The Greatest of all Time

Chapter 212 - Returning Home II

Kristin chuckled as they continued towing their suitcases towards the airport exit. "Well, that's some justification you have there for taking part in bribery. How come no one recognizes you here? Shouldn't you be like famous in your home country?"

"I have only been playing professionally for a month," Zachary replied. "Moreover, it's in the Tippeligaen — a league that has almost no viewership in Africa. So, I would be surprised if people here knew me."

"Oh, then your chances of being called for the national team duty must be quite minimal," Kristin remarked.

"That's true," Zachary confirmed, sighing. "But if there's a coach who has been closely following my progress in Norway, then I might get a chance."

"So, are you going to spend the night in a hotel, or will you be heading directly home?"

Zachary glanced at his watch. "Since it is already close to midnight, I'll have to postpone returning home until tomorrow morning," he said. "I don't feel at ease traveling into the far-off neighborhoods this late at night."

**** ****

Zachary ended up checking into the Planet Hollybum Hotel with Kristin and spending the night there. The following morning, right after he had taken some breakfast, he called Coach Samson Damata to inform him of his arrival in Lubumbashi.

The coach had been Zachary's go-to person to handle any business or arrange anything his grandma needed in Lubumbashi. He'd successfully managed most of Zachary's affairs during his absence and even helped purchase his grandma's house so she could move from Bukavu to Lubumbashi. He was a trustworthy person and hadn't yet tried to cheat him in any way. Besides, he was the only coach that had made an attempt to link Zachary to a professional team way after his trials. So, he was eager to meet him again after a long separation of more than two years.

"Welcome back home, big man," the plump, aged coach said, laughing heartily, as soon as he approached Zachary's table in the Planet Hollybum Hotel's restaurant. "How are you?" He asked, speaking in French.

"I'm more than fine, coach," Zachary replied, using the same language and rising from his seat to give the man a bear hug.

"That's great," Coach Damata said, returning the hug. "You've grown very tall since the last time I saw you. It seems you're eating well there in Europe. Your grandma will be thrilled when she sees you." He gave a hearty laugh once more and stepped back.

"How is she?" Zachary asked, also taking a step back and returning to his seat. "Has she finally managed to settle down in her new home yet?"

Coach Damata chuckled, giving Zachary an arch look. "She has long gotten used to the new residence," he replied, also settling down in a seat opposite Zachary's. "She's having a good time there. When you return home, you'll understand what I mean."

"Oh. Then, I'm relieved. What about you, coach? How have you been doing, and how's everything on your side?"

"I'm fine but often tired these days," Coach Damata replied, sighing. "It's the same old hustle here. We're trying to organize for the upcoming World Cup qualifying matches against Libya and Cameroon."

"Oh," Zachary said, raising a brow. "Are you on the organizing committee?"

"Yes. But just as an assistant, of course."

"Then you must have some knowledge of the squad selection. Don't you?"

"Yes, I do," Coach Damata replied, sighing. "For the match against Libya, scheduled for June 6th, the coach has decided to go with a more experienced squad. He mainly selected the players who participated in the previous African Nations Cup back in January. So, your name is not on the list this time around."

"Oh," Zachary said, feeling a little disappointment streak through him like a comet. Although he'd already suspected he wouldn't make it onto the national team, confirming it still soured his mood. At the very back of his mind, he'd been hoping he would get the chance to play in another tournament other than the Norwegian leagues in the near future. But it seemed the DR Congo national team coaches had not yet recognized him as fit enough to represent the country.

"I know you must be feeling disappointed," Coach Damata said after noticing his change in mood. "It's quite a letdown to not make the squad even after the way you've been performing since making your debut. But you've got to know that coaches rarely follow the goings-on in the Norwegian leagues. That's why they are going with midfielders like Cédric Makiadi and Lomana LuaLua — who are from well-established clubs."

"Well, I understand," Zachary said, letting out a breath of pent-up air and forcing a smile onto his face. It was never good to face rejection of whatever kind. But, after recalling Coach Johansen's advice a moment later, he finally relaxed, pushing the matter of the national team to the back of his mind. At the very least, he would get to keep his coach happy by keeping his playing time minimal.

"I'm glad you've taken the news well," Coach Damata said, still observing him closely. "But I promise over the next few months, I'll start showing videos from your matches to the rest of the coaching staff so that this doesn't happen again."

"Thanks, coach," Zachary said, flashing the aged man a grin. "You don't have to do all that. Moreover, I probably wouldn't have agreed to the call."

"Oh, why is that?" Coach Damata probed, creasing his brow.

"The team physician back in Norway has recommended I keep my match count to the bare minimum since I've just experienced a growth spurt. You must have noticed the problem based on my current height. I'm way taller than I was during the trials." He'd decided to give a reason in order to avoid burdening the old coach with more issues. He was already doing enough by occasionally checking on his grandma from time to time. So, he didn't want to add more to his plate.

"Oh, a growth spurt!" Coach Damata exclaimed, giving him a once-over from across the table. "Is that why you missed most of the opening matches of the season?"

"Yes, that's why the coaches kept me out of the squad for some time."

"Are you okay now?" Coach Damata inquired, seemingly very concerned. "Do you feel any joint pains or any discomfort in your muscles?"

"Not at all," Zachary replied, shaking his head. "As I said, the coaches are keeping my match count low. So, I've managed to deal with it without any complications."

"That's good, then," Coach Damata said, seemingly relaxing. "Your health is paramount. So, don't try to play when you're feeling any discomfort. Okay?"

"Yes, coach," Zachary replied, nodding. "I understand."

"Good," Coach Damata said, grinning and caressing his long goatee. "So, should we go see your grandma? I'm sure you're eager to get a look at her new residence in Lubumbashi."

"Yes, we can go right after I say goodbye to my friend who traveled with me back here," Zachary said. "I'm sure you know her as well. She is Kristin, the granddaughter of Mr. Martin Stein, the scout who took Kasongo and me to Norway."

"You mean the young girl who claimed that she was a scout in training?"

"Yes," Zachary replied, nodding. "That's the one."

"Could she be here on another scouting mission?" Coach Damata asked, his voice rising a bit.

"No," Zachary said, shaking his head. "She's just here as a tourist on tour. So, don't try to bother her with any football-related stuff."

"Oh! What a letdown! How's Mr. Stein, by the way? How come he's no longer coming to visit us in Lubumbashi?"

"He's doing okay," Zachary said, in the spirit of not disclosing any personal information about the old scout. "When I go back, I'll tell him to contact you."

"That'll be good," Coach Damata said, grinning. "If he could scout more players from here, it would do our country good."

"Before I forget," Zachary said, "What's the status of the vehicle I shipped here a few weeks back? Has it arrived yet?"

"Yes," Coach Damata replied, nodding. "The Audi arrived in Lubumbashi two days ago. I had someone drive it and pack it at your grandma's residence. After that, I left the keys with her."

"Oh, thanks a lot for your help," Zachary said, grinning. "I don't know how I would have managed the shipment without you here in Lubumbashi to receive it."

"You don't need to say thanks," Coach Damata said, waving an arm about him in a dismissive gesture. "Your grandma and I are good friends. Helping her grandson is a pleasure."

"But thanks anyway," Zachary said, standing up from his seat. "I'll quickly say goodbye to my friend upstairs, and then we can be on our way. Do you want to order anything in the meantime?"

"No," Coach Damata said, tone firm. "I just had some breakfast. Just go and finish up. Don't worry about me. I'll wait for you here."

"Okay, thanks," Zachary said. "I'll be back in a minute."

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