The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter

Chapter 125 - Understanding is impossible

Chapter 125: Understanding is impossible

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Weasalopes”

Crouching, S writhed under the intense pain and respiration problems that swamped him. Filled with sorrowful emotions I observed.

It’s a first for me…… To have such feelings after cutting an enemy.

A few minutes later S became able to talk, as expected from someone this strong.

「……What are you doing? Is it your hobby? Looking upon suffering humans? You are no different from royalty.」

「……This sword is not for killing. I slashed you in order to save you. If you kept going like that you would’ve died.」

「All the same. You will capture me. It’s the same is killing me, no, even worse.」

He is right.

If I hand him over, the king will kill him with glee. Quite possibly he will be tormented with all kinds of torture and then put to death in front of the whole town to make an example. That, I can easily imagine.

「I won’t tell you to forget about your sister. But I’d like you to start a new life. You might be able to find a new future. That’s what I think.」

「Why do you cry? I am your enemy…… Am I not?」

「I don’t know. It just, by itself……」

My head burns and I can’t stop tears.

I tried to hide them with my hand, but tears showed no signs of stopping.

If I get attacked right now it would be my defeat. But above that, it’s embarrassing. But that’s how I ended up after thinking of happy days S spent with his sister.

But he didn’t exploit that opportunity and asked in a hesitant tone.

「Though they were scum, I killed a number of people for my goal. I also stole money and goods. Can I be forgiven? My sister hated people being hurt the most. Do you think she would forgive me?」

「Even if gods, law, or your sister won’t forgive you, I want toーー」

ーーRevealing signs of inner turmoil S then went silent for a while.

I tear some of S’s clothes and use them to stop the bleeding on his arm.

He didn’t resist and obediently allowed me to treat him.

「You are kind. But this puts your life is in danger, doesn’t it?」

「Instead of your life I will take S’ arm. Living with one hand surely would be hard, but I don’t want to die as well.」

「……No problem. But it’s not like it’s set that I will give up on my revenge.」

「I’d like you to give up S’ name and start a new life. But you are the one to make that decision. Even if you decide to continue your activities, I’d prefer if you didn’t call yourself S anymore. 」

That moment S laughed for the first time. His expression was quite peaceful. Being hardly more than a young boy I couldn’t guess what he was thinking.

However, now he should pick a better path.

That’s what I’d like to believe.

Successfully stopping the bleeding I put his left arm into subdimensional storage. I wonder what I should say for parting words.

「Do you think such crimes will be forgiven?」

That wasn’t S.

And of course not me as well.

The hate-filled voice brought by a night wind belonged to Naina-san.

The tone, being that different from usual, left me dumbfounded.

◇ ◆ ◇

Looking at us with bloodshot eyes her expression was completely different from the usual one. A cat might usually yawn at leisure, but the moment it finds a mouse it immediately turns wild.

She seems similar to that with S being her prey. The target for both her hunt and revenge.

「Aren’t you awful, Noir-kun. telling me nothing about S.」

She probably followed us being worried about me. And then overheard our conversation.

She glared at S with eyes that sent chill down my spine.

「So that’s what the bastard looked like. Do you know a man called Paratto? The one you killed.」

「……That boy, huh. I remember him.」

「I’ll have you meet the same fate!」

Naina-san’s voice that was on the verge of cracking resounded through the park. As if prompted by her anger, a single horn grew from her forehead as her body increased in size.

The muscle mass increased considerably. The skin also became slightly reddish. While the scene of her transformation with night sky and moon in the background looked very fairytale-like, at the same time it was scary.

It seems that not only her appearance changes with【Onification】. Appraisal showed that her level is now over 150.

She instantly became powerful……

「The reason you killed Paratto?」

I asked S out of curiosity.

「He had sadistic inclinations and regularly tormented and murdered elderly, women and children. He also forced the weak to fight each other. I killed him after witnessing that.」

It probably reminded him of his sister.

All of this makes him the same as dirty nobles that conduct noble battles.

But even after hearing that Naina didn’t budge. And didn’t try to deny it either. Does it mean that she knew about it?

「Paratto had his shortcomings, but even so, he was my cute little brother.」

「His shortcomings are way too terrible…」

Naina-san grew even more enraged as I accidentally blurted out what was on my mind. Bulging veins on her forehead are frightening me.

