The Greatest of all Time

Chapter 164 - Big Money Around The Corner

"You've made the headlines once again," Emily said to Zachary when they met at a cafe near Trondheim square on the morning after the Sarpsborg-08 game. "You've got a unique charisma about you that is characteristic of celebrities. Everything you say makes waves on social media sites and sports blogs all around Norway. I'm amazed by your charms." She added jokingly.

"Stop kidding around," Zachary said, sipping on his warm cappuccino.

He didn't buy the whole part of having a natural charisma. In his previous life, he'd faced the booing of TP Mazembe fans back in his home country—until he couldn't lift his head in any public place. So, there was no way he possessed the kind of natural magnetism that could easily turn him into a celeb as a person. That quality was for a select few in the world, like the Kardashians, for instance.

He was well aware that his budding fame was the sole result of his football. As long as he continued playing well, people would feed off every word he said. But if it so happened that he lost his skills, he would end up like his previous incarnation, alone and helpless. That was why he was so focused on training and advancing his skills to avoid facing the same predicament in his new life.

"Tell me why I'm making headlines again," Zachary probed after taking a moment to savor the incredible flavor of his cappuccino. "Is it my interview with Olav that is making waves? Or is it my being on the bench for the past two games?"

"It's your interview after yesterday's game," Emily replied, flashing him a smile from across the table.

"Did I come out like an arrogant-got-it-all player in the video once again?"

"Not at all," Emily said before also sipping on her coffee. "It's quite the opposite this time. You projected a good image as an unselfish player who cares about the team. The Rosenborg fans loved everything you said and are even calling for the coaching staff to start using you in every game. You've got the favorable impression of the fans on your side. That's quite the achievement."

"Oh," Zachary said, placing his coffee cup back onto the table. "It seems like the interview with Olav was good for me this time around."

"From what I'm hearing from Ryan and a few of my other colleagues here in Norway, that seems to be the case," Emily said, still beaming. "But not everyone liked your post-match interview. The Molde fans are out for your blood on social media. That reporter, Olav, has been setting you up against them. Some of them are calling you arrogant, and some other not-so-friendly names. A couple of times, they've even mentioned the goal you missed against H?nefoss BK. They claim your spell of good luck is over, and they'll handle you when you face Molde next week."

Zachary smiled, shaking his head. "As long as the Rosenborg fans don't have a problem with me, I don't mind what anyone else says. Moreover, they'll shut up if I manage to play well in my next game."

"Well said, Zach," Emily replied, her voice animated. "I'm glad that you're confident. As long as you maintain your focus and keep playing well, then they can't take anything from you, however much they blabber on—on social media. They'll all go silent if you continue performing well. I'm rooting for you to shut them up with your incredible skill." She added, pumping her fist into the air between them.

The corners of Zachary's mouth twitched a bit on witnessing how Emily was trying to cheer him on. She could be the most spirited of fangirls if she so wished. Zachary sighed, shaking his head to stop himself from laughing out loud.

"But this Olav keeps focusing on me even when I'm on the bench," He said, lifting a brow. "Yesterday, he should have interviewed Nicki, who was clearly the man of the match and also scored a hat-trick. But he still ended up pursuing me—the person that didn't even get to play for a single minute in the game."

Emily chuckled. "I'm only guessing that the fans and the press are fascinated by you only because you're an anomaly in the league," she said. "Think about it. You are only 18 years old. Yet, you have already made a debut for Rosenborg—the top club in Norway. You have even netted five goals in your first three games. Those stats are crazy—and because of your incredible performance, the Norwegian football community is expecting a lot from you. But, try to avoid being pressured by what everyone is saying. Instead, focus on improving yourself and let everything else be background noise. If you do that, you won't face any problems."

"Exactly," Zachary concurred. "I've been trying to keep myself away from the media. I don't want the press to influence my life, and that's the reason I have no social media accounts at the moment."

Emily smiled, leaning back into her seat to lock gazes with Zachary. "But hiding from the fans and what the public is saying about you is not a solution in the long term," she said. "Most of the celebrities and even professional athletes out there read articles about themselves, maybe for motivation or some other reason. But in so doing, they also get acclimatized to facing public opinion and handling negative criticism. You should try doing the same. What do you think will happen when you get extremely popular and can no longer hide?"

"I'm not hiding," Zachary countered. "I merely don't see a need to read about myself in the news or follow a post on social media criticizing my game. I don't want such distractions."

