The Great Thief

Chapter 1758 - Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1758: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

This piece of clothing would only fall in the hands of Lu Li or Water Fairy as it leant towards PVP.

Water Fairy had just received a necklace she really liked. So, there was a big possibility that the clothing would be given to Lu Li because it looked too ugly to wear.

The Soul Harvester was indeed quite ugly. It not only looked grey and drab, but there was also a Scourge totem on the front of the chest. Girls would rather choose T3 Transmog set equipment with lower attributes than this hideous thing.

There was one Desecrated Sandals, T3 Magic Boots, two Desecrated Sabatons, and T3 Thief/Warrior Boots. Neither Lu Li nor Water Fairy participated in the bid. They couldn’t keep bullying the others.

Setting aside difficulty first, the best death knights were still the Four Horsemen.

The next battle that Lu Li encountered was a four-man Boss, who were the so-called the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were allusions from the last book of the New Testament, the Revelation to John (also known as the Apocalypse). It described that at the end of the world, when judgement was given to mankind, a lamb would unlock the seven seals of the book and summon knights on white, red, black and green horses to bring war, famine plague and death to the final judgement of mankind. At the time, the heaven and earth would be at disarray. The sun and moon would change colour, and the world would be destroyed.

These Four Horsemen all had a history here in Dawn.

Dwarves had always been the most determined allies of humankind. When the Scourge army swept across Lordaeron, many Dwarves took initiative and went to the frontlines and fought against the fierce enemies with their human friends.

Duke Paladin Thane Korth’azz was one of the many Dwarven warriors who made the Scourge army tremble in fear. Countless Undead soldiers turned into ashes beneath his huge hammer and holy powers. This white-bearded and amiable old man, together with his mentor “Silver Hand” Commander Uther, prevented the Scourge from attacking Tirisfal Woodland, and built a solid fortification in the narrow mountain pass later known as the Wall of the Undead.

Not long after, Uther was ambushed by the Scourge army at Andorhal. The fearless messenger of light was beheaded by the new king of Lordaeron. However, the Wall of Undead was still unbreakable and the Duke Thane Korth’azz’s contributions couldn’t go unnoticed.

“Since that cowardly little Dwarf likes to hide in the fortress and bluff with his ridiculous gunpower, we’ll let him freeze to death in his bunker.”

The fallen prince smiled coldly as he waved Frostmourne. Massive ice dragons eclipsed the bleak sun, and the frosty dragon breath swept through the blockhouse. Many Dwarves and humans who hadn’t escaped were frozen into crystal clear ice sculptures forever.

The despaired survivors watched the flood of the Scourge army and trembled.

“For Lordaeron! For Steel Stove Castle! For Silver Hand!” The Duke roared as he raised his own war hammer and charged towards the Scourge army resolutely. The war hammer danced as corpses and blood went flying, necromancers tuned to ash in a flash of holy light. The Duke fought bravely to protect his men who had lost their will to fight.

“Hmph, it’ just a mere mortal. Since you clearly have a death wish – I’ll grant it to you.”

A green light appeared in Arthas’ hands and evil shadow magic flew towards the weary Duke.

As he watched the Duke fall onto the ice-cold ground with blood all over him, Arthas smiled eerily.

“I believe he must’ve hoped to become one of my strong men after his death.”

A few days after, the Scourge army’s frontlines appeared with a small shadow. Korth’azz wore the green cape as a symbol of death and raised his new weapon, the Skull Hammer, smashing it heavily towards his former comrades.

Lady Blaumeux and Sir Zeliek were in the “Undead Wonderland” of the Western Plaguelands. The two of them only wished to live in the here and now with the fanatical Scarlet Crusade and mysterious Silver Dawn.

The Scarlet crusade stationed at Tyr’s Hand continuously sent elite troops to the important base of the Scourge army at Stratholme, and had become successful in building a solid front position in the southweast corner of Stratholme.

Even though the Scarlet Crusade set the eradication of all Scourge as their ultimate goal, they also attacked all non-Scarlet Crusade members under the influence of unknown forces. Therefore, the Silver Dawn stationed at the ruined Light’s Hope Chapel had also been attacked by the Scarlet Crusade.

However, the mysterious Silver Dawn weren’t bothered by this harassment. They cared more about the High Elves’ campground, Quel’Danil, in the north of the Plaguelands.

These poor High Elves formed a small part of the survivors of the “Silvermoon City Massacre”. Their families were slaughtered and their homes destroyed, which made these elves extremely miserable and extremely hostile to the Scourge.