Making an effort to suppress that fear I stand in front of S.

「Please stay back. You will die if you fight now. I’ll do it.」

「……Paratto’s brute strength was abnormal. Avoid getting into close combat.」

Agreeing with that advice I take a stance with my sword. Since S makes no attempts to escape Naina also didn’t make any rash movements.

Probably planning to calmly get rid of him after defeating me.

「I wonder if you can win with that exhaustion?」

Naina-san charged at me. Though her movements were simple, she also maneuvered to the left and right. Her moves were systematic so hitting her with magic……… Won’t be that simple.

She moved so fast that I barely could follow her with my eyes. I’ll try to resist by somehow swinging my sword.


And just when I thought that this might be bad I got slapped across the face.

For a moment I almost blacked out, but I got a hold of myself and stayed conscious. However, the next thing I got kicked in the stomach and knocked away. I get nothing but this today.

Boo-hoo-hoo, poor me.

「Noir-kun, it’s your last chance. Quietly hand over S to me. You will end up full of holes.」

She pulled out a stone from her bulging pocket. Pretending to hesitate I activate 【Item Appraisal】.

…Just a normal stone.

Not a magic item.

「After coming to this town I’m not sure what is right anymore. So I will prioritize what I saw myself.」

「Are you saying that you’re gonna die? You are an absolute moron!」

I heard the sound of something moving very fast. I immediately move to evade, but get hit in the left arm anyway and leak a pained shriek.

It’s not broken but it hurts a lot.

「There you go! I’ll tear you to shreds like this.」

With a smile, she keeps throwing stones at me. She clearly was enjoying herself, I couldn’t see that as anything but sadism. I wonder if that’s the result of Onification.

「Boy, use this.」

「Thank you.」

S picked up Champion’s Shield and threw it to me. Catching it I used it to protect myself. No matter how strong she is, in the end, it’s just ordinary stones. I can completely block them.

A bit of a good idea came to my mind, so I on purpose stopped moving while hiding behind the shield. The sound of stones being repelled continued at irregular intervals.

「Pathetic. Is that how a man fights? Do you really have balls?!」

She kept insulting me. A faint sound of footsteps was mixed with the sound of hitting stones. She most definitely will come closer to me. Here she is.

「Boo. Got you.」

She suddenly moved right next to me. With monstrous strength she grabbed me by my collar, having eyes that almost asked 「how do you like this」and a twisted smile plastered onto her face.

「Chuckle, it’s over for you, Noir-kun.」

「Indeed, it is.」

I might be a coward, but I wouldn’t turtle without any plan. I stuck to defense to 【Flash】her from point-blank distance.

The intense light produced from my fingertip leaves Naina-san stunned.


In confusion from losing her sight, she takes a few steps back. I use that chance to trip her. Nice, she fell on her backside! Taking her hand I use Layla-san’s submission technique.

Zero hesitation.

I break it in one go.


She made an agonized shriek that shouldn’t come from a girl’s mouth. Since she kept trashing I tried to break another arm, but she sent me flying using only one hand.

「What is that power……」

I managed to adjust my position in the air and made a perfect landing on my butt.

Not that bad for me.


She rushed at me in a reckless charge before I could get up. Being too scared I tried to escape, but a wall of earth suddenly rose in front of her.

Running into it headfirst she collapsed to the ground. Even so, the earth wall got destroyed…… That’s quite a hard head she got. S was the one who caused that supernatural phenomenon.

「Haa, haa, this is the chance…… Finish this……」

「Yes. 」

I focus my mind. And then summon lightning. It’s hard to use in combat since the skill leaves me vulnerable, but it should be fine now.

Invoked【Thunderbolt】made a direct hit on Naina-san that already began her attempts to get up.


Falling flat she became unmoving. I defeated her…… Right? It wouldn’t be funny if she’s only pretending, so I carefully approached her.

She is breathing.

She only fainted. The power of lightning summoned with thunderbolt skill is on the weak side. She also was under onification, so the damage shouldn’t be that great.

On the other hand, S was hyperventilating but managed to recover. I then announced.

