The Guide to Capturing a Black Lotus

Chapter 57: Demon Incense Factory (2)

Chapter 57: Demon Incense Factory (2)

Come, eat some more fruit.

Madam Shi reached out to grab the plate with four plums and pushed it in front of Ling Miaomiao, sending a beaming smile her way. Her voice was very sweet and seemed extraordinarily warm.

The plums were both plump, large and round. There was even some frost on the ink-black skin of the fruit. The entirety of the table was full of plates, there were black grapes, honey peaches and scarlet persimmons. They all looked incredibly fresh and there wasnt a single scar or blemish to be found.

The cyan glaze on the teacups was extremely shiny. Bamboo leaves were drawn on the cups and the tea contained inside was clear. The tea leaves were plump and the dense fragrance of tea wafted into the air. All in all, everything, compared to Taicang County, wasnt lacking at all.

On the way here, the lead protagonists all secretly exclaimed to themselves. Li Zhun and his family had moved to the abandoned village Jingyang Slope, and had spent great effort to reform and rebuild the place. Only a bare modicum of the prior decline could be seen. Many small houses and residences dotted the green hills and clear waters. It was rare for outsiders to come and the whole place smelled greatly of a place of seclusion.


Li Zhuns home was built in the style of Jiangnan: White walls and black roof tiles. In stark contrast, there was a dense forest behind the house, giving it a heavy sense of elegance. They slowly walked up to the house, and upon opening the door, birds perched in the courtyard were startled, chirping as they flew into the sky. Then, the strong fragrance of flowers came billowing into their faces. Roses, hibiscus and crab apples. Red and pink, splendid colors of flowers with bees and butterflies lingering about. Once the young boy inside watering the plants saw them entering, he shyly dropped the pot he was carrying and ran into the rooms. The vapour in the air of the flower bed was thick enough to leave a seven-colored halo in the air.

Light streamed in through the short windows and through the motley of towering trees to shine upon the limestone bricks in the courtyard, many shapes and sizes of rays lighting up the bricks.

The air filled with the fragrance of flowers and birdsong; servants ready to serve at a call. Living like this was what one could truly consider to be a fulfilling life.

Fkvvkdt kd vbl nldvla byzz, Yyeyx Fbk yde plhlayz xykep cwpkle vblxplzhlp: Slqkzzkdt Nkw Wwukp nwr okvb oyvla, ryppkdt y bydejlanbklq shla vs Yw Zys yde lhld xydytkdt vs prkd yaswde vs pvwqq y ulzzso, tzkpvldkdt obkvl rlya kdvs Nkdt Ykysxkysp byde. Fbl pzwttkpbzu czkdjle yv vbl srrspkdt pxyzz lulp, Rvp pollv, vau kv.

Tla qkdtlap olal zsdt, obkvl yde qyka, yrrlyakdt ycpszwvlzu tsatlswp. Xvbla vbyd bla psxlobyv nsxknyz qynkyz qlyvwalp, pbl oyp, qasx bla blye vs bla vslp, yde okvb lynb yde lhlau tlpvwal sa xshlxldv, hlau nzlyazu y hlau nyryczl yde oyax xyvakyanb sq y qyxkzu.

Mbydj usw. Nkdt Ykysxkys pxkzle yde ynnlrvle kv. Fbl vwadle yaswde vs clyx fsuswpzu yv Yw Fbldt, pbsokdt sqq vbl rlya kd bla byde, Tlu! Zsw

Fbl bye sdzu prsjld y pkdtzl osae clqsal vbl rlya pbsole wr kd bkp bydep.

Yw Fbldtp blye oyp zsolale yde bl ycpldvxkdelezu caswtbv swv y pxyzz eyttla qasx bkp asclp. Tl wdpblyvble kv kd sdl byde yde tyhl kv y tsse qlo pokrlp okvb kv. Brsd alvwadkdt vbl rlya vs Nkdt Ykysxkysp byde, kv bye vwadle kdvs yd lmvalxlzu xshkdt pbyrl sq y aycckv, Tlal.

Nkdt Ykysxkys pkzldvzu pvyale yv vbl aycckv-pbyrle rlya, bla qynl raynvknyzzu vbl pbyrl sq y iwlpvksd xyaj, R ypjle oblvbla sa dsv usw oydvle vs lyv kv, obu eke usw nyahl kv kdvs vbkp?

Mblka vynkv wdelapvydekdt sq sdl ydsvbla bye alynble pwnb yd kdnalekczl zlhlz yzalyeu. Gcpszwvlzu alxyajyczl.

G qkv sq tkttzlp lawrvle qasx clpkel vblx. Ykysxkys vwadle yaswde vs zssj yde pyo Yw Zys, Nkw Wwuk yde Yyeyx Fbk yzz zywtbkdt obkzl oyvnbkdt vblx. Rv oyp zkjl vblu olal oyvnbkdt vos jkep qktbvkdt kd vbl xwe, vaukdt vblka hlau clpv vs ldvlavykd vbl yewzvp oyvnbkdt vblx swvpkel.

