

On the verge of death, the Dire Bear, under his original Druid magic, roared with spirit and overturned the utterly dilapidated Stitches. At that time, Arthas coldly said, “Without the support of magic, my Stitched army can never think to unite this world!”

Today, Kel’Thuzad etched this sentence permanently onto the main door of Naxxrama’s lab with magic. Countless Scourge scientists worked hard for their master’s egotistical plan to conquer the world.

When it came to a monster made out of corpses, no matter what you did, the only thing you could strengthen the monster in was strength and the level of stability. If you wanted them to have magic abilities, you couldn’t use corpses, which didn’t have any magic in them.

“Since corpses don’t keep their magic, then just use live people in the experiments! The master’s will cannot be opposed! We need to speed up – the master will soon arrive in this world. We need to give these brand new Stitches as a gift to the master!”

The Scourge’s underlings came out from all directions, looking for an appropriate specimen.

They tried Ogre Mages, Warlock beasts, Human Paladins, Tauren Shamans and so on, but the experiment was never successful. As soon as Arcane Magic, Shadow Magic and Divine power came in contact with the Plague, it immediately disappeared into nothingness.

No changes occurred to the experimental specimens. They simply had magic abilities but didn’t have a strong body at all.

“The new plague still can’t make any changes to the Tauren race? Then just use the perfect structure of humans. Think of a way to take their essential strength and use Arcane Magic to meld it together.”

Under Kel’Thuzad’s leadership, the experiments had taken a new turn for the better. A human specimen called Thaddius, under the influence of the Plague and Arcane magic, gained the ability of attacking with lightning. However, after this magic was released just once, this Stitch stopped living.

“Our skill only gets us to here?”

Although he was disappointed, Kel’Thuzad could only face the facts.

“Then make a room for him. Make him the guard for our stronghold and defend the Lich King’s dignity!”

The former Paladin Thaddius was now imprisoned in the dark, despicable Naxxramas.

“Help me! Save me!”

These cries for help echoed inside Naxxramas for a long, long time.

After this terrifying Scourge giant had been transformed, he still kept his original thoughts as before. Not wanting to hurt others, he was exiled into the depths of the construct zone, and was watched over by two giant undead monsters.

However, when players failed in their intentions to save him, they realized that because of the intense electric current, Thaddius could no longer act in accordance with his previous morals...

“Actually he’s really pitiful. Is there any way to solve this problem? A quest or anything?”

Hachi Chan had unusual sympathy for this monster who wasn’t even considered an NPC. Apart from her high level of Charisma, the main reason for Hachi Chan’s love towards NPCs was her kind little heart.

“Nah, why don’t you go up and give it a try?” Lu Li suggested without much hope.

“Hey, uncle Thaddius, I’m coming! If there’s anything you want to say, say it to me.”

Hachi Chan really did run up to the Boss. Azure Sea Breeze covered his face in shame. He realized that he, the number one Main Tank in Dawn, was a coward.

“ me!” Taddius screamed in pain.

“What do you need me to do?” Hachi Chan asked as she thumped her chest. “As long as I can do it, I’ll definitely try, and even if I can’t, I have lots and lots of little friends.”

“ me!” Thaddius screamed in the same pained way.

At this time, the two monsters guarding him, Stalagg and Feugen, rushed over to attack Hachi Chan. Hachi Chan received a massive fright, but their fists never reached her.

Azure Sea Breeze stood next to her holding his towering shield.

“Start the battle. Finish off the two guards first,” Lu Li said, giving his orders. The last Boss battle of the Abomination zone had officially started.

The monster on the left used Windfury, while the monster on the right used Thunder. Both of their Defensive stats and HP were relatively average. The difficult part was that they had to kill them at the same time, otherwise, they could revive each other.

After finishing them off, Thaddius entered the scene.

He had no feeling of turning from his past mistakes. He had the spirit, but not the power. This room was constructed just for him. The lightning had already been controlling his intelligence for ages.

The former Paladin Thaddius was now a master of electricity, and could be considered a Magic Boss.

Apart from ordinary attacks, the skill he used most often was Chain Lightning, which dealt around 1800 damage. Even if it didn’t kill you, you wouldn’t be able to stay alive for much longer.

However, this wasn’t the main factor that caused a team wipe. As long as everyone carried a lot of Natural Resistance potions, and paid attention to the healers, it would be fine. Of course, if your Resistance increased, your damage would naturally be reduced.

Thaddius launched a powerful electric attack every 30 seconds. Everyone in the team would change polarity at random. However, there were roughly an equal number of people who had a positive or negative polarity.

If those with the same polarity were within 10 yards of each other, they would each gain a Buff that would increase their damage by 10%. Theoretically speaking, 20 people would gain up to the 19th-level Buff, which meant a 290% increase to their base damage. However, if those with a different polarity were within 10 yards, they would release their charge, dealing 2000 damage to each other that couldn’t be resisted.

Actually, to sum it up, “Different sides, shove off!”

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