The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 329 Shocking News

"Doctor Lehman, I need you to do something," Nicholas tapped his fingers on his desk and motioned the old doctor to come in. "I want you to go to Duke Romanov's manor and check on one of his sons' condition. I just came there today and found out that their son is injured."

He uttered every word in a flat expression, but his heart was bleeding. He had to refer to Jan as Duke Romanov's son, because he didn't want the doctor to ask too many questions now. He didn't have time to explain. Right now, every minute counts.

Doctor Lehman must immediately go and check Jan and provide him with the best care. Nicholas was sure that if he could treat the queen so well, he could also treat Jan's wounds and help him recover fast.

"Oh... I  saw the boys two months ago, during the royal party to celebrate Princess Karenina's birthday," the doctor remarked. "I will gladly go and help them. However, I actually think someone like Duke Romanov must have private doctors at his disposal. I just don't want to overstep my domain."

The doctor tried not to sound rude by arguing with the king. However, he knew of Duke Romanov's reputation. The duke was not friendly and he was quite reclusive. He made many people owe him money and influence, and he would demand them to do things for him, but he didn't like people coming and giving him unsolicited services.

There was a reason why he chose to live in the outskirts of Livstad, in that secluded manor, instead of the bustling capital city. He was not a people person.

Now,  it's true that Doctor Sam Lehman worked for the king and therefore he should obey the king's orders. However, the king was an easygoing man who wouldn't kill him if he made mistakes. The doctor was not sure about the duke.

If Duke Romanov felt offended that a random doctor came and offered to check on his son, he might punish the doctor or worse... kill him.

"Are you saying you don't want to go?" Nicholas raised an eyebrow. "This is an order."

"Ah.. no, of course not, Your Majesty," Doctor Lehman's face paled. "I will go."

"I will send some knights to go with you," Nicholas added. He could see the doctor's pale face suddenly looking bright again. This made him feel annoyed. "I am sure the knights won't be needed, but just in case."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will go immediately," Doctor Lehman bowed down and left the king's study.

Nicholas massaged his temple and closed his eyes. Today was such a long day. He was worried about Jan, and sad when he thought about Sophie.

Heaven was truly playing a joke on him.


Nicholas was moved from his reverie by the knock on his door. He wondered if Doctor Lehman forgot something or he wanted to clarify the assignment with Nicholas, so he returned.

However, the king was wrong. When he opened his eyes, he caught sight of the last person on earth that he wanted to see.


Why was she here?

Nicholas heard from the queen that his fiancee was so broken by what happened between them and decided to return to her father's home in Hauntingen. This had given Nicholas some relief, because he thought she finally gave up and decided to live her life as a free woman, no longer attaching herself to the crown.

Was he wrong?

Did she want something from him?

Or... did she come back after she gave it a long thought and decided she would still want to force Nicholas to take responsibility and marry her?

If he had even a tiny feeling for her, or if he remembered that he did sleep with her, he might... MIGHT think about it. But that was before his memories about Sophie returned.

Now, Nicholas really couldn't see himself marrying any other woman. He would rather spend the rest of his life alone than betray his love for Sophie.

Also, why would he need a wife now? He already had his heirs. His mother could no longer pester him for marriage for heirs because he could tell her about Luciel and Jan.

"Your Majesty..." Karenina's voice croaked. She looked distraught but tried to act tough. Nicholas was wondering what was on her mind.

"Karenina," Nicholas got up from his chair out of politeness. He motioned her to sit down. "How  are you?"

She refused to come forward, still standing by the doorway.

"Not so well," she admitted.

Nicholas noticed her chapped lips and her hollow cheeks. She looked like she was losing a lot of weight. Was she sick?

"I am sorry to hear that," Nicholas stepped forward to approach her. "Do you want me to call you a doctor?"

He could summon another doctor to check on her condition while Doctor Lehman was away.

"I-I've checked with several doctors already..." Karenina said weakly. "They all said the same thing."

"Huh? What is it? What did they tell  you?"

Suddenly, Nicholas felt ominous. His heart pounded and he subconsciously held his breath.

Karenina sighed. She looked like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.

"They all said I am pregnant," she said flatly. "Ten weeks now."

She was lying, of course. Her pregnancy was only six weeks in. It was very new. But she would deal with the details later. Right now, she needed to drop the news on Nicholas's lap and ask him to take responsibility.

Nicholas's heart skipped a beat. Karenina's birthday party, where he was accused of raping her during his blackout moment happened two months ago. If the sexual intercourse resulted in pregnancy, it would be exactly ten weeks now.

Karenina smiled inwardly when she saw Nicholas' shocked expression. She would make him suffer for everything he had done to her, making her wait for years and look like a fool.

"I know you don't want it, so I will abort the baby," she continued her words, with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I just came here to let you know."

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