Mu Shengs watery black irises drifted over to her and then stared at the pear. He pursed his lips, probably angry again.


Youre really amazing, you can even carve pears. Ling Miaomiao squinted at his expression, smiling in a compromising way. She crunched down on the pear a few times, causing the juices to burst out. She couldnt help but exclaim, So sweet!

She habitually licked her lips, causing her lips to glisten brightly. Mu Sheng stared for a moment before turning around to look outside the window.

Madam Shi laughed without restraint, passing a handkerchief over. She was just like a warm and intimate big sister from next door, her eyes filled with loving care, There are still persimmons, we planted them ourselves and theyre also very sweet.

Li Zhun sat in the seat of honor, with both hands cupping his face, just like a child. He stared, engrossed with Madam Shis round face and her smiling face, to the point that he completely ignored his guests.

Liu Fuyi and Mu Yao could both see a deep-seated love within his eyes, and both of them turned to look at each other in a flabbergasted manner.

Thats right. Li Zhuns love towards his wife was so great even outsiders could see it in a single glance. Wherever he went, he had to bring Madam Shi along with. If the two of them werent linked hands together, they were at least shoulder to shoulder. No matter how many countless times they crossed the door frame together, he would have to hold his wifes arm and exhort, Slowly, be careful.

From beginning to the end, the gaze with which he used to stare at her was akin to the passionate first love a youngster would have. It was filled with curiosity and an endless amount of longing.

Li Zhun was a promising merchant and hence, was naturally very wealthy. He was also born free and outstanding. However, he didnt have a single mistress outside, all his love was lavished onto pampering Madam Shi. This Madam Shi person wasnt really any sort of gifted or amazing character. Even her appearance was slightly strange. In comparison, any of the servant girls here were more pleasing to the eye than her

When Mu Yao and Liu Fuyi glanced at one another, their eyes also conveyed a great sense of doubt and countless conjectures floated through their minds.

Brother Li, might I ask when you moved over to Jingyang Slope? Liu Fuyi sipped his tea and interrupted Li Zhuns intense gaze.

Oh, Brother Liu. You dont need to be so courteous. Li Zhun returned to his senses and smiled slightly, Four years ago, my daughter was deeply sick and I nearly had to sell off my entire house in order to return her to health, fortunately, I met Madam Shi.

In the end, they still managed to return the topic to Madam Shi. Li Zhun was starry-eyed, twinkling bright as they shone with warmth while watching her. Not only is she a brilliant doctor at healing my daughters illness, she also suggested we move here in order to help my daughter recuperate. The next spring that came around, we moved here.


The main leads all fell into a moment of silence.

Mu Yaos complexion became complex, I really cant see it at all. Madam, youre also a doctor?

Although the scenery and air at Jingyang Slope was admittedly very wonderful, this was also once a place where a plague had broken out at. Thousands of people had died and the village had been abandoned long ago. Villagers outside could sometimes hear the wind sounding like the language of devils. The yin aura here had been extremely dense here, and even those out foraging for firewood would habitually avoid this place.

What kind of decent citizen would suggest bringing a sick person to this kind of place to nourish their body?

Madam Shi was startled, lowering her head somewhat in embarrassment as she smiled, I dont dare call myself a doctor.

Fuyi nodded, then asked, Brother Li, you have a daughter?

Just a few moments ago, it seemed like nearly everyone had come out to welcome them, yet they didnt see anyone that seemed like they could be his daughter. They had thought Li Zhun and Madam Shi were childless at first.

Thats right, my daughters name is Chuchu. She took my first wifes maiden name: Fang, as her last name. Upon bringing up his daughter, a loving smile filled up Li Zhuns, even his tone grew a few tones warmer, Shes only five years old.

Before he finished speaking, a wet nurse clothed in brown robes walked in carrying a young child with a steamed bun for hair. He joyously gestured over, Look, speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao appears. 1 [1] Caocao is. A dude. Lol. Basically Cao Cao was this super infamous person that many people were afraid of during the Three Kingdoms time period. A warlord, poet, statesman and king. This is basically the Chinese equivalent of speak of the devil and the devil appears.

He stood up and walked over to the side of the wet nurse. Caressing the small face of his daughter as he booped her little nose, teasing her as he spoke, Isnt that right, Chuchu?

The little girls hair was still a little unruly, some of the hair ends curling up and sticking onto her forehead. Her delicate face was adorned with a pair of spirited dark pupils. Her nose was small and petite. If one were to ignore the slight amount of purple on her lips, she would look exactly like a brittle porcelain doll.

Chuchu was somewhat afraid of the strangers but looking at her fathers fingers, a faint smile appeared on her face. However, upon looking back at the people sitting in the hall, she shyly buried her head back into the arms of the wet nurse.


Seeing such a cute little girl, they knew for sure that Madam Shi was the stepmother. In addition, Li Zhuns first wife, Madam Fang, was definitely a great beauty.