The smart Elves were natural born assassins and snipers, and their affinity with arcane magic made them excellent mages. But now, they were facing harassment from the Scourge all the time. Their lives were very difficult. In order to have more people join in the fight against the Scourge, Silver Dawn established logistical supply points in the northern and eastern sentinels respectively. They invited Lady Blaumeux, the High Elf Hunter, to be the commander of the northern post and ordered the high Paladin Duke Sir Zeliek to act as the liaison officer of the eastern wall post.

In order to coordinate how to better protect strategic materials and energy sources to be sent to Quel’Danil, the two commanders kept meeting in the abandoned village in the Northern Valley. As time passed, the handsome Sir Zeliek fell in love with Lady Blaumeux. Likewise, the beautiful Lady Blaumeux was conquered by the charms of Sir Zeliek.

Their subordinates held a grand wedding for them both and people had temporarily forgotten about the terrible Scourge. A soft and sweet atmosphere rose over this sad land after the “Massacre Day” (Massacre of Stratholme).

However, the Scourge wouldn’t forget about the nasty creatures who got in the way of their plans. The attacks on the supply line to Quel’Danil became more and more fierce. The newlyweds, Blaumeux and Zeliek, had no choice but to end their honeymoon early and return to their posts immediately.

Even though the distance between them wasn’t far, their busy military affairs kept the two apart, often for several months at a time. However, the messenger in the transport team kept them in close contact.

“Dear Blaumeux, even though the attacks are still endless from the Scourge, I believe that there will come a day when we will defeat them. Once the war ends, I hope we can return to your hometown and enjoy our time there...”

“Dear Zeliek, the Scourge come and attack us every day. I was so happy when your letter came. You have given me the strength to keep fighting. Even though Silvermoon City is now in ruins, I’d like to take you to my beautiful birthplace of Shadowmoon Canyon, with its green plains, bubbling streams, cute Dragonhawks and Arabo tree laden with sweet fruits. I think you would really like it there...”

Reality was always cruel. The Runeblade of Baron Rivendale and Ras Frostwhisper led the Scourge troops and completely destroyed the northern tower. They did not know if Lady Blaumeux was dead or alive.

Sir Zeliek was stricken with pain and asked for help from the Dawn of Light’s Hope Chapel. On one hand, he organised people to fight against the oncoming Scourge army. Only by working hard could he alleviate his yearning for his wife.

“Sir, the enemy is here!”

A purple skull army flag was flying high among the howling group of ghouls. The skeleton soldier constantly stood up from the meat grinder and the Necromancer laughed at the stupidity of the opposing humans.

Baron Rivendare slowly walked towards the tower.

“Poor Zeliek, you must want to know where your sweet beautiful wife is...”

“You bastards! What have you done with Blaumeux?!” the angry Zeliek roared as he held tightly to his sword.

“Blaumeux? What a beautiful name. then I think you must want to know whether this ugly woman is the owner of such a beautiful name, ahahaha.”

A tall cross appeared behind the Baron, and Lady Blaumeux, who was covered in bloody wounds was bound to it. Where her once beautiful green eyes had shone were now two black holes.

“You... You...”

The men tried to stop their irrational commander.

“Oh, you still recognise her! Then say goodbye to your wife! Ras, it’s time for your performance!”

“My pleasure!”

Flame appeared on Lady Blaumeux, and high-level sacrificial magic completely devoured the last vitality of the poor Elf.


Sir Zeliek could no longer control himself and charged by himself towards the Scourge army.

“I’m very sorry but, stupid Paladin, those who are engulfed by rage can only have the path to death,” the Baron chided as he threw out his evil blade and nailed the duke to the ground.

“You’ll do well to remember this,” Baron Rivendale said as he reached out his right hand and grabbed Sir Zeliek’s chin. “Say hi to Blaumeux for me in hell. I hope you still remember each other.”


“You still have this old habit of crushing other people’s chins,” Ras Frostwhisper commented, staring coldly at the corpse of Zeliek.

“Next it’s time for these Dragonhawks to be crushed. Death and Decay!”

“My king, we would like to add two more strong warriors to your undead knight army – Lady Blaumeux and Sir Zeliek – but there is a little problem which requires your attention.”

“What’s the issue, Kel’Thuzad?”

“Zeliek still retained some human memories. I thought it was strange. Even though his body completely listens to me, his consciousness won’t accept my orders.”

“As long as his body listens that’s all that matters. Your mission is to complete the plans I give you. Don’t worry over little things like these. There isn’t much time left.”

So, this was the story of the three horsemen, but not many people knew much about them.

As for the fourth horseman, everyone was probably very familiar with him.

Great Leader Mograine!

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