「We part our ways here. I might sound obstinate, but please think well on your life from now on.」

「…I won’t thank you. And also won’t make promises about my future path.」

「Yes, it’s fine. But please properly think about it. And you also should visit a healer or a doctor.」

He remained silent but made a nod, so I guess it’s fine.

Since I got his arm I hurry to leave the park.

There is no telling when Naina-san will wake up.

I felt reluctant about returning to the inn, so I spent the night on a bench at a nearby square.

It’s so cold…… I’d like to meet with everyone faster.

◇ ◆ ◇

On the morning of the next day, I kneel before King Gyro.

Giving him S’s hand I told him that S is dead.

「What about his corpse?」

Seemingly a bit dissatisfied King Gyro furrowed his brows. I, however, didn’t panic, and blandly narrated a false story. I made it so that I burned him with powerful magic that didn’t leave even bones.

The arm just happened to be out of range as thus was left unharmed. Just in case I also relayed S’s appearance. But to make sure that I won’t be called out as it might differ from the previous reports and eyewitnesses’ words I tried not to alter it too much.

「How was his death? Did he suffer?」

「He shouted curses in agony. He was deeply regretful about being unable to overthrow royalty and aristocrats.」

「I see! That’s how it was!」

The king’s face immediately turned cheerful as he clapped his hand.

Until now he surely used his authority to crush anyone he didn’t like. But S wasn’t so simple.

He must be delighted. Haa……

「Ahem. Even so, there is no guarantee that this arm doesn’t belong to someone else. As such, I want you to stay here for two weeks more. If S won’t appear during that time we shall reward you.」

「No, thank you. I want to see my family and friends, so I will get on my way back.」

「What?! I won’t forgive such folly!」

「I’m not king Gyro’s soldier. And it’s also a truth that this arm belongs to S.」

Yup, it is. I can say with confidence that it’s not a lie! I can boldly proclaim that this is the truth. Perhaps affected by that tone, but King kept his frown without doing anything else.

Let’s provoke him a bit before leaving.

「In the first place, is it even possible for me to have my reward? After all, my wish is to abolish noble battles.」


No need for such reactions. 「Fua」from a dude with three chins doesn’t sound cute at all… Since he looked like he wanted to hear how I know about this, I told him that I heard about this from S during the battle. The king turned pale and began mumbling.

Heeh, so he is more or less aware that he is doing something bad.

「Playing with the lives of innocent people is absolutely unforgivable! ……Is what I’d say. Otherwise, you will have another S.」


Giving him one last glare I unwillingly bowed my head and turned to the exit.

To be honest I was in a cold sweat wondering if guards will attack me. It’s hard to be a coward. I’m truly a son of my father.

Safely getting out of the castle I head to a shop that works with signboards and billboards.

I purchase a sign there. By no means it was cheap but I didn’t hesitate. On it I had the following written.

『The king and a portion of nobles amuse themselves by forcing innocent citizens to kill each other. They dare to call it noble battles. Can it be forgiven? We should rise up to this injustice.』

Then I placed it in the most crowded area.

An act of modest revenge from the traveler.

I’d like to get on my way back as fast as possible…… But I drop by the inn. My luggage is still there after all. No one was at the reception, so I entered the room that I rented and packed my things.

Now, there is no one in the lobby. Timidly I put payment for the room on the service counter. Then, perhaps hearing that sound, Naina-san appeared from the interior.

「Hello, who’s there…」

Yes, her. The eyes with which she looked at me. It’s almost as if I killed her parents.

「I thought that I would pay for the room. A lot happened, huh.」

Naina-san counted coins in silence. At least she didn’t try to punch me. I’m a bit relieved.

「Get out right now. I don’t want to even see your face.」

I obey without arguing. We ended up on hostile terms, but they took great care of me at this inn. At the exit, I bow my head.

Then, Naina-san says emotionally.

「What you did is a mistake. I won’t ever forgive you.」

「…I don’t understand how that is a mistake. But I believe in my own choice.」

That’s the only words we exchanged.

It was most likely useless.

I quietly leave the inn. Becoming enemies with people that you want to be friends with is sad after all.

But reaching understanding with absolutely everyone is probably not possible.

Pointing my gaze in the direction of the sky of my hometown I head out.

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