The Laws of Cultivation: Qi = MC^2

Chapter An Alchemist and a Thief's Untold Story - Chapter ??

Chapter An Alchemist and a Thief's Untold Story - Chapter ??

Since I was told that some people skip author notes. Here's one inside the chapter. This is a scene from the fanfiction that Yan Yun wrote, written by a reader, so this is NOT canon. I think it's hilarious, and so I decided to share.


Su Lin entered Lu Jie's laboratory, sweat-stained from a hard day's work on the field. He smiled faintly at the sight of Lu Jie as he tinkered with strangely shaped glass containers. It was then that Lu Jie noticed Su Lin. He smiled, placing one container down on his workbench.

"Su Lin," he said, affection deep in his voice and gaze. "You're finally done."

"Let's just say I felt... more motivated than usual," Su Lin replied, a roguish grin creeping onto his face. "Do you want to guess why?"

Lu Jie laughed in his sweet tenor, a genuine laugh with a cadence that went up and down. Su Lin found it adorable, and his grin crept higher up his cheeks.

Finally, after what seemed like minutes, Lu Jie let his laugh die down as he wiped the tears from his eyes. He could have laughed for hours and Su Lin would have savored every moment.

"You're always so indirect," Lu Jie heaved playfully. "After six months, you'd think you'd tell me what you want!"

"Oh, you know me." Su Lin approached Lu Jie. "The handsome rogue, always keeps you second-guessing."

Lu Jie could feel the heat radiating from Su Lin's chest. He exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"I don't need to guess a second time," Lu Jie cooed.

"Oh? Well if you're so smart, Mister Alchemist, why don't you tell me what you think I want?"

They stood inches apart now, Su Lin snaking his hand into Lu Jie's. Lu Jie swore he could feel his partner-in-crime's heartbeat from his palm. A grin came onto his face, but it could not hide the pink flush of Lu Jie' s cheeks.

"You know what you want," Lu Jie muttered, almost a whisper.

"And how do you know?" Su Lin asked in mock confusion.

"Because herbs aren't the only thing I'm good at gro—

"Jesus Christ," Lu Jie muttered as he slammed An Alchemist and a Thief's Untold Story shut.

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