The father and daughter had the same kind of attractiveness. It was increasingly obvious they both had large oval faces and Madam Shis eyes that were a little too far apart from one another, looked very different from the young childs.

However, it was unexpected that the three of them were so intimately close. Once the wet nurse opened her arms, Chuchu took the initiative to stretch out her arms to leap into Madam Shis embrace. She sat obediently on her knee, playing with the golden threaded buttons on her collar with great concentration.

Today, the young miss was very obedient, she drank two bowls of medicine without crying or making a fuss. The wet nurses face was joyful as she reported.

Suddenly hearing her own name being called, Chuchu stuck her face deeper into Madam Shis chest. She reached out with her long fingers and lovingly rubbed her back a few times. Her crisp and sweet voice was undulating with exaggeration as she nearly sang like a lark, Is that true, you were this obedient?

The little girl squirmed in her arms a few times, as if she was nodding her head, albeit somewhat embarrassed.

Li Zhuns mood was ecstatic. He dismissed the wet nurse and sighed deeply, taking a sip of tea at the same time, Brother Liu, you might not know but its already a great fortune to me for Chuchu to grow so big. Not to mention moving somewhere, even if it would cost me my familys fortune, I would willingly endure it all.

Liu Fuyi leaned forward slightly in deep concern, Might I ask what kind of illness would require thousands of gold to cure?

Dyspnea. 2 [2] Dyspnea is the medical term for shortness of breath. Theres a wide divide between mild and extreme cases and in this case, it seems to be pretty extreme Just like her mother. Li Zhun looked over in pity at the still somewhat sparse hair on Chuchus head. A thread of sentiments flowing through his eyes, My first wife, Madam Fang, also suffered greatly from this same illness. When she gave birth to Chuchu, misfortune struck and her illness relapsed, and so she died

Between Madam Fang and I, theres only this one line of blood left between us. I just want to take care of her and make sure she grows up safe and sound. Hopefully, Madam Fangs spirit in heaven will be consoled.

Dyspnea. So it was a problem with the heart. It was carried over in the womb and inherited. No wonder that despite her young age, her lips were an unhealthy purple color.

Mu Yao felt amazed, Even dyspnea can be healed


Come here Chuchu, lets go back and rest. Suddenly, Madam Shi lifted up the girl who had already started dozing off and walked back into the rooms. She nodded back at the guests in the hall in apology, You cant say that she was healed, its just suppressed it somewhat. Chuchus body is weaker than other childrens. She needs to sleep more hours than most.

Everyone nodded and sent her off with their eyes, her bright skirt slowly disappearing from their sight. For a period of time, they all pondered.

When Peiyun returned to the palace, she was all but forgotten. The rims of Princess Duanyangs eyes were red as she faced the pillar, sulking.

Princess. She kneeled, carefully considering her words while picking up the broken pieces on the ground.

Clearly, the conversation between brother and sister didnt end off on a good note.

Are you also here at my Emperor Brothers behest to convince me? Duanyang turned around, face deeply depressed and distressed. Do you also feel the same way as my Emperor Brother? That I should be married to one of those high nobles? Even if each and every one of them were just a useless sack of wine, only knowing to guzzle wine and food? All they want is power and to obtain the position as the Emperors brother-in-law.

Peiyuns actions at picking up the shattered pieces paused. She raised her head to look at Princess Duanyang, Princess, you are the most precious girl in our country. You ought to be paired with the most outstanding person.

Duanyangs face sank, Youre still standing on my Emperor Brothers side.

Princess. Peiyuns normally warm and gentle eyes suddenly flashed with a blazing light, How one should determine the most outstanding man should be left to you, theres no declaration from the heavens as to how they should be defined.

She stood up, stepping closer to Duanyang. She placed both of her hands on her shoulders, The one that you like. Thats the most outstanding one out of them all.

Duanyang blankly stared into her eyes. Suddenly, she felt like the normally docile Peiyun had become different.

The rims of her eyes reddened, I also feel the same. I should chase after my own happiness after all, right?

Thats right, Princess. Duanyang could see her own reflection in Peiyuns amber eyes. Ones life on this earth is only so short. You shouldnt leave any regrets for yourself. If even you, our princess, cannot find your own happiness, how could the rest of us possibly do so?

Peiyun Duanyang felt riled up and her blood pumped. She reached out to hold Peiyuns hand, feeling as if she had suddenly obtained a solid ally, Then tell me, what should I do to make Brother Liu stay?

Peiyun kneeled and looked at her with gentle eyes, Your highness, isnt your opponent just the fact that Taoist Lui drifts abouts? As long as you can make him no longer drift about and no longer stay a Taoist; Couldnt you keep him by your side forever?

TLN: Whew Ive been so tired when I get home everyday that I just pass out on my bed haha. Also, they just started allowing people to go back to the offices today. well see how long that lasts lol. Anyways, hope yall people enjoy, stay safe, eat healthy and dont harm thyselves! (Also work out ok? Some light workout to keep your energy levels higher. lol >.>)

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