The Law of Attraction

Chapter 311: The Trial

Chapter 311: The Trial

Lana noticed Xander was breathing heavily. She could hear loud sounds of inhaling and exhaling of Xander inside the car.

"Are you nervous?" she asked with a creased forehead.

"Don't be because you have me and Chad to back you up. Don't you know that I have never lost any case I handled till date, not even a single argument with anyone, ever since I got my license as a lawyer? Trust me on this one… I will surely bring you home in one piece to be with your pregnant wife and you will have a peaceful family life ahead." she boastfully declared, easing up the mood in the car.

Xander did not know whether to cry or laugh with Lana's encouragement.

Chad was the one who laughed and turned his head to look at the people sitting on the back seat, Lana and Xander.

"That's one good assurance, Lana," Chad complimented her with a grin.

Right now they were on their way to the private courtroom of Mirage Triad, the place where all the disputes between any of the three clans were heard by an impartial judge and it was compulsory for them all to abide by the decisions. Today was the commencement of the trial against Xander's enemy.

They had put a lot of effort in making their case strong for the culprit to not to escape. The courtroom of Mirage Triad was located at a secret place. Their transportation would be handled confidentially. Their car finally stopped at the meeting place where Xander and Lana would be handed over to Tai Clan's security, who would lead them to the courtroom.

"See you both in the courtroom. I'm just behind you guys," Chad reassured before Xander and Lana's eyes were blindfolded to be shifted inside another car that would take them to one of the private areas of Mirage Triad where the trial would take place.

After a couple of minutes, the car stopped. Xander and Lana were escorted inside the said courtroom under heavy security. As soon as they were inside the room, their blindfold was removed.

Lana looked around and noticed that the room looked exactly like a real courtroom except that the security was very tight even inside the room.

She glanced around to see who all were there and her eyebrows lifted seeing a familiar figure inside, who, like them, had just been freed from the blindfold. 'So that's what he meant?' she mused with a crumpled face looking at aloofly standing Liam who was acting as if he did not even know her.

'See me soon, huh? So this is that soon?' she silently grunted. Her hunch was right then. She did not ponder much about Liam's so called mission together with his cousins the time they were together because she wanted to spend at least a day of peaceful time on the island with her husband without worrying about anything.

"All rise…"

Soon The Judge entered

Lana had heard of this judge during her internship. He was a retired chief justice of the supreme court of that country, the one who was known for being 'fearless'. He was also famous for his very unbiased judgements, and Lana adored the man for being an upright man during his service in the country.

She had also heard that the old man always kept receiving death threats, but he was someone who was not afraid to die in his line of service. He had always believed in that famous line of 'death's going to happen sooner or later. What matters is you do the right thing before death knocks on your door.'

"Mirage Triad is interesting," Lana could not help but whisper to herself. She presumed they would often hire the judge for hearings and for special cases like this. Good thing that they hired a good reputed and unbiased one.

"The defendant is accused of multiple murders of the family members for gaining power in the clan…" the house speaker started and called out for the representative of the plaintiff to begin by stating their accusations.

Lana stood up and began presenting her case. She was already in the climax of defending Xander when…

"I object, your honor," Liam's voice interrupted her narration.

But then she kept her cool, engraving Liam's words to trust him. He kept repeating those words that night at Plumeria Island… 'To trust him, whatever happens, and continue to fight for justice and what was right'.

'But why is he even representing the unjust side?' Lana mused, but quickly cleared her thoughts from anything distracting to focus entirely on the trial. Then she assumed that this trial got something to do with his cousins, and there could be a connection somehow.

It was almost lunchtime when Lana presented her other and then a break was announced, and the trial was postponed till after lunch.

Xander and Lana were seated in a private room where Chad took care of their meals and accompanied them for lunch.

"Hey, Lana, I saw that man at Plumeria island. Yun's lawyer," Chad commented while they were eating.

"Yeah… He is really famous. Liam Sy. He??s actually Ryu's cousin." Xander interrupted. He knew Liam by name and his connection with the Kens. The man must have his own reason for taking up Yun's case he thought but still was a little dissatisfied with his doing so.

Lana was silent and felt the disdain in Xander's voice for Liam. She hesitated for a while, but then after a few minutes she said, "There must be a reason he is doing it, a valid reason for sure. He's a very just man and will not take any crappy case from a monster without any reasonable cause…"

Lana sighed, she knew her husband well.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Chad teased.

"Yeah… you can say so...." Lana muttered. Somehow she still wanted to keep her marriage from the two so they would not tease her and she could prank them later on.

"What?!" Chad and Xander exclaimed in chorus.

"Couples don't only fight inside the closed walls, you know, and a couple in the same profession are at loggerheads many times in their working areas, more so if they are lawyers…" Lana commented in a jest.

"What kind of relationship is it between you that you both are at loggerheads with each other? Wait! Make sure you won't lose to your boyfriend in this fight, Lana," Xander suddenly said in a worried tone that made Chad laugh hard.

"Why are you laughing! Don't you know Liam Sy? He could win even the most impossible cases that he takes up! He's a veteran compared to Lana! To be honest, I first asked him to fight my case, but he turned me down." Xander mumbled, recalling how Liam turned down his request for an appointment.

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