The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 360 Nicholas Is Passing By Hastings


Thank you, dear Jess R 7437, for gifting a castle to this book yesterday. Wow, you read SO FAST!!





"Your Majesty, you are so wise and gracious," Karenina wiped her fake tears and hugged Nicholas. "I don't want anything in this world, but I just want to continue seeing Her Majesty the queen. Thank you."

Nicholas reflexively stepped back when Karenina hugged him, so the girl only touched air.

"Very well. I am glad we have an agreement," he said casually. "I really appreciate this."

Karenina was a good actress. She didn't seem offended that the king dodged her touch. Only the Viscount winced his forehead in displeasure when he witnessed his daughter being embarrassed like that. However, there was nothing he could do. This was the king he was dealing with.

Nicholas was relieved that Karenina didn't turn into a drama queen as he expected. Since she acted like a mature adult, he also acted politely and nicely to her. The king then said that he agreed to Karenina's terms and said she can come to the palace whenever she wanted.

Karenina put on a happy face and thanked Nicholas. Her attitude really made Nicholas feel another burden was lifted off his chest. He was glad that he didn't have to feel bad for the girl.

Nicholas finally left Hauntingen feeling very, very relieved. The two big burdens that had been pressing against his chest were finally released. Now he felt very free. He could start focusing on paving the way for Jan and Luciel to inherit the throne of Riga.


Meanwhile, Viscount Verhoven pulled Karenina's arm roughly after the king left their home. He glared at the young woman and gritted his teeth.

"What were you doing??? Didn't you come crying to me months ago asking me to find a way to force him to marry you? You even got yourself pregnant!"

Eloise who was under disguise as Karenina winced her brows. She didn't know this fact. That stupid witch Gwen didn't inform her of this important info. Karenina also didn't discuss it when they met for tea.

This made Eloise feel angry. She almost blew up her disguise earlier because she didn't cover this one base. Fortunately, Nicholas didn't seem to care about the baby. He didn't ask about it, not even once. Had he asked, Eloise might act suspiciously and Nicholas would know there was something wrong with his 'fiancee'.

"Dammit," Eloise muttered under her breath.

"What did you say?" The Viscount stepped back and hit her arm. "Don't you dare speak to me that way!"

Eloise pushed the man so hard, he fell to the ground. "Shut up, old man!"

"Hey! Hey...!" Viscount Verhoven was startled to see his daughter's reaction. "Karenina! How dare you!"

He tried to get up from the floor, but suddenly, his body felt so heavy and his chest was heaving up and down, panting for breath.

"I.. I can't..." he clutched his chest and his eyes bulged in horror. "can't... breathe."


Nicholas left the Verhoven's manor immediately. His chest was filled with relief and peace of mind. After he got on his horse, he actually thought about Karenina's pregnancy. He didn't believe her when she told him it was his child, but he had promised to provide for the child if she decided to give birth to it.

So, he already expected Karenina to make demands regarding the child. However, that didn't happen. Nicholas felt horrible for not asking about the child when he met Karenina earlier. In fact, he was slightly relieved that she didn't say anything.

Secretly, Nicholas was hoping she was just lying when she told him that she was pregnant.

Yeah... that must be it.

After a while, she couldn't continue faking a pregnancy, so she finally chose a way out. The moment that the king asked to officially end their engagement might be seen as a good excuse for her to do it.

Nicholas rubbed his temple and let out a long sigh. It was now no longer his business. He should stop thinking about it and moved forward.

​ The king motioned his knights to start their journey home. The small group immediately rode their horses and left for Livstad.


After two days, they were passing by Hastings, on the way to the capital. Nicholas was tempted to stop by and see Sophie. Well, even if he was not allowed to see Sophie, as long as he could see the boys, he would feel happy.

However, he knew better than to create another conflict while Sophie was heavily pregnant. Even if he didn't seek altercation with the Alpha, his mere presence would cause stress and hostility in the castle. It wouldn't be good for Sophie.

His heart was bleeding but Nicholas tried to hold back his feelings as much as possible.

He loved her so much that he didn't want her to feel hurt or stressed. He still had not been able to forgive himself for what happened in the past. He didn't want to add more to her burden.

After several months, slowly, his memory returned and now he could remember almost everything that he went through with her. Gaining his memories was both a blessing and a curse for Nicholas.

On the one hand, he was happy because he could fill the gap in his memory. It no longer looked like holey cheese. He loved every second he spent with her and was grateful for the chance he had with her.

However, on the other hand, the memories now served as a reminder of what he had and now lost.

It was all his fault. He had held the most precious diamond in his hand, but he slipped and lost it because he was not careful and his young self was too foolish to understand what was important in life.

Now that he was older, he realized, he didn't need other people's approval, not even his father. All he needed was her, only her.

But now it was too late.

"Should we enter Hastings and rest there for the  night?" A knight called Dew asked Nicholas.

The king shook his head, hiding his gleaming eyes. "No. Let's not waste time and go home as soon as possible."

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