"If you say so," Emily said, sipping on her coffee. "But that reminds me. Have you set up that Twitter account we talked about?"

"Not yet," Zachary replied, smiling ruefully. "I was busy with training these past few days."

"But opening an account takes a few minutes," Emily countered, sighing. "We can do it even now, that is if you agree. With a Twitter account, you'll be able to get ahead of what the press is saying about you and make some clarifications to shape public opinion. That's good for your public image, and that translates into more endorsement offers."

"Oh," Zachary said. "We're turning the good football career into showbiz. It's quite weird when you think about it. I'm only in wonder whether the likes of Pele and Maradona had to think about such issues in their times."

"Of course, they had to," Emily replied confidently. "And they had to do it the hard way by visiting their fans to make public addresses or spare a day for an autograph session. But in your case, all you have to do is tweet something from the comfort of your home, and your fans will grow close to you and remain happy. Tell me: aren't you one lucky bastard compared to them?"

Zachary could only smile wryly at that.

"Zach, you've got to believe me," Emily continued in a tone similar to a preacher ministering to a group of believers in doubt. "It's a good thing to keep in touch with your fans. Social media is the best way to do it as it won't cost you anything. So, should we go ahead and open an account right now? It won't take more than a couple of minutes."

"Why not first discuss the business at hand," Zachary said, smiling at her. "You called me here to discuss the endorsement deal. Didn't you? We can think about Twitter and the other issues afterward."

Emily sighed. "There you go again, trying to bail out of opening a social media account," she said, shaking her head. "But okay, let's discuss business first. So, where should I start? The good news, the better news, or the best news?"

"You can start with anything you like," Zachary replied, his shoulder lifting in a casual shrug. "I don't mind."

"What a bore," Emily said, pouting a bit. "Well, the deal with Audi has finally shaped up. Over the past week, I've been working together with Susanne and Camilla to draft the final contract document. We've already added and revised all the clauses that matter to put together the final contract. And all I can say is that this endorsement deal is the best we can get at this moment."

"Thanks for your hard work," Zachary said, leaning back into his seat and smiling at her.

"You're welcome," Emily replied, beaming.

"So, how much are they offering this time around," Zachary asked after a moment.

"I was just about to get to that," Emily said, placing her coffee cup on the table. She then sank a manicured hand into the handbag beside her seat before fishing out a folder of documents. "Susanne didn't relent in the slightest regarding the money they are offering us. So, their offer still stands at 7.5 million Norwegian Kroner per year for three years. Does that match your expectations?" She probed, first inclining her head to study Zachary's face.

"The money is quite okay on my side," Zachary said to assure her. "It's more money than I'd expected to make in the whole of my first season as a pro footballer. So, don't mind about me and go on."

Emily smiled. "Then, I'm glad," she said. "So, their offer still stands at 7.5 million per year, but Susanne has agreed to pay us a whole six million instead of the previous 4.5, right after you've signed the deal."

"Six million right after signing," Zachary exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. "That's some good money. I think I'll be sleeping on a bed of Norwegian Kroners soon."

Emily chuckled. "Cut down the excitement, will you? We'll be getting much better endorsements in the future. This deal is just the beginning."

Zachary sighed. "Then, I need to start thinking hard about where to put all that money," he said.

"But you have to remember that on that six million, there are taxes and my 6% commission as an agent," Emily said, holding Zachary's gaze. "So, you'll end up getting around 5 to 5.2 million. But that is, of course, after you agree to the offer and sign your name on the contract."

"Of course, I'll sign," Zachary was quick to reply. "Why would I reject such a lucrative deal? Five million is still a good amount, and I'm glad that you can finally make some money when helping me. Did any of the other terms in the contract change?"

"No," Emily responded, smiling at Zachary. "All the terms are quite similar to what Susanne described in our meeting last Thursday. Audi will offer you another vehicle right after you sign the deal. Furthermore, they've added several wage-increase provisions into the contract—that is to factor in your growth potential. All I can say is that this deal is a juicy one. We should take it."

"Then, why can't we go ahead and complete the signing today," Zachary queried, lifting a brow.

Emily chuckled. "That'll depend on how fast you can read through this document," she said, handing Zachary a set of papers from across the table. "Here is a copy of the contract document. Endeavor to read it and understand it quickly. As soon as you finish, we can arrange to meet the Audi representatives and negotiate the deal."

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